Published: 06 February 2017

Horizon 2020 Success

The Department of Chemical and Process Engineering has just been notified that our H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 proposal, DECRON, has reached the stage of Grant Agreement preparation.

The Department of Chemical and Process Engineering has just been notified that our H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 proposal, DECRON, has reached the stage of Grant Agreement preparation.

The objective of DECRON is to develop eco-friendly powder handling processes based on GPU-enhanced DEM-CFD modelling. DECRON will further consolidate CPE’s research strength in DEM-CFD modelling through attracting talented researchers to Surrey.

As the principal investigator of DECRON, Prof. Charley Wu commented:

“I am very pleased with the success in getting DECRON funding and I am looking forward to starting the project in 2017. Together with two recently-funded EPSRC projects (EP/N033876 and EP/M02976x), we will further enhance our DEM-CFD capability for modelling gas-solid and liquid-solid systems and develop the predictive tools for formulation development and particulate product manufacturing”

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