Dr Vasanth Kumar Kannuchamy
I joined the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey as a Lecturer of Chemical Engineering in October 2022. Before moving to surrey, I was working as a lecturer for upto four years in the department of chemical sciences, University of Limerick. My research area focuses on gas storage, gas separations, carbon material synthesis, molecular modelling, crystallisation science (both classical and non-classical crystallisation), process analytical technology (PAT), purification and continuous manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, in silico synthesis of porous materials and characterization, green carbons and waste water treatment.
I did my bachelor’s degree in chemical technology and master’s in environmental technology. I have two PhD degrees, a PhD in Environmental Technology from Anna University (India) and a PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering from University of Porto (Portugal). I also won several prestigious fellowships that includes Senior Research Fellowship (CSIR India), Juan de la Cierva (MICINN, Spain), IAPP Marie Curie Research Fellowship (EU) and IEF Marie Curie Research Fellowship (EU). I published > 80 first plus communicating author high impact articles in numerous high impact journals that include Chemical Reviews, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ChemSusChem,which are cited > 9000 times with an h index of 37. I was 'one of the top 50 cited researchers in the world' during the period 2004-2007 under the field of colloid and interface science. I was the recipient of gold plated pen from Elsevier for publishing the most cited article in one of their journals.
I was the PI of several international projects that includes CRYSTASSEMB, MATSIMBOX, continuous manufacturing of APIs, Flowcryst, funded by the Enterprise Ireland, European Commission, Science Foundation Ireland, Boston scientific, MSD (Ireland). These projects deal with the manufacturing of API nanoparticles, purification of APIs using PAT assisted classical non-classical crystallisation approaches, gas purification and continuous manufacturing of APIs.
In the media
ResearchResearch interests
- Crystallisation fundamentals: Solubility and metastable zone width prediction, nucleation and crystal growth of small molecules
- Continuous manufacturing of APIs using classical and non-classical crystallisation
- Process Analytical Technology
- Carbon material synthesis and characterisation
- Liquid and gas phase adsorption
- Gas storage and separations of small molecules
- Molecular modelling
- Machine learning
Key research publications
K Vasanth Kumar et al., Pure Curcumin Spherulites from impure solutions via nonclassical crystallization, ACS Omega 2021, 6, 37, 23884–23900.
K. Vasanth Kumar et al., Probing adsorbent heterogeneity using Toth isotherms, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 944-962.
K. Vasanth Kumar et al., Characterization of the adsorption site energies and heterogeneous surfaces of porous materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 10104-10137.
K. Vasanth Kumar et al., Nanoporous materials for the onboard storage of natural gas, Chemical Reviews, 2017, 117, 1796–1825.
K Vasanth Kumar et al., Understanding the hydrophilicity and water adsorption behavior of nanoporous nitrogen-doped carbons, Jorunal of Physical Chemistry C 2016, 120, 32, 18167–18179.
K Vasanth Kumar et al., Effect of pore morphology on the adsorption of methane/hydrogen mixtures on carbon micropores, Journal of Physical. Chemistry C 2012, 116, 21, 11820–11829.
Indicators of esteem
- Total citations (googlescholar): > 9000
- h-index: 37
- Listed in Stanford University's global list of the top 2% of scientists in chemical engineering
Googlescholar profile
Research interests
- Crystallisation fundamentals: Solubility and metastable zone width prediction, nucleation and crystal growth of small molecules
- Continuous manufacturing of APIs using classical and non-classical crystallisation
- Process Analytical Technology
- Carbon material synthesis and characterisation
- Liquid and gas phase adsorption
- Gas storage and separations of small molecules
- Molecular modelling
- Machine learning
Key research publications
K Vasanth Kumar et al., Pure Curcumin Spherulites from impure solutions via nonclassical crystallization, ACS Omega 2021, 6, 37, 23884–23900.
K. Vasanth Kumar et al., Probing adsorbent heterogeneity using Toth isotherms, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 944-962.
K. Vasanth Kumar et al., Characterization of the adsorption site energies and heterogeneous surfaces of porous materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 10104-10137.
K. Vasanth Kumar et al., Nanoporous materials for the onboard storage of natural gas, Chemical Reviews, 2017, 117, 1796–1825.
