Al Adil Al Hinai
My research project
SAR and maritime surveillanceMaritime surveillance is imperative as 90% of the world goods are transported by sea. Given the vastness of the Earth's oceans, a 24/7 terrestrial monitoring system is hard to implement. Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is seen as one of the prime solutions due to its insensitivity to sunlight and weather conditions, as well as short revisit times.
Maritime surveillance is imperative as 90% of the world goods are transported by sea. Given the vastness of the Earth's oceans, a 24/7 terrestrial monitoring system is hard to implement. Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is seen as one of the prime solutions due to its insensitivity to sunlight and weather conditions, as well as short revisit times.
In this paper, a novel algorithm for ship classification in Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is presented. The algorithm utilises layover as the main classification feature, which is based on the different relative heights of superstructures in oil tankers, container ships, geared and gearless bulk carriers. The algorithm has been tested using 20 ship samples from Sentinel-1 stripmap images over the port of Santos, divided equally amongst the four ship classes. An overall classification accuracy of 75% has been achieved.