Professor Brijesh Dongol

Director of the UK Research Institute on Verified Trustworthy Software Systems (VeTSS)
Room 07 BB 02 (appointments via email)



Research projects



Tomas Kulik, Brijesh Dongol, Peter Gorm Larsen, Hugo Daniel Macedo, Steve Schneider, Peter W. Tran-Jorgensen, James Woodcock (2022)A Survey of Practical Formal Methods for Security, In: Formal aspects of computing34(1)pp. 1-39 Assoc Computing Machinery

In today???s world, critical infrastructure is often controlled by computing systems. This introduces new risks for cyber attacks, which can compromise the security and disrupt the functionality of these systems. It is therefore necessary to build such systems with strong guarantees of resiliency against cyber attacks. One way to achieve this level of assurance is using formal verification, which provides proofs of system compli-ance with desired cyber security properties. The use of Formal Methods (FM) in aspects of cyber security and safety-critical systems are reviewed in this article. We split FM into the three main classes: theorem proving, model checking, and lightweight FM. To allow the different uses of FM to be compared, we define a common set of terms. We further develop categories based on the type of computing system FM are applied in. Solu-tions in each class and category are presented, discussed, compared, and summarised. We describe historical highlights and developments and present a state-of-the-art review in the area of FM in cyber security. This review is presented from the point of view of FM practitioners and researchers, commenting on the trends in each of the classes and categories. This is achieved by considering all types of FM, several types of se-curity and safety-critical systems, and by structuring the taxonomy accordingly. The article hence provides a comprehensive overview of FM and techniques available to system designers of security-critical systems, simplifying the process of choosing the right tool for the task. The article concludes by summarising the dis-cussion of the review, focusing on best practices, challenges, general future trends, and directions of research within this field.

Tsz Yiu Lam, Brijesh Dongol (2020)A blockchain-enabled e-learning platform, In: Interactive learning environmentsahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)pp. 1-23 Routledge

The properties of a blockchain such as immutability, provenance, and peer-executed smart contracts could bring a new level of security, trust, and transparency to e-learning. In this paper, we introduce our proof-of-concept blockchain-based e-learning platform developed to increase transparency in assessments and facilitate curriculum personalisation in a higher education context. Most notably, our platform could automate assessments and issue credentials. We designed it to be pedagogically neutral and content-neutral in order to showcase the benefits of a blockchain back-end to end users such as students and teaching staff. Our evaluation suggests that our platform could increase trust in online education providers, assessment procedures, education history and credentials.

Stefan Bodenmüller, John Derrick, Brijesh Dongol, Gerhard Schellhorn, Heike Wehrheim (2023)A Fully Verified Persistency Library ⋆

Non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies offer DRAM-like speeds with the added benefit of failure resilience. However, developing concurrent programs for NVM can be challenging since programmers must consider both inter-thread synchronisation and durability aspects at the same time. To alleviate this, libraries such as FliT have been developed to manage transformations to durability, allowing a linearizable concurrent object to be converted into a durably linearizable one by replacing the reads/writes to memory by calls to corresponding operations of the FliT library. However, a formal proof of correctness for FliT is missing, and standard proof techniques for durable linearizability are challenging to apply, since FliT itself is not durably linearizable. In this paper, we study the problem of proving correctness of transformations to durability. First, we develop an abstract persistency library (called PLib) that operationally characterises transformations to durability. We prove soundness of PLib via a forward simulation coupled with a prophecy variable used as an oracle about future behaviour. Second, we show correctness of the library FliT by proving that FliT refines PLib under the realistic PTSO memory model, i.e., the persistent version of TSO memory model implemented by Intel architectures. The proof of refinement between FliT and PLib has been mechanised within the theorem prover KIV. Taken together, these proofs guarantee that FliT is also sound wrt transformations to durability.

Mikhail Semenyuk, Brijesh Dongol (2023)Ownership-Based Owicki-Gries Reasoning

This paper explores the use of ownership as a key auxiliary variable within Owicki-Gries framework. We explore this idea in the context of a ring buffer, developed by Amazon, which is a partial library that only provides methods for reserving (acquiring) and releasing addresses within the buffer. A client is required to implement additional functionality (including an additional shared queue) to enable full synchronisation between a writer and a reader. We verify correctness of the Amazon ring buffer (ARB) and show that the ARB satisfies both safety and progress. Our proofs are fully mechanised within the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant.

