Surrey Speaks season 2 episode 2 - Discussing uncomfortable truths in the acting industry
Third year student Ed Shamwana and Surrey academic Ameer Choudrie discuss uncomfortable truths in the acting industry in Episode 2 of the Surrey Speaks Podcast.

On the subject of uncomfortable truths, Ameer Choudrie, Senior Lecturer in Acting says: “We should be doing that with all education, from primary all the way up. Let’s talk about the uncomfortable truth in a safe way, in a positive way, so that those future generations, the three-year-olds, four-year-olds…up to the 19, 20 21-year-olds could go, ‘cool, that happened, and I don’t really want that to happen again’.”
Ed, a third-year undergraduate, adds: “I think historically the industry has been, in terms of a power dynamic, quite top down. I think the more that those conversations are cultivated, the more everybody understands what is normal and what’s really not normal and what’s really not OK to experience within professional settings; how you’re treated or whether or not you’re misidentified, or all of the small stuff that happens day-to-day, where if it’s normal to talk about it, then it becomes much more normal to call it out in the moment.”
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