Dr Mohammed Sanduk
In 1973, Dr. Sanduk received his Diploma in Telecommunication technology from the Higher Institute for Telecommunications and Post in Baghdad. In 1983, he received his BSc degree in Physics from Baghdad University. In 1990, Dr. Sanduk received his PhD in Plasma physics from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST). He was assistant professor and undergraduate Programme director then head of Laser and Opto-electronic Engineering Department, Al Nahrain University, in Baghdad-Iraq.
Dr. Sanduk is member and chartered physicist of the Institute of Physics. He acted as expert reviewer to Cambridge University Press, and many refereed journals. His main research interest is the foundation of quantum mechanics. But he looks to the world and life via a theoretical physics approach.
In 2008, Dr. Sanduk joined the University of Surrey. In 2010, he joined the Renewable Energy System Engineering programme (MSc) of Process and Information Systems Engineering (PISE). In 2015, he contributed in Transitions to Low Carbon Energy Economy programme of the Centre for Environmental Strategy (CES).
ResearchResearch interests
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3722-0619
- Foundation of Quantum Mechanics: An approach is based on two bases, the model of two rolling circles and partial observation of the model. The observation acts as a transformation that leads to an analogy of relativistic quantum mechanics. This approach is called “Rolling Circles Theory”
- Renewable energy technology: Improvement of the technology and its utilisation.
- Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): Transport of charged particles within MHD model. With same scope of MHD, Dr Sanduk is interested in Magneto-Electrochemistry, to study the effect of fields to modify Hydrogen production.
Research interests
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3722-0619
- Foundation of Quantum Mechanics: An approach is based on two bases, the model of two rolling circles and partial observation of the model. The observation acts as a transformation that leads to an analogy of relativistic quantum mechanics. This approach is called “Rolling Circles Theory”
- Renewable energy technology: Improvement of the technology and its utilisation.
- Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): Transport of charged particles within MHD model. With same scope of MHD, Dr Sanduk is interested in Magneto-Electrochemistry, to study the effect of fields to modify Hydrogen production.
Postgraduate research supervision
My supervisions for Ph. D. and M.Sc. are more than 80. Some of them are co-supervisions. Here are some of them:
- Electrical production from vertical wind turbines keeping between the rail way tracks, MSc. University of Surrey 2023.
- Feasibility analysis of Offshore wind farms in the UK , MSc. University of Surrey 2022.
- Design and Construction of a Solar Pond and Desalination System for Coupling with Irrigation, PhD, University of Surrey 2021.
- Feasibility analysis of wind farms in the UK, MSc., University of Surrey 2021.
- The Efficiency of wind system with LIDAR , Msc. University of Surrey 2020.
- Feasibility analysis of Offshore wind farms in the UK , Msc. University of Surrey 2018.
- Investigation of Organic Osmotic Agents in Forward Osmosis Desalination Process. PhD, University of Surrey 2015.
- Electrochemical Removal of Copper From Monometallic Solution and from Bimetallic Solution Containing Copper and Zinc Using Packed-Bed Cathode. PhD, University of Surrey 2015.
- A Novel Forward Osmosis Desalination Process With Thermal-Depression Regeneration, PhD. University of Surrey 2014.
- Feasibility study for using solar or wind power to supply water pumps in Hawar Island in the Kingdom of Bahrain, MSc., 2015
- Third Generation Photovoltaics, Approaching the Shockley Queisser Limit and how it can be Surpassed, MSc., University of Surrey 2015
- Hydrogen production using solar energy, MSc. University of Surrey 2015
- The efficiency of wind turbines using Lidar, MSc., University of Surrey 2015
- Design and Feasibility Study of Solar Thermal Collector in Nigeria, MSc, University of Surrey 2014.
- Water Solar Distillation Techniques and Feasibility in Saudi Arabia, MSc., University of Surrey 2014
- A review of the performance of large scale PV plants in the UK, MSc., University of Surrey 2014
- Design of PV Extraction fan to improve the Efficiency of On-Shore Solar Water Still (Qeshm Island-Iran), University of Surrey 2013
- Design and analysis of water solar thermal system using a gas, University of Surrey 2013
- Study the utilising of solar and wind technology in water projects (In Australia), University of Surrey 2013
- Harvesting kinetic energy available in water extracted by wind powered water pumps, University of Surrey 2013
- Design and analysis of wind water pumping system in the desert, 2013
- Study analysis for the PV limitation, University of Surrey 2013
- Design a small-scale wind turbine for a farm in Thailand, University of Surrey 2013
- Investigation of a Novel Capacitive Deionization (CDI) Technique in Desalination and Water Treatment Applications. (Ph. D.), University of Surrey 2013.
- Design, Suitability and Feasibility of PVT system in India. (M. Sc.), University of Surrey 2012.
- Design a computational program for a solar PV system in UK. (M. Sc.), University of Surrey 2012.
- The temperature effect on PV system and the proposed solutions. (M. Sc.), University of Surrey 2012.
- A study for irrigation system for a desert in Africa. (M. Sc.), University of Surrey 2012.
- Requirements, and design a small wind rotor for a small house in Guildford. (M. Sc.), University of Surrey 2012.
- Technical and economical analysis for an onshore Wind grid connection (Case study). (M. Sc.), University of Surrey 2012.
Postgraduate Modules
1- Renewable Energy Technology: MSc (ENGM211) 2009-2016
2- Solar Energy Technology: MSc (ENGM245) 2010-2014.
3- Wind Energy Technology: MSc (ENGM246) 2010-
- Advance Plasma Physics:
- Plasma instability. 2002-2005.
- Plasma instability. 2002-2005.
- Plasma wave interaction. 1999-2003.
- Numerical plasma simulation. 1998-2001.
- Cosmological Plasma. 1997-2002.
- Advance laser physics. 2006-2007.
- Free electron laser. 2003-2007.
- Electromagnetic radiation systems. 2003-2007.
- Electromagnetism. 1997-2000.
- Special Relativity. 1997-1999.
- Elementary Particles. 1995-1999.
- Random Signal analysis. 1998-1999.
- Statistical Mechanics. 1996-1998.