Our intellectual property code
This Code sets out the University's rules regarding intellectual property (IP) which has (or may have) commercial value (hereafter termed commercially valuable IP) and provides guidance on the University’s policy and procedures on matters of creation, protection, and exploitation of such IP and remuneration to its creators.
Intellectual Property Code
Statement of adoption of best practice: independent review of university spin-outs
The University of Surrey welcomes the independent review of university spin-outs published in November 2023, aimed at accelerating innovation-led economic growth through university-grown spin-out companies.
The University developed its current Intellectual Property (IP)code in 2020. The development took account of sector best practice at the time and drew on the early development of the recommendations, it was therefore somewhat aligned with the approach taken in the Independent review.
However, the University has now considered the published spin-out review and recommendations and has further updated the IP code, effective October 2024. Read Surrey's IP code (PDF).
In response to the review, the University has reviewed the existing IP code in accordance with the recommendations and as a consequence has made the following changes to the code:
- Simplified the approval process for a university spin-out or staff start-up (page 3 of IP code)
- Confirmed the equity shares stated in the IP code are substantially in line with the best practice and will continue to make our IP code fully available in the public domain (page 4 of IP code)
- Confirmed that the equity taken by the University will follow sector norms and market conditions (page 4 of IP code)
- Removed examples from the IP code that do not align with the equity share principles set out in the recommendations.
Surrey is also actively involved in the SET squared IMPACT IP programme reflecting the need for greater standardisation and sharing of templates and guidance.
Next steps
The University of Surrey acknowledges that the recommendations have been substanitally adopted and will continue to align as further national recommendations emerge. Within the next academic year (24/25) the University intends to:
- develop a new spin-out guide and revise the existing inventor guide
- add an interactive decision flowchart that will support the spin-out process
- make further updates to the innovation of the website
- revisit the format of the IP code and add more explicit links to the TenU guidance.
We remain committed to implementing the recommednations of the Independent Review of University Spin-out Companies and to learn from cross-sector best practice.
Guiding principles
In all matters relating to the flow of commercially valuable IP, services and technology out of, and into, the University of Surrey, our thinking and position will be guided by three principles:
1. Value for society
That the University’s collective decision-making on IP should create positive impact and be for the public benefit
2. Primacy of the creator(s)
That the creator(s) responsible for the IP will be the primary influence on the negotiations necessary to
- fund the research
- agree ownership of the invention or arising IP
- agree how that invention should be used for the public benefit.
3. Empowerment, efficiency and accountability
That University professional services will enable researchers and other creators of IP to efficiently engage directly with outside bodies on the understanding that they adhere to University policies and provide the University with visibility of their activities to ensure that Principle 1 is respected.