Abdullah Khan Durrani

Postgraduate Research Student

Academic and research departments

Advanced Technology Institute.


My research project


GAVRIELLE REBECCA UNTRACHT, NIKOLAOS DIKAIOS, Abdullah Khan Durrani, Mariam Bapir, Marinko V. Sarunic, David D Sampson, Christian Heiss, DANUTA SAMPSON (2022)Pilot study of optical coherence tomography angiography-derived microvascular metrics in hands and feet of healthy and diabetic people

Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a non-invasive, high-resolution imaging modality with growing application in dermatology and microvascular assessment. Accepted reference values for OCTA-derived microvascular parameters in skin do not yet exist but need to be established to drive OCTA into the clinic. In this pilot study, we assess a range of OCTA microvascular metrics at rest and after post-occlusive reactive hyperaemia (PORH) in the hands and feet of 52 healthy individuals and 11 individuals with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We calculate each metric, measure test-retest repeatability, and evaluate correlation with demographic risk factors. Our study delivers extremity-specific, age-dependent reference values and coefficients of repeatability of nine microvascular metrics at baseline and at the maximum of PORH. Significant differences are not seen for age-dependent microvascular metrics in hand, but they are present for several metrics in the foot. Significant differences are observed between hand and foot, both at baseline and maximum PORH for most of the microvascular metrics, with generally higher values in the hand. Despite a large variability over a range of individuals, as is expected based on heterogeneous ageing phenotypes of the population, the test-retest repeatability is 3.5% to 18% of the mean value for all metrics, which highlights the opportunities for OCTA-based studies in larger cohorts, for longitudinal monitoring, and for assessing the efficacy of interventions. Additionally, branchpoint density in the hand and foot and changes in vessel diameter in response to PORH stood out as good discriminators between healthy and T2DM groups, which indicates their potential value as biomarkers. This study, building on our previous work, represents a further step towards standardized OCTA in clinical practice and research.

GAVRIELLE REBECCA UNTRACHT, ROLANDO SZILVESZTER MATOS, NIKOLAOS DIKAIOS, MARIAM BAPIR, ABDULLAH KHAN DURRANI, Teemapron Butsabong, PAOLA CAMPAGNOLO, DAVID SAMPSON, CHRISTIAN HEISS, DANUTA SAMPSON (2021)OCTAVA: An open-source toolbox for quantitative analysis of optical coherence tomography angiography images, In: Plos One16(12)pp. 1-22 Public Library of Science

Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) performs non-invasive visualization and characterization of microvasculature in research and clinical applications mainly in ophthalmology and dermatology. A wide variety of instruments, imaging protocols, processing methods and metrics have been used to describe the microvasculature, such that comparing different study outcomes is currently not feasible. With the goal of contributing to standardization of OCTA data analysis, we report a user-friendly, open-source toolbox, OCTAVA (OCTA Vascular Analyzer), to automate the pre-processing, segmentation, and quantitative analysis of en face OCTA maximum intensity projection images in a standardized workflow. We present each analysis step, including optimization of filtering and choice of segmentation algorithm, and definition of metrics. We perform quantitative analysis of OCTA images from different commercial and non-commercial instruments and samples and show OCTAVA can accurately and reproducibly determine metrics for characterization of microvasculature. Wide adoption could enable studies and aggregation of data on a scale sufficient to develop reliable microvascular biomarkers for early detection, and to guide treatment, of microvascular disease.