Dr Taolue Chen
Academic and research departments
Computer Science Research Centre, Surrey Centre for Cyber Security.About
Taolue Chen is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at University of Surrey. He did the Phd study at CWI (Dutch national research centre for mathematics and computer science) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and acquired the doctorate from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. After his Phd, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Formal Methods and Tools group, University of Twente and the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
Areas of specialism
ResearchResearch interests
- Formal Verification, Programs Analysis and Synthesis, Software Engineering
- Probabilistic and Stochastic Modelling, Machine Learning and Data Science
- Algorithms and Computational Complexity, or Mathematics broadly related to Computer Science
Research interests
- Formal Verification, Programs Analysis and Synthesis, Software Engineering
- Probabilistic and Stochastic Modelling, Machine Learning and Data Science
- Algorithms and Computational Complexity, or Mathematics broadly related to Computer Science
- Data Structures and Algorithms (COM1029)
- Data Science Principles and Practices (COMM054)
Additional publications
There is a publication list on my personal website or DBLP.