Jay Le-Papin, Brijesh Dongol, Helen Treharne, Stephan Wesemeyer (2023)Verifying List Swarm Attestation Protocols

Swarm attestation protocols extend remote attestation by allowing a verifier to efficiently measure the integrity of software code running on a collection of heterogeneous devices across a network. Many swarm attestation protocols have been proposed for a variety of system configurations. However, these protocols are currently missing explicit specifications of the properties guaranteed by the protocol and formal proofs of correctness. In this paper, we address this gap in the context of list swarm attestation protocols, a category of swarm attestation protocols that allow a verifier to identify the set of healthy provers in a swarm. We describe the security requirements of swarm attestation protocols. We focus our work on the SIMPLE+ protocol, which we model and verify using the tamarin prover. Our proofs enable us to identify two variations of SIMPLE+: (1) we remove one of the keys used by SIMPLE+ without compromising security, and (2) we develop a more robust design that increases the resilience of the swarm to device compromise. Using tamarin, we demonstrate that both modifications preserve the desired security properties.

Heike Wehrheim, Lara Bargmann, Brijesh Dongol (2023)Reasoning about Promises in Weak Memory Models with Event Structures, In: Proceedings of the Formal Methods 25th International Symposium, FM 2023, Lübeck, Germany, March 6–10, 2023300 Springer

Modern processors such as ARMv8 and RISC-V allow executions in which independent instructions within a process may be reordered. To cope with such phenomena, so called promising semantics have been developed, which permit threads to read values that have not yet been written. Each promise is a speculative update that is later validated (fulfilled) by an actual write. Promising semantics are operational , providing a pathway for developing proof calculi. In this paper, we develop an incorrectness-style logic, resulting in a framework for reasoning about state reachability. Like incorrectness logic, our assertions are underapproximating, since the set of all valid promises are not known at the start of execution. Our logic uses event structures as assertions to compactly represent the ordering among events such as promised and fulfilled writes. We prove soundness and completeness of our proof calculus and demonstrate its applicability by proving reachability properties of standard weak memory litmus tests.

Eleni Bila, Simon Doherty, Brijesh Dongol, John Derrick, Gerhard Schellhorn, Heike Wehrheim (2020)Defining and Verifying Durable Opacity: Correctness for Persistent Software Transactional Memory, In: Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems12136pp. 39-58

Non-volatile memory (NVM), aka persistent memory, is a new paradigm for memory that preserves its contents even after power loss. The expected ubiquity of NVM has stimulated interest in the design of novel concepts ensuring correctness of concurrent programming abstractions in the face of persistency. So far, this has lead to the design of a number of persistent concurrent data structures, built to satisfy an associated notion of correctness: durable linearizability.

John Derrick, Simon Doherty, Brijesh Dongol, Gerhard Schellhorn, Heike Wehrheim (2019)Verifying Correctness of Persistent Concurrent Data Structures, In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM'19) Springer

Non-volatile memory (NVM), aka persistent memory, is a new paradigm for memory preserving its contents even after power loss. The expected ubiquity of NVM has stimulated interest in the design of persistent concurrent data structures, together with associated notions of correctness. In this paper, we present the first formal proof technique for durable linearizability, which is a correctness criterion that extends linearizability to handle crashes and recovery in the context of NVM. Our proofs are based on refinement of IO-automata representations of concurrent data structures. To this end, we develop a generic procedure for transforming any standard sequential data structure into a durable specification. Since the durable specification only exhibits durably linearizable behaviours, it serves as the abstract specification in our refinement proof. We exemplify our technique on a recently proposed persistent memory queue that builds on Michael and Scott’s lock-free queue.

Sharar Ahmadi, Brijesh Dongol, Matt Griffin (2022)Proving Memory Access Violations in Isabelle/HOL, In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS 2022)pp. 45-55 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Security-critical applications often rely on memory isolation mechanisms to ensure integrity of critical data (e.g., keys) and program instructions (e.g., implementing an attestation protocol). These include software-based security microvisor (SµV) or hardware-based (e.g., TrustLite or SMART). Here, we must guarantee that none of the assembly-level instructions corresponding to a program violate the imposed memory access restrictions. We demonstrate our approach on two architectures (SµV and TrustLite) on which remote at-testation protocols are implemented. We extend an approach based on the Binary Analysis Platform (BAP) to generate compiled assembly for a given C program, which is translated to an assembly intermediate language (BIL) and ultimately to Isabelle/HOL theories. In our extension, we develop an adversary model and define conformance predicates imposed by an architecture. We generate a set of programs covering all possible cases in which an assembly-level instruction attempts to violate at least one of the conformance predicates. This shows that the memory access restriction of both SµV and TrustLite are dynamically maintained. Moreover, we introduce conformance predicates for assembly-level instructions that can change the control flow, which improve TrustLite's memory protection unit.

