Natural resources
We are investigating forestry and oil exploitation in developing countries looking at the necessary legal paths that would open the way to sustainable forest management, sustainable use of the remaining oil resources and new forms of agriculture involving foreign investment.
A Martin and M Ayalew (2011) Global economic crisis and regional challenges towards FDI, development and agriculture: from ‘land grab’ to development-funding agri-FDI, 2nd Annual Asian International Economic Law Network Conference [The Global Financial and Economic Crisis and The PostCrisis International Economic Law Environment], University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
A Martin and M Ayalew (2011) Acquiring Land Abroad for Agricultural Purposes: Land Grab or Agri-Fdi?, In: Environmental Regulatory Research Group Report.
G Oanta (2010) The European Union System to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, ed. Bruylant, Bruxelles.
W Nsoh (2009) Controlling Illegal Logging and the Trade in Illegally Harvested Timber: An Assessment of Forest/Timber Certification as an Instrument to Ensure Legal and Sustainable Timber Production.