Dr Paul Tibbles
Child & Adolescent Clinical Psychologist and Systemic psychotherapist at the Tavistock Clinic.
Clinical work
Systemic psychotherapy and consultation with looked-after children, foster carers, social workers, young unaccompanied minors, care teams, managers and organisations.
Research interests
Systemic psychotherapy, supervision and consultation; organizational processes; working in educational contexts; postmodern and modern approaches to self and identity. In all these areas I have a preference for qualitative methods.
Research groups
I am presently communicating with researchers interest in qualitative research in the area of addictions and substance misuse.
Research collaborations
The Children's Workforce Development Council
Morrice-Johnson, Y & Tibbles, P.N. (1986) The Very Small Group. The Unforeseen Benefits of a Psychotherapy Group Dwindling in Size. Changes. The Journal of the Psychology and Psychotherapy Association, 4, 272-273
Tibbles, P. N. (1992). Changes in Depression and Personal Construing Following Assessment in Dynamic Psychotherapy. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 65, 9-15
Tibbles, P. N. and Russell, G. (1992). The Silence of Symbiosis: The difficulty of separating a silent adolescent daughter and an uncommunicative mother. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 8, 266-277