Deductive verification techniques for C11 programs have advanced significantly in recent years with the development of operational semantics and associated logics for increasingly large fragments of C11. However, these semantics and logics have been developed in a restricted setting to avoid the thin-air-read problem. In this paper, we propose an operational semantics that leverages an intra-thread partial order (called semantic dependencies) induced by a recently developed denotational event-structure-based semantics. We prove that our operational semantics is sound and complete with respect to the denotational semantics. We present an associated logic that generalises a recent Owicki-Gries framework for RC11 (repaired C11), and demonstrate the use of this logic over several example proofs.

Sadegh Dalvandi, Simon Doherty, BRIJESH DONGOL, Heike Wehrheim (2020)Owicki-Gries Reasoning for C11 RAR

Owicki-Gries reasoning for concurrent programs uses Hoare logic together with an interference freedom rule for concurrency. In this paper, we develop a new proof calculus for the C11 RAR memory model (a fragment of C11 with both relaxed and release-acquire accesses) that allows all Owicki-Gries proof rules for compound statements, including non-interference, to remain unchanged. Our proof method features novel assertions specifying thread-specific views on the state of programs. This is combined with a set of Hoare logic rules that describe how these assertions are affected by atomic program steps. We demonstrate the utility of our proof calculus by verifying a number of standard C11 litmus tests and Peterson’s algorithm adapted for C11. Our proof calculus and its application to program verification have been fully mechanised in the theorem prover

Matt Griffin, Brijesh Dongol (2021)Verifying Secure Speculation in Isabelle/HOL

Secure speculation is an information flow security hyperproperty that prevents transient execution attacks such as Spectre, Meltdown and Foreshadow. Generic compiler mitigations for secure speculation are known to be insufficient for eliminating vulnerabilities. Moreover, these mitigation techniques often overprescribe speculative fences, causing the performance of the programs to suffer. Recently Cheang et al. have developed an operational semantics of program execution capable of characterising speculative executions as well as a new class of information flow hyperproperties named TPOD that ensure secure speculation. This paper presents a framework for verifying TPOD using the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant by encoding the operational semantics of Cheang et al. We provide translation tools for automatically generating the required Isabelle/HOL theory templates from a C-like program syntax, which speeds up verification. Our framework is capable of proving the existence of vulnerabilities and correctness of secure speculation. We exemplify our framework by proving the existence of secure speculation bugs in 15 victim functions for the MSVC compiler as well as correctness of some proposed fixes.

Keith Clark, BRIJESH DONGOL, Peter Robinson Temporal Logic Semantics for Teleo-Reactive Robotic Agent Programs

Teleo-Reactive (TR) robotic agent programs comprise sequences of guarded action rules clustered into named parameterised procedures. Their ancestry goes back to the first cognitive robot, Shakey. Like Shakey, a TR programmed robotic agent has a deductive Belief Store comprising constantly changing predicate logic percept facts, and knowledge facts and rules for querying the percepts. In this paper we introduce TR programming using a simple example expressed in the teleo-reactive programming language TeleoR, which is a syntactic extension of QuLog, a typed logic programming language used for the agent’s Belief Store. We give a formal definition of the regression property that rules of TeleoR procedures should satisfy, and an informal operational semantics of the evaluation of a TeleoR procedure call. We then formally express key features of the evaluation in LTL. Finally we show how this LTL formalisation can be used to prove that a procedure’s rules satisfy the regression property by proving it holds for one rule of the example TeleoR program. The proof requires us: to formally link a TeleoR agent’s percept beliefs with sensed configurations of the external environment; to link the agent’s robotic device action intentions with actual robot actions; to specify the eventual physical effects of the robot’s actions on the environment state.

Mikhail Semenyuk, Mark Batty, Brijesh Dongol (2023)Verifying Read-Copy Update Under RC11, In: Software Engineering and Formal Methods 21st International Conference, SEFM 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 6-10, 2023, Proceedings14323pp. 301-319 Springer

Read-Copy Update (RCU) is a key lock-free synchronisation mechanism that is used extensively in the Linux kernel. One use of RCU is safe memory reclamation in languages such as C/C++ that do not support garbage collection. Correctness of RCU is, however, difficult to verify, even when assuming sequentially consistent (SC) memory. In this paper, we develop and verify an RCU implementation under RC11 (a restricted version of C11 weak memory model, which includes relaxed and release-acquire accesses), increasing the verification challenge. Our proof technique is based on a notion of ownership, which we use to systematically track each thread’s read/write capabilities to each memory location. In our proof, we extend a recent Owicki-Gries logic for RC11, which we combine with our ownership model to show correctness. All our proofs have been mechanised in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover.

