Dr Sarah L. Bulloch
I am social research methodologist with a background in conducting and teaching analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. I have worked in academia, the third sector and the consultancy world.
Since 2014 I have been running 1 and 2 day Introductory courses in three of the market-leading software (ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA and NVivo) for the analysis of qualitative data with the CAQDAS Networking Project (CNP). The CNP provides platforms of debate concerning the use of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS) packages. We train students and researchers in a number of CAQDAS packages, provide free online support resources and teach new courses. I also advise and train research teams on their use of CAQDAS software.
Prior to joining the CAQDAS Networking Project, I worked at the disability charity Scope, as Research Manager. I managed a team of 4 research officers to deliver primary and secondary evidence to inform the policy development process and to influence key stakeholders, including Parliamentarians, Policy Makers and the general public.
As a Research Fellow in the Third Sector Research Centre at the University of Southampton, I was co-Investigator on an ESRC Secondary Analysis research grant: ‘Continuity and change in volunteering through times of economic prosperity and adversity: a mixed-methods longitudinal secondary analysis’. Team-based mixed-methods longitudinal analysis using the computer-assisted data analysis (CAQDAS) package MAXQDA, as well as SPSS.
ResearchResearch interests
My research interests include: social research methodologies; research methods pedagogy; social trust, volunteering, gender studies.
Research interests
My research interests include: social research methodologies; research methods pedagogy; social trust, volunteering, gender studies.
Peer reviewed papers
- Lindsey, R. & Bulloch, S.L. (2014) A Sociologist’s field notes to using the Mass Observation Archive: a consideration of the challenges of ‘re-using’ Mass Observation data in a longitudinal mixed-methods study of civic engagement’, Social Research Online, Volume 19, Issue 3.
- Bulloch, S.L. (2012) Seeking construct validity in interpersonal trust research: a proposal on linking theory and survey measures, Social Indicators Research 10.1007/s11205-012-0139-0 (Online First)
Book chapters
- Silver, C. and Bulloch, S. L. (2016) CAQDAS at a crossroads: affordances of technology in an online environment in Fielding, N. & Lee, R. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods. SAGE.
- Sarah L Bulloch, Christina Silver & Nigel Fielding (2018) Using Computer Packages in Qualitative Research: exemplars, developments and challenges in Willig, C. & Stainton-Rogers, W. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology.
Working papers
- Berent, M.K., Bulloch, S.L. & Krosnick, J. A. Tracking National Trends is Harder than it Seems: Attrition, Timing, Question Order Effects on Population Estimates of Social Trust, in process.
Public and Non-Profit Sector Publications
- Bulloch, S.L. & Rogers, C. (2014) Better Living, Higher Standards: improving the lives of disabled people by 2020. Scope Report.
- Bulloch, S. & Headrick, D. (2005) Cross-Jurisdictional Comparison of Legal Provisions for Unmarried Cohabiting Couples, Research Findings No. 55, Scottish Executive: Edinburgh.
- Bulloch, S. (2004) An Evaluation of the Community Legal Service Pilot Partnerships, Research Findings No. 49, Scottish Executive: Edinburgh.