Shasha Zhang

PhD Candidate
MSc Translation Studies, BA (Hon.) English, Literature and Translation


My research project

My qualifications

MSc Translation Studies
University of Edinburgh
BA (Hon.) English, Literature and Translation
Beijing Institute of Technology

Affiliations and memberships

Fellowship in the Higher Education Academy
The status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy was achieved in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in Higher Education.


Shasha as the interpreter for an art exhibition
at the Linguistic and Cultural Representation in Audiovisual Translation Conference in Sapien University, Rome, Italy
Seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology


Research interests



Shasha Zhang, Katerina Perdikaki (2017)Empresses adapted to impress: Examining adaptation and translation in the TV Series Empresses in the Palace, In: New Voices in Translation Studies17pp. 105-131 International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies

This article examines the interrelation between adaptation and translation and the impact of this interrelation on the communication of cultural content in audiovisual products. The paper focuses on the case of the American adaptation Empresses in the Palace, which is based on the Chinese TV series The Legend of Zhen Huan. Empresses in the Palace was subtitled from Chinese into English and it was broadcast on US Netflix. The study discusses the adaptation changes that occur between the Chinese and the American version and the subtitling strategies used to render culture-specific references (CSRs). The American adaptation is a considerably edited version of the Chinese series; yet it is overloaded with cultural information which may be inaccessible to an English-speaking audience. The analysis shows that the condensation involved in the American adaptation affects the translation of CSRs and has potential implications for the circulation of cultural products in a digital era

Additional publications