K Vasanth Kumar et al., Understanding the hydrophilicity and water adsorption behavior of nanoporous nitrogen-doped carbons, Jorunal of Physical Chemistry C 2016, 120, 32, 18167–18179.
K Vasanth Kumar et al., Effect of pore morphology on the adsorption of methane/hydrogen mixtures on carbon micropores, Journal of Physical. Chemistry C 2012, 116, 21, 11820–11829.
Indicators of esteem
- Total citations (googlescholar): > 9000
- h-index: 37
- Listed in Stanford University's global list of the top 2% of scientists in chemical engineering
Googlescholar profile
Postgraduate research supervision
Currently, I am looking for potential candidates to apply for PhD/postdoctoral fellowship applications to state agencies within UK and EU. If you are interested, please drop me an email.
Additional publications
- K Vasanth Kumar,* Claire Heffernan, Kiran A Ramisetty, Christopher A Howard, Sergey Beloshapkin, TOF-SIMS analysis of curcuminoids and curcumin crystals crystallized from their pure and impure solutions, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 2485-2504.
- K Vasanth Kumar,* Kiran A Ramisetty, K Renuka Devi, Gamidi Rama Krishna, Claire Heffernan, Andrew A Stewart, Jian Guo, Srinivas Gadipelli, Dan JL Brett, Evangelos P Favvas, Åke C Rasmuson, Pure Curcumin Spherulites from Impure Solutions via Nonclassical Crystallization, ACS Omega, 6, 2021, 23884–23900.
- K. Vasanth Kumar,* Srinivas Gadipelli, Christopher A. Howard, Witold Kwapinski and Dan J. L. Brett, Probing adsorbent heterogeneity using Toth isotherms, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021,9, 944-962. Cover-Art article.
- Shubhangi Kakkar, Christopher A. Howard, Witold Kwapinski and K. Vasanth Kumar,* Deep neural networks in chemical engineering classrooms to accurately model adsorption equilibrium data, Education for Chemical Engineers, 36, 2021, 115-127.
- K. Vasanth Kumar,* Christopher A Howard, Dan Brett and Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso, Characterization of binding sites using adsorption isotherms, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 10104-10137. Cover-Art article.
- Kiran A. Ramisetty, K. Vasanth Kumar, Åke C. Rasmuson, Advanced size distribution control in batch cooling crystallization using ultrasound, Organic Process Research & Development, 2019, 23, 5, 935–944.
- Vasanth Kumar K*; Kathrin Preuss, Xiao Guo, Magdalena Titirici M; Francisco Rodríguez-Reinoso. Nanoporous materials for the obnoard storage of natural gas. Chemical Reviews (Impact factor – 47.928), 117, pp 1796–1825, 2017.
- Vasanth Kumar K*; Kathrin Preuss, Xiao Guo, Magdalena Titirici M; Understanding hydrophilicity and water adsorption behavior of nanoporous nitrogen doped carbons, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, pp 18167–18179, 2016.
- MinYu, EnricoBernardo, PaoloColombo, Acacio R.Romero, PeterTatarko, Vasanth K. Kannuchamy, Maria-MagdalenaTitirici, Elinor G.Castle, Olivier T.Picot, Michael J.Reece, Preparation and properties of biomorphic potassium-based geopolymer (KGP)-biocarbon (CB) composite, Ceramics International, 44, 11, 12957-12964.
- Vasanth Kumar K*; Kathrin Preuss, Zheng Xiao Guo, Magdalena Titirici M; Effect of nitrogen doping on the CO2 adsorption behaviour in nanoporous carbon structures: a molecular simulation study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(39), pp. 22310-22321, 2015.
- Vasanth Kumar K*; Srinivas, G; Kathrin Preuss, Zheng Xiao Guo, Magdalena Titirici M; Salt templating with pore padding: one step green synthesis of high surface area and highly porous functional materials from biomass, ChemSusChem, 10, 199-209, 2016 (Invited article published in the special issue celbrating 10 years of ChemSusChem).
- Vasanth Kumar K *; G. Charalambopoulou; Stubos A; Gotzias A; Kainourgiakis K; Steriotis T. The required level of isosteric heat for the adsorptive/storage delivery of H2in the UiO series of MOFs. RSC Advances. 4 - 85, pp. 44848 – 44851, 2014.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; G. Charalambopoulou; Stubos A; Gotzias A; Kainourgiakis K; Steriotis T. Insights on the physical adsorption of hydrogen and methane in UiO series of MOFs using molecular simulations. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. 36–45. 2015.
