Experimental nuclear physics
We work at the forefront of nuclear physics research within the School of Mathematics and Physics, and study the atomic nucleus with a variety of experimental techniques and probes. Through our research we seek to answer a number of fundamental questions in physics.
Answering fundamental questions
Our research seeks to answer these fundamental questions in physics:
- What are the limits of nuclear existence?
- What is the equation-of-state of nuclear matter?
- How can nuclei be described in terms of the underlying fundamental interactions?
- How do nuclear shells and shapes change with neutron excess?
- How are the elements and isotopes found in the Universe formed?
Through addressing the above basic questions, our research is strongly aligned with the UK and international nuclear physics strategies, as illustrated in the STFC Science Challenges, the 2016 NuPECC Long Range Plan and the USA Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science 2015. Our research and priorities are very strongly linked with radioactive-beam research worldwide.
Fellowship opportunities
We are inviting expressions of interest in the STFC Ernest Rutherford fellowship. This fellowship supports early-career researchers with leadership potential to establish a strong research programme. We will support one candidate in any area of theoretical nuclear physics, either consolidating or complementing our current research areas.
Please submit a CV and one page research proposal as well as any enquiries to Professor Wilton Catford (w.catford@surrey.ac.uk) by Monday 16 August 2021 for full consideration. Candidates will be informed of the outcome of the internal selection process by the end of August.
What we offer
What our students say
Upcoming events
We don’t currently have any upcoming events. Check back soon for further announcements.