Open Research survey is live
The 2023 Survey on Open and Transparent Research Practices will run from Monday 23 January to Friday 31 March.
A succinct (5 minutes) version of the survey is available until Friday 21 April.

We invite you to share your views on Open Research practices, whether or not you are aware of Open Research practices and deem them relevant or necessary for your field of research. As a token of appreciation, you have the chance to enter a prize draw to win one of ten £50 Amazon vouchers at the end of the survey.
The survey is aimed at researchers across all disciplines and career stages, ranging from PGRs to professorial grades, and seeks to assess the perception and uptake of Open Research practices across the University, and to identify training needs.
The data gathered will directly help to shape future open and transparent research training and initiatives at our University, a topic that is becoming ever more integrated into academic life, and of great importance on an institutional, funder and international level (e.g., the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science).
This survey builds on our 2020 survey that helped to identify baseline attitudes and knowledge of Open Research practices at the University. View the 2020 survey results. This year the survey is being run jointly with the United Kingdom Reproducibility Network (UKRN).
The survey is completely anonymous, and we cannot attribute responses to any individual. Participation in the prize draw is not anonymised, but your details will be stored separately to the survey data and cannot be linked to your answers.