Dr Shenkai Gu

KTP Associate (Research Fellow), Secure Systems
+44 (0)1483 684835
28 BB 02



I was born in Jiangsu province, P. R. China in 1987.

I received my BSc (Hons) in Computer & Software Engineering from Oxford Brookes University in 2010 with first class honours.

I received my MSc in Security Technology and Applications from University of Surrey in 2011.

I received my PhD degree in January 2017, under supervision of Prof Yaochu Jin and Dr Saeid Sanei. My research was focused on Brain-Machine Interface.

Since January 2017, I have been a KTP Associate on a 3-year research project "H-DLP: Human-assisted machine learning for bootstrapping DLP (data loss prevention) systems", working under supervision of Dr Shujun Li and and with a DLP vendor Clearswift Ltd.

Research interests

  • Brain-Machine Interface
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence

Latex Tips

Complex Latex table (including threeparttable)

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S. Gu and Y. Jin, “Heterogeneous classifier ensembles for EEG-based motor imaginary detection,” presented at the Computational Intelligence (UKCI), 2012 12th UK Workshop on, 2012, pp. 1-8.