One Health, One Medicine partnerships

We work with a multitude of interdisciplinary organisations that specialise in human, animal and environmental research.

One Health European Joint Programme

One Health European Joint Programme logo

Our researchers from the School of Veterinary Medicine are carrying out interdisciplinary research with European partners. Their aims: to address the global threats of foodborne diseases, antimicrobial resistance and emerging infectious diseases, as part of the One Health European Joint Programme (One Health EJP).

The One Health EJP is a landmark partnership consisting of 44 partners from acclaimed medical, veterinary and food laboratories across Europe, in addition to the Med-Vet-Net Association. The group acknowledges that human health is closely linked to the health of animals and the environment, and recognises that the implementation of the ‘One Health’ concept, through targeted research, will be able to harmonise approaches to infectious diseases across Europe and globally.

Since 2018, we’ve received more than €3.4 million to help fund an array of One Health research projects, including several PhD studentships. This funding has also helped run education and training activities for our researchers, including workshops, short-term missions, continuing professional development (CPD) events and summer schools, as part of our ethos to train the next generation of One Health scientists.