Research excellence
Learn more about the research quality and approach we take to research at the University of Surrey.
Research rankings
Internationally, the University of Surrey ranks 285 in the QS World University Rankings 2025, 233rd in the Times Higher Education World Rankings 2025, and 432 globally in the UK Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2024 research-led league tables.
It has several subject areas that rank in the top 100 in the world, led by hospitality and leisure management, and including sociology, aerospace engineering, business & administration, telecommunication engineering, automation & control, civil engineering, computer science & engineering and management.
Our research quality
A supportive research and innovation culture
Our research and innovation support service guides researchers through the full research life cycle, from due diligence around our funding and collaborative partners, to keeping researchers abreast of compliance, regulations and governance frameworks.