- Vasanth Kumar K *.; Erich A. Müller; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso Co-adsorption of N2 in the presence of CH4 within carbon nanospaces: evidence from molecular simulations. Nanotechnology. 24, pp. 1 – 10, 2014.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Maria Silvestre-Albero A; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. A site energy distribution function for the characterization of the continuous distribution of binding sites for gases on a heterogeneous surface. RSC Advances. 2, pp. 784 – 788, 2012.
- Vasanth Kumar K *.; Erich A. Müller; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. Effect of Pore Morphology on the Adsorption of Methane/Hydrogen Mixtures on Carbon Micropores. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, pp. 11820 -11829, 2012.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Francisco Rodríguez-Reinoso. Effect of pore structure on the selectivity of carbon materials for the separation of CO2/H2 mixtures: New insights from molecular simulation. RSC Advances. 25, pp. 9671 – 9678, 2012.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso; M Monteiro de Castro; M Martinez-Escandell; M Molina-Sabio. A site energy distribution from Toth isotherm for adsorption of gases on heterogeneous surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13, pp. 5753 – 5759, 2011.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Ana Silvestere; J.C. Serrano Ruiz; Gupta V.K.A site energy distribution function for Sips isotherm by condensation approximation method. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 56, pp. 2218 – 2224, 2011.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; M Monteiro de Castro; M Martinez-Escandell; M Molina-Sabio; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. Heat of adsorption and binding affinity for hydrogen on pitch-based activated carbons. Chemical Engineering Journal. 168, pp. 972 – 978, 2011
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Salih Alaaeldin; Linghong Lu; Erich A. Müller; Francisco Rodríguez-Reinoso. Molecular simulation of hydrogen physisorption and chemisorption in nanoporous carbon structures. Adsorption Science and Technology. 29, pp. 799 – 817, 2011 (invited article).
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Souza H.K; Gupta V.K. On the initial reaction rate of Peleg’s model for rehydration kinetics. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 42, pp. 278 - 280. 2011.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Monteiro de Castro M; Martinez-Escandell M; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. A continuous binding site affinity distribution function from the Freundlich isotherm for the adsorption of hydrogen on activated carbon at supercritical conditions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114, pp. 13759 – 13765, 2010
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Monteiro de Castro M; Martinez-Escandell M; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. A continuous site energy distribution function from Redlich–Peterson isotherm for adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces. Chemical Physics Letters. 492, pp. 187 – 192, 2010
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Issam Khaddour Ali; Gupta Vinod K. A pseudo second order kinetic expression for dissolution kinetic profiles of solids in solutions. Industrial Engineering Chemsitry & Research. 49, pp. 7257 – 7262, 2010
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Monteiro de Castro M; Martinez-Escandell M; Molina-Sabio M; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. Adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces: Site energy distribution functions from Fritz-Schlüender isotherms. ChemPhysChem. 11, pp. 2555 – 2560, 2010.
- Vasanth Kumar K*; Valenzuela-Calahorro C; J.M. Juarez; Silvestre-Albero J; Molina-Sabio M; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. Hybrid isotherms for adsorption and capillary condensation of N2 at 77 K on porous and non-porous materials. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Fernando Rocha. Kinetics and thermodynamics of sucrose crystal growth in the presence of a non-ionic surfactant. Surface Science, 604, pp. 981 - 987, 2010.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; M Monteiro de Castro; M Martinez-Escandell; M Molina-Sabio; Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso. Neural network and principal component analysis for modeling of hydrogen adsorption isotherms on KOH activated pitch-based carbons containing different heteroatoms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 159, pp. 272 – 279, 2010.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. A Semiempirical Kinetics for Modeling and Simulation of the Crystal Growth Process in Pure Solutions. Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research,. 48, pp. 5105 - 5110.,American Chemical Society, 2009.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K; Fernando Rocha. Basic dye removal from aqueous solution by adsorption using rubber wood saw dust as a biosorbent: Equilibrium and thermodynamics. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. 10, pp. 295 - 307. 2009.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Neural Network Prediction of Interfacial Tension at Crystal/Solution Interface. Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research. 48, pp. 4160 - 4164. American Chemical Society, 2009.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Fernando Rocha. On the effect of a non-ionic surfactant on the surface of sucrose crystals and on the crystal growth process by inverse gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A. 1216, pp. 8528 - 8534. 2009.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Regression analysis for the two step growth of crystals in solutions. Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research. 48, pp. 7852 - 7859. 2009.
