Surrey secures top 20 spot in Complete University Guide 2023
The University of Surrey has risen 17 places in the Complete University Guide’s university league table to 18th out of 130 institutions.

Surrey’s courses in Information Technology and Systems, and Tourism, Transport, Travel and Heritage Studies have been ranked as the best in the United Kingdom.
Paramedic Science and Food Science courses are ranked in 2nd place in the UK in their respective fields, while Veterinary Medicine and Nursing courses have achieved 3rd place respectively.
The table, published annually, aims to support prospective students in making informed decisions about their future.
Martine Carter, Vice-President for Strategy, Planning and Performance at the University of Surrey said:
“It is really pleasing to see the hard work of all our colleagues recognised in this upward shift.
“This doesn’t happen by chance, and it reflects the dedication and effort put in to improve both the student experience and our research output. It really shows how, if we put our minds to something, we can get results.”
Surrey achieved 35th place in 2022 but has achieved the biggest rise in the table of any of the top 50 institutions due to our strong performance in overall satisfaction and graduate outcomes.
Professor Amanda Chetwynd, Chair of the Complete University Guide Advisory Board, added:
“The tight rankings in the top 20 shows just how high the standards are among UK universities.
“The subject league tables have seen lots of movement in the rankings this year and are a really valuable source of information for prospective students who know what they want to study but need some help deciding where.”
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