Published: 16 July 2024

Welcome week at Surrey

James Barlow, Surrey Business School alumni and current VP of Activity for Surrey Students’ Union shares an insight into what you might expect in your first week at Surrey.

As your exciting move to Guildford looms closer and closer, you may begin to wonder; what happens in my first week at Surrey? How do you move in? What events are there? What is Freshers' Fair? There are a million questions about university and truth be told, you’ll start university without all the answers, but don’t worry you’ll simply discover the answers as time goes on, and that’s okay, it’s part of the university experience!

Travelling to Guildford

So, first things first, you’ve got to get to Guildford! There are good access routes via road, plane and train. If you come in via car, make sure you’ve booked your moving-in slot and car parking space! If you’re coming in via train, it’s a 34-minute train ride from central London.

My top tips

There are four main tips I can share:

  1. Make sure you know what campus you’re living on (Stag Hill, Manor Park or Hazel Farm) and where you need to collect your keys from.
  2. The supermarkets can be a bit crazy on the moving-in weekend. Try to bring the essentials with you (if possible) to avoid a massive shop on an already busy weekend.
  3. Unpack straight away. I can’t stress enough how much better it is to simply get the massive chore out the way so you can then enjoy the rest of your week!
  4. Spend time with your flatmates, try to leave your door open and organise a time in the evening to meet with your flatmates to hang out!

Welcome events

There are many course or accommodation specific events run during your first week, but when I joined some of my favourite events were run by our Students’ Union

Freshers' Fair and Active Freshers

Freshers' Fair takes place on PATS field on the Stag Hill campus and is the perfect opportunity to register interest in any of the 170+ clubs or societies we have here at Surrey, there’s truly something for everyone. Active Freshers provides the opportunity to try out sports clubs! They’re usually free and have zero commitments, so if you enjoy it, you don’t have to go again.

Making the most of your first week

Always remember that everyone is in the same situation. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, don’t be afraid to say hello to anyone new, and don’t be afraid to ask for help! It’s a massive change in life, but you’re not alone.

Have fun, stay safe, and I hope you enjoy your time at Surrey! 😊

Visit the Welcome to Surrey website

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