John Derrick, Simon Doherty, Brijesh Dongol, Gerhard Schellhorn, Heike Wehrheim On Strong Observational Refinement and Forward Simulation, In:

Hyperproperties are correctness conditions for labelled transition systems that are more expressive than traditional trace properties, with particular relevance to security. Recently, Attiya and Enea studied a notion of strong observational refinement that preserves all hyperproperties. They analyse the correspondence between forward simulation and strong observational refinement in a setting with finite traces only. We study this correspondence in a setting with both finite and infinite traces. In particular, we show that forward simulation does not preserve hyperliveness properties in this setting. We extend the forward simulation proof obligation with a progress condition, and prove that this progressive forward simulation does imply strong observational refinement.

B. Dongol, Elena Troubitsyna (2020)Preface, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Ori Lahav, Brijesh Dongol, Heike Wehrheim Rely-Guarantee Reasoning for Causally Consistent Shared Memory (Extended Version), In: arXiv (Cornell University)

Rely-guarantee (RG) is a highly influential compositional proof technique for concurrent programs, which was originally developed assuming a sequentially consistent shared memory. In this paper, we first generalize RG to make it parametric with respect to the underlying memory model by introducing an RG framework that is applicable to any model axiomatically characterized by Hoare triples. Second, we instantiate this framework for reasoning about concurrent programs under causally consistent memory, which is formulated using a recently proposed potential-based operational semantics, thereby providing the first reasoning technique for such semantics. The proposed program logic, which we call Piccolo, employs a novel assertion language allowing one to specify ordered sequences of states that each thread may reach. We employ Piccolo for multiple litmus tests, as well as for an adaptation of Peterson's algorithm for mutual exclusion to causally consistent memory.

Sadegh Dalvandi, Brijesh Dongol (2022)Implementing and verifying release-acquire transactional memory in C11, In: Proceedings of ACM on programming languages6(OOPSLA2)189pp. 1817-1844

Transactional memory (TM) is an intensively studied synchronisation paradigm with many proposed implementations in software and hardware, and combinations thereof. However, TM under relaxed memory, e.g., C11 (the 2011 C/C++ standard) is still poorly understood, lacking rigorous foundations that support verifiable implementations. This paper addresses this gap by developing TMS2-ra, a relaxed operational TM specification. We integrate TMS2-ra with RC11 (the repaired C11 memory model that disallows load-buffering) to provide a formal semantics for TM libraries and their clients. We develop a logic, TARO, for verifying client programs that use TMS2-ra for synchronisation. We also show how TMS2-ra can be implemented by a C11 library, TML-ra, that uses relaxed and release-acquire atomics, yet guarantees the synchronisation properties required by TMS2-ra. We benchmark TML-ra and show that it outperforms its sequentially consistent counterpart in the STAMP benchmarks. Finally, we use a simulation-based verification technique to prove correctness of TML-ra. Our entire development is supported by the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant.

Brijesh Dongol, Elena Troubitsyna (2020)Integrated Formal Methods Springer International Publishing

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, IFM 2019, held in Lugano, Switzerland, in November 2020. The 24 full papers and 2 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 63 submissions. The papers cover a broad spectrum of topics: Integrating Machine Learning and Formal Modelling; Modelling and Verification in B and Event-B; Program Analysis and Testing; Verification of Interactive Behaviour; Formal Verification; Static Analysis; Domain-Specific Approaches; and Algebraic Techniques.

Ana Cavalcanti, Brijesh Dongol, Rob Hierons, Jon Timmis, Jim Woodcock (2021)Software Engineering for Robotics Springer International Publishing

The topics covered in this book range from modeling and programming languages and environments, via approaches for design and verification, to issues of ethics and regulation. In terms of techniques, there are results on model-based engineering, product lines, mission specification, component-based development, simulation, testing, and proof. Applications range from manufacturing to service robots, to autonomous vehicles, and even robots than evolve in the real world. A final chapter summarizes issues on ethics and regulation based on discussions from a panel of experts. The origin of this book is a two-day event, entitled RoboSoft, that took place in November 2019, in London. Organized with the generous support of the Royal Academy of Engineering and the University of York, UK, RoboSoft brought together more than 100 scientists, engineers and practitioners from all over the world, representing 70 international institutions. The intended readership includes researchers and practitioners with all levels of experience interested in working in the area of robotics, and software engineering more generally. The chapters are all self-contained, include explanations of the core concepts, and finish with a discussion of directions for further work. Chapters 'Towards Autonomous Robot Evolution', 'Composition, Separation of Roles and Model-Driven Approaches as Enabler of a Robotics Software Ecosystem' and 'Verifiable Autonomy and Responsible Robotics' are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

