Dr Shujun Li
Academic and research departments
Computer Science Research Centre, Surrey Centre for Cyber Security.About
Shujun is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey from November 2017.
He is a Professor of Cyber Security at the School of Computing, University of Kent and the Direct of Kent Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cyber Security (KirCCS) from November 2017. Before that he was a Senior Lecturer and a Reader at the Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey from 2011 to 2017. He was a Deputy Director of Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS) from 2014-2017. See his personal website for more information about him.
ResearchResearch interests
See http://www.hooklee.com/default.asp?t=Research for a more maintained web page on his research highlights, research interests, and research projects.
Research interests
See http://www.hooklee.com/default.asp?t=Research for a more maintained web page on his research highlights, research interests, and research projects.
See http://www.hooklee.com/default.asp?t=Publications for a more maintained list of all his publications.