Student profile
Photo of Izumi Tirado

Izumi Tirado

"It’s a great experience that will allow anyone that takes the course to growprofessionally and personally."


Master of Business Administration MBA

Entry year


Why the Surrey MBA?

I felt it was the next step I needed to take to move forward in my professional career. The connected MBA was one of the first things that attracted me to choose the University of Surrey. The fact that I would be sharing the classroom with peers from different countries and backgrounds would give me an excellent opportunity to build strong connections from different parts of the world. The double accreditation of the programme and the range of modules offered, from sustainable strategies for international business to leadership, marketing and problem-solving, made the university one of my top choices.

The course

The university facilities are excellent. I lived in university accommodation and it was one of the experiences I enjoyed the most. It’s very convenient being so close to campus.

The personal career advisor was a great support and helped me figure out what direction I want my career to move in and equipped me with the tools that I need to achieve that path.

The quality of the teaching staff is excellent, and the fact that we would constantly have guest speakers in class, allowed us to learn from others experiences.

Course benefits 

Group work is done in almost all of the modules. Being exposed to working with so many different people, with diverse ways of thinking and work dynamics, definitely improved my communication skills and adaptability. During the course I learnt many concepts and tools that will allow me to adapt and evolve in this ever-changing and unpredictable environment we live in, more efficiently, allowing me to think outside of the box and have a fresh new perspective on businesses. I've improved my presentation skills and can fully identify both my strengths and weaknesses.

My advice

The Surrey MBA is a great learning experience, that will allow anyone that takes the course to growth professionally and personally.

Find out more about the Surrey MBA