Monday 13 May - Wednesday 15 May 2024
Pint of Science Festival 2024
Pint of Science returns to Guildford from 13-15 May 2024 - and tickets are now on sale!
Pint of Science is a worldwide science festival which brings researchers to your local pub, cafe or space to share their scientific discoveries with you. The University of Surrey has been pleased to have been a big part of the festival over the years and is excited to host our own events again this year right here in Guildford.
How does it work? University of Surrey researchers will be venturing out to Guildford venues to explain their research over a pint (or other beverage).
Join in the fun and hopefully learn something new along the way!
In previous years the event has been a sold-out success so grab your tickets while you can. The event is open to all, so please do share with local friends, colleagues and family inside and outside our university community.
Tickets and further information are available from Monday 8 April on the Pint of Science website.
This event is coordinated by the University's public engagement and events teams, so please email them if you have any questions or just want to find out more.
from £5.00 to £5.00
This event has passed
Please visit the Pint of Science website to book your tickets