Gillian Wallis
After I received a BSc(Hons) Biochemistry degree from the University of Sussex in 1998, I started my lab career working as Clinical Scientist in the Coagulation Research Lab, part of the Haemophilia Centre at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. I worked on a number of projects looking at the signaling pathways in platelets.
In 2001 I moved to the pharmaceutical company Novartis, based in their drug development labs in Horsham, West Sussex. Here we developed drugs to treat respiratory diseases, such as asthma, COPD and PAH. I specialised in developing and running primary human cell in vitro screening assays.
After 13 years the site was closed, giving me an opportunity to spend a year at home raising my 2 small children.
Then in 2015 I started here, at the University of Surrey. I am a Research Laboratory Manager, overseeing the running of a number of research labs in the School of Biosciences. Me and my team support the Immunology, Chronobiology and Cardiovascular research sections.
My other role is to manage the Bioimaging and Flow Cytometry Core Facility based in FHMS. Our facility includes two confocal microscopes, two flow cytometer analysers and a cell sorter. The facility supports all researchers at the University.