- Simple kinetic expressions to study the transport process during the growth of crystals in solution. Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research. 48, pp. 11236 - 11240. 2009.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Simple kinetic models to explain the change in dislocation activity of crystals during a growth process. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 89, pp. 599 - 604. 2009.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Comments on "Photocatalytic properties of TiO2 modified with platinum and silver nanoparticles in the degradation of oxalic acid in aqueous solution". Langmuir Hinshelwood kinetics-A theoretical study. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 79, pp. 108 - 109. 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Comments on Removal of Congo red from aqueous solution by anilinepropylsilica xerogel". Dyes and Pigments. 77, pp. 481 - 482. 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K; Fernando Rocha. Comparison of various error functions in predicting the optimum isotherm by linear and non-linear regression analysis for the sorption of basic red 9 by activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 150, pp. 158 - 165. 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K; Fernando Rocha. Isotherms and thermodynamics by linear and non-linear regression analysis for the sorption of methylene blue onto activated carbon: Comparison of various error functions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 151, pp. 794 - 804. 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K; Fernando Rocha. Langmuir Hinshelwood Kinetics - A theoretical study. Catalysis Communications. 9, pp. 82 - 84. 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Pedro Martins; Fernando Rocha. Modelling of the batch sucrose crystallization kinetics using artificial neural networks: comparison with conventional regression analysis. Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research. 47, pp. 4917 - 4923. 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K; R.L.A Rondon; Fernando Rocha. Neural network modeling and simulation of the solid/liquid activated carbon adsorption process. Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research. 47, pp. 486 - 490. 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Pseudo second order kinetics for the sorption of auramine O onto activated carbon. Indian Chemical Engineer. 50, pp. 227 - 238. Taylor & Francis and Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2008.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkdo K; Fernando Rocha. , Comments on "Removal of lead from aqueous solution using Syzygium cumini L.: Equilibrium and kinetic studies". Journal of Hazardous Materials. 147, pp. 677 -678. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Batch adsorber design for different solution volume/adsorbent mass ratios using the experimental equilibrium data with fixed solution volume/adsorbent mass ratio of malachite green onto orange peel. Dyes and Pigments. 74, pp. 590 - 594. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Comments on "Biosorption of nickel from protonated rice bran". Journal of Hazardous Materials. 147, pp. 679 - 679. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K; Fernando Rocha. Comments on "Equilibrium and kinetic studies for the biosorption system of copper(II) ion from aqueous solution using Tectona grandis L.f. leaves powder". Journal of Hazardous Materials. 146, pp. 428 - 429. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Comments on "adsorption of 4-chlorophenol from aqueous solutions by xad-4 resin: Isotherm, kinetic, and thermodynamic analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 143, pp. 598 - 599. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K; Selvaganapathi A. Constrain in solving Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic expression for the photocatalytic degradation of Auramine O aqueous solutions by ZnO catalyst. Dyes and Pigments. 75, pp. 246 - 249. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Equilibrium, kinetics and mechanism modeling and simulation of basic and acid dyes sorption onto jute fiber carbon: Eosin yellow, malachite green and crystal violet single component systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 143, pp. 311 - 327. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Isotherms for Malachite Green onto rubber wood (Hevea brasiliensis) sawdust: Comparison of linear and non-linear methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 72, pp. 124 - 129. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Mass transfer, kinetics and equilibrium studies for the biosorption of methylene blue using Paspalum notatum. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 146, pp. 214 - 226. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Modeling the diffusion mechanism and the reaction kinetics for the photocatalytic degradation of acid red 151 aqueous solutions by ZnO: comparison of linear and non-linear methods. Journal of Advance Oxidation Technologies. 10, pp. 001 - 009. Science & Tecnology Network, Inc., 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Optimum sorption isotherm by linear and non-linear methods for malachite green onto lemon peel. Dyes and Pigments. 74, pp. 595 - 597. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Pseudo-second order models for the adsorption of safranin onto activated carbon: Comparison of linear and non-linear regression methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 142, pp. 564 - 567. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Rattanaphani S. Reply to "Comments on An adsorption and kinetic study of lac dyeing on silk: by Yuh-Shan Ho: Discussion on pseudo second order kinetic expression". Dyes and Pigments. 75,pp. 253 - 254. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Sorption isotherm for safranin onto rice husk: Comparison of linear and non-linear methods. Dyes and Pigments. 72, pp. 130 - 133. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *annuchamy; Porkodi K. The rate determining step in adsorption processes. Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment. 11, pp. 63 - 37. 2007.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Comparative analysis of linear and non-linear method of estimating the sorption isotherm parameters for malachite green onto activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 136, pp. 197 -202. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. A note on the comments by Dr. Y.S. Ho on "Nitrate removal from aqueous solution by adsorption onto various materials". Journal of Hazardous Materials. 136, pp. 995 - 996. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. A note on the comments by Dr. Y.S. Ho on "Remediation of soil contaminated with the heavy metal (Cd2+)". Journal of Hazardous Materials. 136, pp. 993 - 994. Elsevier, 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Ramamurthi V; Sivanesan S. Biosorption of malachite green, a cationic dye onto Pithophora sp., a fresh water algae. Dyes and Pigments. 69, pp. 102 - 107. 2006.
