Dr Sarvarian participates in International Law Week at the United Nations
In October 2022, Dr Sarvarian participated in ‘International Law Week’ as delegate and legal adviser to the Republic of Armenia for the Legal Committee of the UN General Assembly.
Working for the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations, he prepared and delivered statements on the 2022 report of the International Law Commission covering a variety of projects, including ‘peremptory norms of international law’, ‘sea level rise’, ‘State immunity’ and ‘protection of the environment in armed conflicts’. Armenia also commented for the first time on the agenda item ‘Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts’. He was also a panellist in a side event on ‘Emerging Issues in Legal Practice: Ethics, Representation and International Dispute Resolution’ and took part in informal, interactive sessions. More information may be found on the work of the Legal Committee and the International Law Commission.