FASS intention to bid form

Data submitted via this form will be handled in line with the University of Surrey's information management policies.

The purpose of this form is to enable greater visibility of planned bidding activity so that the Faculty and Schools/Departments can ensure any necessary support is in place for you. Please refer to the guidance sheet for more information on how to complete this form and direct all queries related to data management to researchdata@surrey.ac.uk.

There is a University-wide process for requesting a formal institutional letter of support. Please refer to the guidance and template on SharePoint.

If you have any further questions, please discuss them either with your Director of Research or Jodie Weller, Faculty Research Coordinator.

Bid details
This should be the FASS lead for this bid; if this application is for an external person to come to Surrey (e.g. through a fellowship) who would be the PI, please note this below in response to Question 4.
3. Is this a joint bid with external collaborators?
3a. Is Surrey the lead institution?
4. Does this bid involve a Fellowship or external PI coming into Surrey?
Any other Co-Is employed by the University of Surrey and department affiliation if not the same as PI.
Academics from other Universities or non-academic partners. Please list names and organisations.
11. Does this call have a deadline?
12. Estimated bid value to Surrey
16. Does this project align with one or more of the Faculty strategic themes?
17. Does this project align with the research agendas of:
17a. Is the Institute currently aware of and/or supporting this bid?
18. Does the bid require an institutional letter of support?
19. Please tick if the project aligns with one or more of the University’s new cross-Faculty themes
20. Do you require financial or in-kind support from the University or your School/Department?
(e.g. matched funding, studentships, not full fEC)
e.g. size of data storage required.
22. Do you and/or your collaborative team have an appropriate track record for this bid?
23. Does your project align with the remit of the funder/the funding call?
This will be picked up by your Director of Research and the Faculty Research Facilitation Officer as appropriate
Peer review

Formal Faculty peer review is required for proposals where Surrey is the lead or only institution, and the call is not subject to University-level selection process. We recommend that the formal peer review process is undertaken at least three weeks before the bid is submitted.

Take a look at the FASS Peer Review SharePoint page for more information.

Please ensure that you liaise with Jodie Weller, Faculty Research Coordinator (j.weller@surrey.ac.uk) to arrange a formal peer review in good time for your application.

Privacy notice

Data submitted via this form will be handled in line with our research privacy notice.

Contact agreement

If you have any problems with submitting this form, then please email web-support@surrey.ac.uk explaining the issue in as much detail as possible, and attach a screenshot of what you are seeing so this can be investigated.