Tamala Anderson
Academic and research departments
Environmental Psychology Research Group (EPRG), School of Psychology.About
My research project
Psychological benefits of place attachmentAccess to positive natural and built environments can significantly improve wellbeing and is especially related to psychological restoration from stress and fatigue. Attachment to personally important or favourite places is also related to wellbeing, but research that links this topic with psychological restoration is limited. This PhD project extends these findings through a mixed-methods set of three studies, in order to better understand why place attachment may be linked to psychological benefits.
Access to positive natural and built environments can significantly improve wellbeing and is especially related to psychological restoration from stress and fatigue. Attachment to personally important or favourite places is also related to wellbeing, but research that links this topic with psychological restoration is limited. This PhD project extends these findings through a mixed-methods set of three studies, in order to better understand why place attachment may be linked to psychological benefits.