B. Dongol, Elena Troubitsyna (2022)Introduction to the Special Section on iFM 2020, In: Formal aspects of computing34(1)1pp. 1-1

Deductive verification of concurrent programs under weak memory has thus far been limited to simple programs over a monolithic state space. For scalability, we also require modular techniques with verifiable library abstractions. This paper addresses this challenge in the context of RC11 RAR, a subset of the C11 memory model that admits relaxed and release-acquire accesses, but disallows, so-called, load-buffering cycles. We develop a simple framework for specifying abstract objects that precisely characterises the observability guarantees of abstract method calls. We show how this framework can be integrated with an operational semantics that enables verification of client programs that execute abstract method calls from a library they use. Finally, we show how implementations of such abstractions in RC11 RAR can be verified by developing a (contextual) refinement framework for abstract objects. Our framework, including the operational semantics, verification technique for client-library programs, and simulation between abstract libraries and their implementations, has been mechanised in Isabelle/HOL.

Sadegh Dalvandi, Brijesh Dongol Implementing and Verifying Release-Acquire Transactional Memory (Extended Version), In: arXiv (Cornell University)

Transactional memory (TM) is an intensively studied synchronisation paradigm with many proposed implementations in software and hardware, and combinations thereof. However, TM under relaxed memory, e.g., C11 (the 2011 C/C++ standard) is still poorly understood, lacking rigorous foundations that support verifiable implementations. This paper addresses this gap by developing TMS2-RA, a relaxed operational TM specification. We integrate TMS2-RA with RC11 (the repaired C11 memory model that disallows load-buffering) to provide a formal semantics for TM libraries and their clients. We develop a logic, TARO, for verifying client programs that use TMS2-RA for synchronisation. We also show how TMS2-RA can be implemented by a C11 library, TML-RA, that uses relaxed and release-acquire atomics, yet guarantees the synchronisation properties required by TMS2-RA. We benchmark TML-RA and show that it outperforms its sequentially consistent counterpart in the STAMP benchmarks. Finally, we use a simulation-based verification technique to prove correctness of TML-RA. Our entire development is supported by the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant.

Daniel Wright, Sadegh Dalvandi, Mark Batty, Brijesh Dongol (2023)Mechanised Operational Reasoning for C11 Programs with Relaxed Dependencies, In: Formal aspects of computing35(2)10pp. 1-27

Verification techniques for C11 programs have advanced significantly in recent years with the development of operational semantics and associated logics for increasingly large fragments of C11. However, these semantics and logics have been developed in a restricted setting to avoid the thin-air-read problem. In this article, we propose an operational semantics that leverages an intra-thread partial order (called semantic dependencies ) induced by a recently developed denotational event-structure-based semantics. We prove that our operational semantics is sound and complete with respect to the denotational semantics. We present an associated logic that generalises a recent Owicki–Gries framework for RC11 RAR (repaired C11) with relaxed and release-acquire accesses. We describe the mechanisation of the logic in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover, which we use to prove correctness of a number of examples.

Simon Doherty, Sadegh Dalvandi, Brijesh Dongol, Heike Wehrheim (2022)Unifying Operational Weak Memory Verification: An Axiomatic Approach, In: ACM transactions on computational logic23(4)27pp. 1-39

In this article, we propose an approach to program verification using an abstract characterisation of weak memory models. Our approach is based on a hierarchical axiom scheme that captures the observational properties of a memory model. In particular, we show that it is possible to prove correctness of a program with respect to a particular axiom scheme, and we show this proof to suffice for any memory model that satisfies the axioms. Our axiom scheme is developed using a characterisation of weakest liberal preconditions for weak memory. This characterisation naturally extends to Hoare logic and Owicki-Gries reasoning by lifting weakest liberal preconditions (defined over read/write events) to the level of programs. We study three memory models (SC, TSO, and RC11-RAR) as example instantiations of the axioms, then we demonstrate the applicability of our reasoning technique on a number of litmus tests. The majority of the proofs in this article are supported by mechanisation within Isabelle/HOL.

