Outreach and public engagement

A fundamental part of our work is to raise wider awareness of the collections we care for in order to engage a variety of different user groups and communities. We do this in a number of ways.

Engaging with our collections

Talks and presentations

We give talks and presentations to local communities or specialist groups. We are keen to develop this area of our work to collaborate with groups such as local history groups, art societies and student groups.


We arrange displays of our material, often linked to an event or activity, within our own display cabinets in our research room.

Institutional and national connections

We work with our Advancement and Marketing Departments on projects and activities linked to the University’s history and alumni. We are always interested in exploring ideas with colleagues which promote and utilise our heritage.

We participate in large national initiatives such as Heritage Open Days and Explore Your Archive in order to reach broader audiences and promote our wonderful collections.


We provide items from the archive collections for external exhibitions, particularly the E H Shepard collections, many of which are at national and international venues. If you are interested in borrowing items from our collections please email us.

Get in contact

If you or your group are interested in any of the above outreach activities then please do get in touch with us:

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