Dr Bianka Vida
My research project
Gender and the Politics of Brexit: Gender Equality Policies, Institutions and Changing Gender Regimes in the UKMy PhD research seeks to develop new ways of understanding how Brexit impacts the UK's gender equality policies in the fields of employment and domestic violence from a comparative perspective.
My PhD research seeks to develop new ways of understanding how Brexit impacts the UK's gender equality policies in the fields of employment and domestic violence from a comparative perspective.
My qualifications
Affiliations and memberships
In the media
ResearchResearch interests
The EU’s discursive politics of gender equality; European gender equality and social inclusion policies; gender mainstreaming; gender, populism, and democracy; intersectionality, and gender-based violence
Research projects
Gender and the Politics of Brexit: Gender Equality Policies, Institutions and Changing Gender RegimesMy PhD research seeks to develop new ways of understanding how Brexit impacts the UK's gender equality policies in the fields of employment and domestic violence from a comparative perspective.
Indicators of esteem
2021 Reviewer on Transnational Anti-Gender Politics book for Palgrave Macmillan
2021 Reviewer on Gender Mainstreaming in the 2030 UN's Sustainable Development Goals for Politics & Gender
2020 Reviewer on the impacts of Brexit on EU citizens’ mental health in Scotland for the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
2019 Reviewer on Gender Ideology Movement in Slovenia for the Review of Women’s Studies (RWS)
2018 Discussant on Brexit in relation to the impacts of Brexit on women’s and other minority groups’ rights and the UK's gender equality policies on SkyNews, Guildford, UK
2018 Fully Funded Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Studentship, Department of Politics, University of Surrey, UK
2015 CEU Erasmus+ Traineeship 2015, Budapest, HU
2015 Violence against children – Story Reading Marathon; Selected writing, Central Theatre, Budapest, HU
2014 CEU Masters Scholarship 2014–2016, Budapest, HU
2013 The Mom Theresa Literary Competition, Winner in the category of ‘excellent applications’ – Motherless (domestic violence against children), Budapest, HU
2013 Contemporary Literary Works 2012 Prize, Winner in the category of ‘study and document’, Cedrus Art Foundation and Naput, Budapest, HU
2012 The Thesis of the Year Award 2012, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, HU
2012 Representing the University of Pannonia, Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences in the daily paper Naplo owing to my excellent study results, HU
2010 Professional, scientific, and public scholarship, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, HU
2009 Professional, scientific, and public scholarship, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, HU
Research interests
The EU’s discursive politics of gender equality; European gender equality and social inclusion policies; gender mainstreaming; gender, populism, and democracy; intersectionality, and gender-based violence
Research projects
My PhD research seeks to develop new ways of understanding how Brexit impacts the UK's gender equality policies in the fields of employment and domestic violence from a comparative perspective.
Indicators of esteem
2021 Reviewer on Transnational Anti-Gender Politics book for Palgrave Macmillan
2021 Reviewer on Gender Mainstreaming in the 2030 UN's Sustainable Development Goals for Politics & Gender
2020 Reviewer on the impacts of Brexit on EU citizens’ mental health in Scotland for the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
2019 Reviewer on Gender Ideology Movement in Slovenia for the Review of Women’s Studies (RWS)
2018 Discussant on Brexit in relation to the impacts of Brexit on women’s and other minority groups’ rights and the UK's gender equality policies on SkyNews, Guildford, UK
2018 Fully Funded Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Studentship, Department of Politics, University of Surrey, UK
2015 CEU Erasmus+ Traineeship 2015, Budapest, HU
2015 Violence against children – Story Reading Marathon; Selected writing, Central Theatre, Budapest, HU
2014 CEU Masters Scholarship 2014–2016, Budapest, HU
2013 The Mom Theresa Literary Competition, Winner in the category of ‘excellent applications’ – Motherless (domestic violence against children), Budapest, HU
2013 Contemporary Literary Works 2012 Prize, Winner in the category of ‘study and document’, Cedrus Art Foundation and Naput, Budapest, HU
2012 The Thesis of the Year Award 2012, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, HU
2012 Representing the University of Pannonia, Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences in the daily paper Naplo owing to my excellent study results, HU
2010 Professional, scientific, and public scholarship, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, HU
2009 Professional, scientific, and public scholarship, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, HU
Edited volume:
2022 The Gendered Politics of Crises and De-Democratisation: Opposition to Gender Equality, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / ECPR Press
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
2021 Policy Framing and Resistance: Gender Mainstreaming in Horizon 2020, European Journal of Women’s Studies (EJWS), 28 (1): 26–41, online: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1350506820935495
2019 New Waves of Anti-Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Strategies in the European Union: The Anti-Gender Discourse in Hungary, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) Journal, 2 (27): 1–5, online: https://tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/26410397.2019.1610281?needAccess=true
2018 The LEAVE Vote and Racial Abuse towards Black and Minority Ethnic Communities across the UK: The Impact on Mental Health (with Dr Adrian Heald, Dr Sanam Farman and Prof Dinesh Bhugra), Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM), 4 (11): 1–4, online: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0141076818765778
2018 Brexit, the Leave Campaign, and Mental Health of Ethnic Minority Communities (with Dr Adrian Heald and Prof Dinesh Bhugra), The Lancet Psychiatry, 5 (2): 110, online: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(18)30018-X/fulltext
2016 A Case Study of Irma Grese: Constructing the ‘Evil’ and the ‘Ordinary’ through Digital Oral Testimonies and Written Trial Testimonies of the Holocaust Survivors, Gendering the Holocaust, Kaleidoscope – Journal for the History of Science, Culture and Medicine, 7 (13): 529–541, online:http://epa.oszk.hu/02300/02316/00013/pdf/EPA02316_kaleidoscope_2016_13_529-541.pdf
2013 "Szent vagy szörnyeteg?" – Új értelmezési szempontok Bethlen Kata Önéletírásának elemzéséhez, (in Hungarian: Saint or Monster?’ – New Interpreting Methods to Kata Bethlen’s Autobiography, Napút, 5: 45–61, online: http://www.napkut.hu/xv-evfolyam-5-szam
Selected opinion pieces and blog posts:
2018 Gender as a Rhetorical Tool for Strengthening Illiberal Democracy in Hungary, Political Observer on Populism, online: https://populismobserver.com/2018/11/27/gender-as-a-rhetorical-tool-for…
2017 The Silences of Women’s Rights in Brexit Land, Women's Voices in a Rapidly Changing World, Fabiana (Fabian Women’s Network magazine), Issue 13, online: https://fabianwomensnetwork.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/correct-fwn.pdf
2017 With or Without the EU? – Brexit as a Women’s Issue, Political Critique – Central European Magazine of Politics and Culture, online: http://politicalcritique.org/world/uk/2017/bianka-vida-uk-eu-brexit-womens-gender-equality/
2017 Neoliberalism and ‘Illiberal Democracy’ in the EU: A New (Gender) Regime in Today’s Hungary, Political Critique – Central European Magazine of Politics and Culture, online: http://politicalcritique.org/long-read/2017/neoliberalism-and-illiberal-democracy-in-the-eu-a-new-gender-regime-in-todays-hungary/
2013 Anyátlanul. Terézanyu Klub. Budapest (in Hungarian: Motherless), online: http://www.terezanyu.hu/projektek/terezanyu-palyazat/terezanyu-palyazat-2013/tovabbi-kiemelkedo-irasok-2013/vida-bianka-anyatlanul/