Daniel Wright, Mark Batty, Brijesh Dongol (2021)Owicki-Gries Reasoning for C11 Programs with Relaxed Dependencies, In: M Huisman, C Pasareanu, N Zhan (eds.), FORMAL METHODS, FM 202113047pp. 237-254 Springer Nature

Deductive verification techniques for C11 programs have advanced significantly in recent years with the development of operational semantics and associated logics for increasingly large fragments of C11. However, these semantics and logics have been developed in a restricted setting to avoid the thin-air-read problem. In this paper, we propose an operational semantics that leverages an intra-thread partial order (called semantic dependencies) induced by a recently developed denotational event-structure-based semantics. We prove that our operational semantics is sound and complete with respect to the denotational semantics. We present an associated logic that generalises a recent Owicki-Gries framework for RC11 (repaired C11), and demonstrate the use of this logic over several example proofs.

Brijesh Dongol, Jay Le-Papin (2021)Checking Opacity and Durable Opacity with FDR, In: R Calinescu, C S Pasareanu (eds.), SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND FORMAL METHODS (SEFM 2021)13085pp. 222-242 Springer Nature

Software transactional memory (STMs) is a software-enabled form of transactional memory, typically implemented as a language library, that provides fine-grained concurrency control on behalf of a programmer STM algorithms have been recently adapted to cope with non-volatile memory (NVM), aka persistent memory, which is a new paradigm for memory that preserves its contents even after power loss. This paper presents a model checking approach to validating correctness of STM algorithms using FDR (a model checker for CS P specifications). Our proofs are based on operational transactional memory specifications that allow proofs of (durable) opacity, the main safety property for STMs under volatile and persistent memory, to be verified by refinement. Since FDR enables automatic proofs of refinement, we obtain an automatic technique for checking both opacity and durable opacity of bounded models of STM algorithms.

Eleni Bila, John Derrick, Simon Doherty, Brijesh Dongol, Gerhard Schellhorn, Heike Wehrheim (2022)MODULARISING VERIFICATION OF DURABLE OPACITY, In: Logical methods in computer science18(3) Logical Methods Computer Science E V

Non-volatile memory (NVM), also known as persistent memory, is an emerging paradigm for memory that preserves its contents even after power loss. NVM is widely expected to become ubiquitous, and hardware architectures are already providing support for NVM programming. This has stimulated interest in the design of novel concepts ensuring correctness of concurrent programming abstractions in the face of persistency and in the development of associated verification approaches. Software transactional memory (STM) is a key programming abstraction that supports concurrent access to shared state. In a fashion similar to linearizability as the correctness condition for concurrent data structures, there is an established notion of correctness for STMs known as opacity. We have recently proposed durable opacity as the natural extension of opacity to a setting with non-volatile memory. Together with this novel correctness condition, we designed a verification technique based on refinement. In this paper, we extend this work in two directions. First, we develop a durably opaque version of NOrec (no ownership records), an existing STM algorithm proven to be opaque. Second, we modularise our existing verification approach by separating the proof of durability of memory accesses from the proof of opacity. For NOrec, this allows us to re-use an existing opacity proof and complement it with a proof of the durability of accesses to shared state.

Sadegh Dalvandi, Brijesh Dongol (2021)Verifying C11-style weak memory libraries, In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, PPOPPpp. 451-453

Deductive verification of concurrent programs under weak memory has thus far been limited to simple programs over a monolithic state space. For scalability, we also require modular techniques with verifiable library abstractions. We address this challenge in the context of RC11 RAR, a subset of the C11 memory model that admits relaxed and release acquire accesses, but disallows, so-called, load-buffering cycles. We develop a simple framework for specifying abstract objects that precisely characterises the observability guarantees of abstract method calls. Our framework is integrated with an operational semantics that enables verification of client programs that execute abstract method calls from a library it uses. We implement such abstractions in RC11 RAR by developing a (contextual) refinement framework for abstract objects. Our framework has been mechanised inIsabelle/HOL

Brijesh Dongol, Ian J. Hayes, Georg Struth (2021)CONVOLUTION ALGEBRAS: RELATIONAL CONVOLUTION, GENERALISED MODALITIES AND INCIDENCE ALGEBRAS, In: Logical methods in computer science17(1)13pp. 13:1-13:34 Logical Methods Computer Science E V

Convolution is a ubiquitous operation in mathematics and computing. The Kripke semantics for substructural and interval logics motivates its study for quantale-valued functions relative to ternary relations. The resulting notion of relational convolution leads to generalised binary and unary modal operators for qualitative and quantitative models, and to more conventional variants, when ternary relations arise from identities over partial semigroups. Convolution-based semantics for fragments of categorial, linear and incidence (segment or interval) logics are provided as qualitative applications. Quantitative examples include algebras of durations and mean values in the duration calculus.

