Dr Margaret Lau-Walker
Dr Lau-Walker is a Senior lecturer at the School of Health Sciences at University of Surrey. She is the Cluster Lead for the Acute, Critical & Emergency Care and Programme Lead for the HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Internship Programme for non-medical professionals.
Dr Lau-Walker is a health services researcher with a professional background in Adult and Critical Care Nursing. Dr Lau-Walker worked at University of Surrey from 1995 to 2006 as a Clinical Lecturer teaching and lead on pre- and post- graduate nursing programmes. She worked at Imperial College London as Lecturer (non-clinical) in cardiovascular and health services research, with a dual role as Head of Nursing Research Unit at the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust (2006-2008) and later worked as Lecturer at the Post-graduate Research Department of the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery at King's College London (2010- 2016) teaching research methodology and supervising postgraduate students' research, with an additional role as Key Account Manager/Academic Lead for three London NHS Trusts.
Between her work at Imperial College and King's College Dr Lau-Walker worked for the Healthcare Commission/Care Quality Commission as a Reviews and Studies Manager (June 2008- June 2010), where she led and published two national reviews: Improving services for children in hospital - Follow-up review; and Adult specialist community mental health services- Follow-up review
Dr. Lau-Walker has published in both health psychology and nursing journal and she has presented her work at numerous national, international and scientific conferences over the past 20 years.
Research interests
Dr. Lau-Walker's research has been focused on patient expectation, illness belief, self-management, personalised care and quality of life and has covered long term conditions such as heart failure, congenital heart disease, cardiac transplant patients, cardiac rehabilitation and recently patients with liver disease such as patients with alcohol-related liver disease and post liver transplant. In 2006 Dr Lau-Walker developed and published the 'Interactive Care Model' which promotes a facilitative care approach for healthcare professionals which encourages active patient engagement and individualised care. She is building on her research on patient expectation and illness belief to develop tools/frameworks to provide individualised care approaches/models for different patient care pathways and healthcare services and delivery.
•Arrowsmith V, Lau-Walker M, Norman I, Maben J (2016) Nurses' perceptions and experiences of work role transitions: a mixed methods systematic review of the literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(8): 1735-1750.• Lau-Walker M, Landy A & Murrells T (2016) Personalised discharge care planning for postmyocardial infarction patients through the use of the Personalised Patient Education Protocol - implementing theory into practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(10): 1292-1300.• Lau-Walker M, Presky J, Webzell I, Murrells T, Heaton N. (2016) Patients with alcohol-related liver disease - beliefs about their illness and factors that influence their self-management. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(1): 173-185.• Lau-Walker M, Presky J, Webzell I, Murrells T, Heaton N (2015). Alcohol-related liver disease patients' beliefs about their illness and factors that influence their self-management. Journal of Hepatology; Vol 62:S765, P1106.• Ranasinghe I, Norman I, Lau-Walker M. (2015). Variables associated with alcohol relapse and psychosocial interventions to prevent alcohol relapse in liver transplant patients for alcoholic liver disease: A systematic review. Journal of Hepatology; Vol 62:S76, P1111.• Lau-Walker M.O. Landy A. (2015) Applying the personalised patient education protocol in post myocardial infarction care - a service evaluation. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Vol. 14(S1) P100.• Lau-Walker M (2014) Personalising health promotion for more impact. Nursing Times; 110: 44, 18-20.• Goodman H, Firouzi A, Banya W, Lau-Walker M & Cowie MR (2013). Illness perception, self-care behaviour and quality of life of heart failure patients: a longitudinal questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50, 945-953• Riley JP, Habibi H, Banya W, Gatzoulis MA, Lau-Walker M & Cowie MR (2012) Education and support needs of the older adult with congenital heart disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68 (5):1050-1060.• Fullwood D, Jones F & Lau-Walker M (2011) The care of a patient undergoing liver transplantation Nursing Standard 25, 49, 50-56.• Lau-Walker M & Thompson D (2009) Self-management in long-term health condition- A complex concept poorly understood and applied? (short communication) Patient Education and Counselling 75 290-292• Lau-Walker M., Roughton M., Cowie MR. (2009) Coronary heart disease patients' perception of their symptoms and sense of control are associated with their quality of life three years following hospital discharge. Journal of Clinical Nursing Jan Vo.l 18(1) 63-71• Shuldhum C, Fiouzi A, Parkin C, Roughton R & Lau-Walker M. (2009) The relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes: a case study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 46 (7)986-92 • Munday H., Rintoul R., Laroche C., Buttery R., Hunter C., Lau-Walker M. (2007) Talc pleurodesis: doctor versus nurse-led procedure- a prospective, randomised, multi-centre, pilot study. Lung Cancer 57 July.• Yorke J, Moosavi S, Shuldham C, Lau-Walker M. & Jones P. (2007) Multi-dimensional assessment of clinical dyspnoea . Thorax , Dec. Vol. 62, Supplement 3: A93.• Lau-Walker, M. Roughton, R. Cowie, M. (2007) Coronary heart disease patients' perception of their symptoms and sense of control before hospital discharge predicts their quality of life in the long term. Heart, June, Vol. 93 Supplement 1: 28.• Lau-Walker, M. (2007) Predicting long term confidence in maintaining diet and exercise lifestyles behaviour in coronary heart disease patients- a three years follow-up patients survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing.60 (2): 187-98.• Lau-Walker, M. (2006) Predicting self-efficacy using illness representation components in patients with coronary heart disease: a patient survey. British Journal of Health Psychology 11, 643-661.• Lau-Walker, M (2006) A conceptual care model for individualised care approach in cardiac rehabilitation - combining both illness representation and self-efficacy. British Journal of Health Psychology11,103-117.• Lau-Walker, M. (2004) Predicting self-efficacy using illness representation components in patients with coronary heart disease: a patient survey. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, Vol. 11 Supplement 1: 15.• Lau-Walker, M. (2004) The relationship between illness representation and self-efficacy and the implications for nursing practice: A patient survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(3), 216-225.• Lau-Walker, M. (2004) Cardiac rehabilitation: the importance of patient expectations-a practitioner survey. Journal of Clinical Nursing,13,177-184.