Dr Joseph Chrol-Cannon
Research Fellow
BSc (Hons) Computer Science - 1st, PhD (Surrey 2015)
If I am not in the office, I may well be in the labs - drop me an email and I will come.
Research interests
Computational Neuroscience
Liquid State Machines
Departmental duties
Available for some lab demonstration work and other assistance with UG studies.
Supervisor: Prof. Yaochu Jin
Start Date: July 2011
Topic: Modeling neural plasticity for spatiotemporal pattern recognition
Funding: EPSRC DTG
Chrol-Cannon J, Gruening A, Jin Y (2012) The Emergence of Polychronous Groups under Varying Input Patterns, Plasticity Rules and Network Connectivities,2012 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN) IEEE
Chrol-Cannon J, Jin Y (2014) On the Correlation between Reservoir Metrics and Performance for Time Series Classification under the Influence of Synaptic Plasticity,PLOS ONE9(7)ARTN e101792 PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE
Chrol-Cannon J, Jin Y (2014) Computational modeling of neural plasticity for self-organization of neural networks, BIOSYSTEMS125pp. 43-54 ELSEVIER SCI LTD