Brijesh Dongol, Ron Bell, Ibrahim Habli, Mark Lawford, Pippa Moore, Zeyn Saigol (2020)Panel Discussion: Regulation and Ethics of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, In: Software Engineering for Roboticspp. 467-483 Springer International Publishing

This chapter summarises a panel discussion on the topics of Regulation and Ethics in Software Engineering for Robotics at RoboSoft, chaired by Jon Timmis (University of Sunderland). The panel members were Ron Bell (Engineering Safety Consultants), Mark Lawford (McMaster University), Ibrahim Habli (University of York), and Pippa Moore (Civil Aviation Authority), whose views are summarised below. The chapter also integrates the issues raised in a talk on “Extending automotive certification processes to handle autonomous vehicles” by Zeyn Saigol (Connected Places Catapult), which provides a case study for the issues being discussed.

Emil Sekerinski, Nelma Moreira, José N Oliveira, Daniel Ratiu, Riccardo Guidotti, Marie Farrell, Matt Luckcuck, Diego Marmsoler, José Campos, Troy Astarte, Laure Gonnord, Antonio Cerone, Luis Couto, BRIJESH DONGOL, Martin Kutrib, Pedro Monteiro, David Delmas (2020)Formal Methods. FM 2019 International Workshops, In: Lecture notes in computer science12232 Springer International Publishing

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the workshops which complemented the 23rd Symposium on Formal Methods, FM 2019, held in Porto, Portugal, in October 2019. This volume presents the papers that have been accepted for the following workshops: Third Workshop on Practical Formal Verification for Software Dependability, AFFORD 2019; 8th International Symposium From Data to Models and Back, DataMod 2019; First Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems Workshop, FMAS 2019; First Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains, FMBC 2019; 8th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems, FMIS 2019; First History of Formal Methods Workshop, HFM 2019; 8th International Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains, NSAD 2019; 9th International Workshop on Open Community Approaches to Education, Research and Technology, OpenCERT 2019; 17th Overture Workshop, Overture 2019; 19th Refinement Workshop, Refine 2019; First International Workshop on Reversibility in Programming, Languages, and Automata, RPLA 2019; 10th International Workshop on Static Analysis and Systems Biology, SASB 2019; and the 10th Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis, TAPAS 2019.

Eleni Vafeiadi Bila, Brijesh Dongol, Ori Lahav, Azalea Raad, John Wickerson (2022)View-Based Owicki-Gries Reasoning for Persistent x86-TSO, In: Sergey (eds.), PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS, ESOP 202213240pp. 234-261 Springer Nature

The rise of persistent memory is disrupting computing to its core. Our work aims to help programmers navigate this brave new world by providing a program logic for reasoning about x86 code that uses low-level operations such as memory accesses and fences, as well as persistency primitives such as flushes. Our logic, Pierogi, benefits from a simple underlying operational semantics based on views, is able to handle optimised flush operations, and is mechanised in the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant. We detail the proof rules of Pierogi and prove them sound. We also show how Pierogi can be used to reason about a range of challenging single- and multi-threaded persistent programs.

Sadegh Dalvandi, Brijesh Dongol, Simon Doherty, Heike Wehrheim (2022)Integrating Owicki-Gries for C11-Style Memory Models into Isabelle/HOL, In: Journal of automated reasoning66(1)pp. 141-171 Springer Nature

Weak memory presents a new challenge for program verification and has resulted in the development of a variety of specialised logics. For C11-style memory models, our previous work has shown that it is possible to extend Hoare logic and Owicki-Gries reasoning to verify correctness of weak memory programs. The technique introduces a set of high-level assertions over C11 states together with a set of basic Hoare-style axioms over atomic weak memory statements (e.g. reads/writes), but retains all other standard proof obligations for compound statements. This paper takes this line of work further by introducing the first deductive verification environment in Isabelle/HOL for C11-like weak memory programs. This verification environment is built on the Nipkow and Nieto's encoding of Owicki-Gries in the Isabelle theorem prover. We exemplify our techniques over several litmus tests from the literature and two non-trivial examples: Peterson's algorithm and a read-copy-update algorithm adapted for C11. For the examples we consider, the proof outlines can be automatically discharged using the existing Isabelle tactics developed by Nipkow and Nieto. The benefit here is that programs can be written using a familiar pseudocode syntax with assertions embedded directly into the program.