- Comments on "Equilibrium studies for the adsorption of Acid dye onto modified hectorite". Journal of Hazardous Materials. 137, pp. 1252 - 1253. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Comments on adsorption of acid dye onto organobentonite. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 137, pp. 638 - 639. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Equilibrium data, isotherm parameters and process design for partialand complete isotherm of methylene blue onto activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 134, pp. 237 - 244. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Isotherm parameters for basic dyes onto activated carbon: Comparison of linear and non-linear method. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 129, pp. 147 - 150. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *. Linear and non-linear regression analysis for the sorption kinetics of methylene blue onto activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 137, pp. 1538 - 1544. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Pseudo second order kinetic models for safranin onto rice husk: Comparison of linear and non-linear regression analysis. Process Biochemistry. 41, pp. 1198 - 1202. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Pseudo second order kinetics and pseudo isotherms for malachite green onto activated carbon: Comparison of linear and non-linear regression methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 136, pp. 721 - 726. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Porkodi K. Relation between some two- and three-parameter isotherm models for the sorption of methylene blue onto lemon peel. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 138, pp. 633 - 635. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Favere V.T. Reply to Comments on ‘Chitosan functionalized with 2[-bis-(pyridylmethyl) aminomethyl]4-methyl-6-formyl-phenol: Equilibrium and kinetics of copper(II) adsorption; by Yuh-Shan Ho: Discussion on pseudo second order kinetic expression. Polymer. 47, pp. 1772 - 1773. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Guha B.K. Reply to the comments on "Study on biosorption of Cr(VI) by Mucor hiemalis” by Y.-S. Ho, Biochem. Eng. J. 26 (2005) 82". Biochemical Engineering Journal. 30, pp. 222 - 223. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Selection of optimum sorption kinetics: Comparison of linear and non-linear method. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 134, pp. 277 - 279. 2006.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S; Ramamurthi V. Adsorption of malachite green onto Pithophora sp., a fresh water algae: Equilibrium and kinetic modeling. Process Biochemistry. 40, pp. 2865 - 2872. 2005.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Comparison of linear and non-linear method in estimating the sorption isotherm parameters for safranin onto activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 123, pp. 288 - 292. 2005.
- Vadivelan V; Vasanth Kumar K *. Equilibrium, kinetics, mechanism, and process design for the sorption of methylene blue onto rice husk. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 286, pp. 90 - 100. 2005.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Ramamurthi V; Sivanesan S. Modeling the mechanism involved during the sorption of methylene blue onto fly ash. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 284, pp. 114 - 121. 2005.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Prediction of optimum sorption isotherm: Comparison of linear and non-linear method. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 126, pp. 198 - 201. 2005.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Kumaran A. Removal of methylene blue by mango seed kernel powder. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 27, pp. 198 - 201. Elsevier, 2005.
- Vasanth Kumar K *; Sivanesan S. Surface mass transfer during the sorption of basic dye onto boiler bottom ash. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 13, pp. 443 - 445. Hanna.radecka publishers, Poland, 2004.