Brijesh Dongol, Ian Hayes, Larissa Meinicke, Georg Struth (2019)Cylindric Kleene Lattices for Program Construction, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction Springer

Cylindric algebras have been developed as an algebraisation of equational first order logic. We adapt them to cylindric Kleene lattices and their variants and present relational and relational fault models for these. This allows us to encode frames and local variable blocks, and to derive Morgan's refinement calculus as well as an algebraic Hoare logic for while programs with assignment laws. Our approach thus opens the door for algebraic calculations with program and logical variables instead of domain-specific reasoning over concrete models of the program store. A refinement proof for a small program is presented as an example.

Brijesh Dongol, Simon Doherty, Heiki Wehrheim, John Derrick (2019)Brief Announcement: Generalising Concurrent Correctness to Weak Memory, In: 32nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2018) Proceedings Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik

Correctness conditions like linearizability and opacity describe some form of atomicity imposed on concurrent objects. In this paper, we propose a correctness condition (called causal atomicity) for concurrent objects executing in a weak memory model, where the histories of the objects in question are partially ordered. We establish compositionality and abstraction results for causal atomicity and develop an associated refinement-based proof technique.

Simon Doherty, Brijesh Dongol, Heike Wehrheim, John Derrick (2018)Making Linearizability Compositional for Partially Ordered Executions, In: Integrated Formal Methods11023pp. 110-129 Springer, Chamonix

In the interleaving model of concurrency, where events are totally ordered, linearizability is compositional: the composition of two linearizable objects is guaranteed to be linearizable. However, linearizability is not compositional when events are only partially ordered, as in the weak-memory models that describe multicore memory systems. In this paper, we present a generalisation of linearizability for concurrent objects implemented in weak-memory models. We abstract from the details of specific memory models by defining our condition using Lamport's execution structures. We apply our condition to the C11 memory model, providing a correctness condition for C11 objects. We develop a proof method for verifying objects implemented in C11 and related models. Our method is an adaptation of simulation-based methods, but in contrast to other such methods, it does not require that the implementation totally orders its events. We apply our proof technique and show correctness of the Treiber stack that blocks on empty, annotated with C11 release-acquire synchronisation.

Brijesh Dongol, Radha Jagadeesan, James Riely (2019)Modular Transactions: Bounding Mixed Races in Space and Time, In: Proceedings of PPoPP 2019: 24th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

We define local transactional race freedom (LTRF), which provides a programmer model for software transactional memory. LTRF programs satisfy the SC-LTRF property, thus allowing the programmer to focus on sequential executions in which transactions execute atomically. Unlike previous results, SCLTRF does not require global race freedom.We also provide a lower-level implementation model to reason about quiescence fences and validate numerous compiler optimizations.

Simon Doherty, Brijesh Dongol, Heike Wehrheim, John Derrick (2019)Verifying C11 Programs Operationally, In: Proceedings of PPoPP 2019: 24th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

This paper develops an operational semantics for a release-acquire fragment of the C11 memory model with relaxed accesses. We show that the semantics is both sound and complete with respect to the axiomatic model of Batty et al. The semantics relies on a per-thread notion of observability, which allows one to reason about a weak memory C11 program in program order. On top of this, we develop a proof calculus for invariant-based reasoning, which we use to verify the release-acquire version of Peterson’s mutual exclusion algorithm.

Brijesh Dongol, Luigia Petre, Graeme Smith (2019)Formal Methods Teaching Springer International Publishing

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop and Tutorial, FMTea 2019, Held as Part of the Third World Congress on Formal Methods, FM 2019, Porto, Portugal, October 2019. The 14 full papers presented together with 3 abstract papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named: Tutorial lectures; Teaching Program Verification; Teaching Program Development; and Effective Teaching Techniques.

Mohammadsadegh Dalvandi, Brijesh Dongol (2019)Towards Deductive Verification of C11 Programs with Event-B and ProB, In: Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP 2019) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

This paper introduces a technique for modelling and verifying weak memory C11 programs in the Event-B framework. We build on a recently developed operational semantics for the RAR fragment of C11, which we use as a top-level abstraction. In our technique, a concrete C11 program can be modelled by refining this abstract model of the semantics. Program structures and individual operations are then introduced in the refined machine and can be checked and verified using available Event-B provers and model checkers. The paper also discusses how ProB model checker can be used to validate the Event-B model of C11 programs. We applied our technique to the C11 implementation of Peterson’s algorithm, where we discovered that the standard invariant used to characterise mutual exclusion is inadaquate. We therefore propose and verify new invariants necessary for characterising mutual exclusion in a weak memory setting.

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