Dr Anna Torres-Delgado

Marie Curie Research Fellow
+44 (0)1483 682853
46A AP 02


Anna Torres-Delgado is a lecturer and researcher in the field of tourism and sustainability to destination planning and management, and her area of expertise is the development of sustainable tourism indicators. Her doctoral thesis was distinguished with the extraordinary doctoral prize of the academic year 2012/13 at the University of Barcelona, and awarded with the Environment Award (2015) of the Government of Catalonia in the category of research, innovation and development. 

For the last ten years, while teaching and researching at the University, she has been also providing support to the Barcelona County Council, as well as the Barcelona City Council, in building and applying Tourism Indicator Systems to sustainable management of destinations. Currently, she is a member of the discussion panel on Tourism at Barcelona City Council, as an expert in sustainable tourism to support the government on its municipal action (2016-present).

She has published several scientific articles and book chapters, attended more than 20 international and national conferences in tourism geography and sustainability and led two editions of the Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona (CETT-UB, 2016 and 2018, Barcelona). 

University roles and responsibilities

  • Research fellow

    My qualifications

    PhD in Geography
    University of Barcelona
    Master in Territorial Planning and Environmental Management
    University of Barcelona
    Degree in Environmental Sciences
    Autonomous University of Barcelona


    Research interests


    In high impact journals by Impact Factor:

    Torres-Delgado, A., López Palomeque, F., Elorrieta Sanz, B. & Font Urgell, X. (2021). Monitoring sustainable management in local tourist destinations: performance, drivers and barriers. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1937190

    Font, X., Torres-Delgado, A., Crabolu, G., Palomo Martinez, J., Kantenbacher, J. & Miller, G. (2021). The impact of sustainable tourism indicators on destination competitiveness: the European Tourism Indicator System. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, doi: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1910281

    Torres-Delgado, A. & López Palomeque, F. (2018). The ISOST index: A tool for studying sustainable tourism. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 8, 281-289. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2017.05.005.

    Torres-Delgado, A. & López Palomeque, F. (2014). Measuring Sustainable Tourism at the Municipal Level. Annals of Tourism Research, 49, 122-137. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2014.09.003.

    Torres-Delgado, A. & Saarinen, J. (2013). Using indicators to assess sustainable tourism development: a review. Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 16, 31-47. doi:10.1080/14616688.2013.867530.

    Torres-Delgado, A. & López Palomeque, F. (2012). The growth and spread of the concept of sustainable tourism: The contribution of institutional initiatives to tourism policy. Tourism Management Perspectives, 4, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.tmp.2012.05.001.

    In other journals with impact factor and included in Scopus-Scimago data base:

    Elorrieta Sanz,B., García Martín, M., Cerdan Schwitzguébel, A. & Torres-Delgado, A. (2021). La "guerra de las terrazas": privatización del espacio público por el turismo en Sevilla y Barcelona [The "war of the terraces": privatization of public space by tourism in Seville and Barcelona]. Cuadernos de Turismo, 47 (in the process of publication).

    López Palomeque, F., Torres-Delgado, A., Font Urgell, X., & Serrano Miracle, D. (2018). Gestión sostenible de destinos turísticos: la implementación de un sistema de indicadores de turismo en los destinos de la provincia de Barcelona [Sustainable management of tourist destinations: the implementation of a system of tourism indicators in the destinations of the province of Barcelona]. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 77, 428-461. doi: 10.21138/bage.2547.

    Torres Delgado, A. (2013). Turismo y sostenibilidad. Una propuesta metodológica para el estudio de la sostenibilidad turística a escala municipal [Tourism and sustainability A methodological proposal for the study of tourism sustainability at the municipal level]. Investigaciones Turísticas, 5,163-171. doi: 10.14198/INTURI2013.5.07.

    Torres Delgado, A. (2010). Sostenibilitat i modalitats turístiques: una anàlisi de casos a Catalunya a partir de l’aplicació d’indicadors [Sustainability and tourism modalities: an analysis of cases in Catalonia based on the application of indicators]. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 56, (3), 479-502. ISSN 0212-1573.

    Other articles

    López Palomeque, F.; Torres-Delgado, A.; Elorrieta, B.; Font Urgell, X. i Serrano Miracle, D. (2018). Turismo y sostenibilidad: El uso de indicadores para la gestión sostenible de destinos turísticos en la província de Barcelona [Tourism and Sustainability: Using Indicators for Sustainable Management of Tourist Destinations in The Barcelona Province ]. Polígonos, Revista de Geografía, 30, 195–215.

    Coma Guitart, J.; Elorrieta Sanz, B. & Torres Delgado, A. (2016). La incidencia de las TIC en destinos turísticos de la montaña española. Un análisis de casos [The incidence of ICT in tourist destinations of the Spanish mountain. A case analysis]. Ara. Journal of Tourism Research, 6, (2), 75-86.

    Torres Delgado, A. (2010). Certificaciones ambientales, productos innovadores y redes de cooperación: iniciativas de turismo sostenible en nuevos destinos de Cataluña [Environmental certifications, innovative products and cooperation networks: sustainable tourism initiatives in new destinations in Catalonia]. Revista de Análisis Turístico-AECIT,10, 1-8. ISSN: 1885-2564.

    Book chapters

    Pareto Boada, P.; Torres-Delgado, A.; Cerdan Schwitzguébel, A. & Elorrieta Sanz, B. (2020). Sostenibilidad social del turismo en Barcelona: un análisis geoespacial [Social sustainability of tourism in Barcelona: a geospatial analysis]. In G.X. Pons, A. Blanco-Romero, R. Navalón-García, L. Troitiño-Torralba & M. Blázquez-Salom (eds.), Sostenibilidad Turística: overtourism vs undertourism [Tourism Sustainability: overtourism vs undertourism] (pp.249-264). Palma (Illes Balears): Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears.

    Torres-Delgado, A. (2018). Turismo sostenible: de la necesidad a la competitividad [Sustainable tourism: from necessity to competitiveness]. In L. Coma & J. Santacana (cords.), Ciudad Educadora y Turismo Responsable [Educating City and Responsible Tourism] (pp. 109-122). Barcelona:Trea.

    López Palomeque, F.; Torres Delgado, A.; Font Urgell, X. & Serrano Miracle, D. (2016). System of Tourism Indicators for the Sustainable Management of Destinations in the Province of Barcelona. In A.Makua & R. Ahedo (eds.) Improving Sustainable Tourism in XXIst Century, 69-86. Bilbao: Deusto Digital.

    Sánchez Aguilera, D. & Torres Delgado, A (2009). Apartaments i habitatges d’ús turístic [Apartments and houses for tourist use]. In F. López Palomeque (Cord.), Atles del Turisme a Catalunya. Mapa Nacional de l’Oferta i els Productes Turístics [Atlas of Tourism in Catalonia. National Map of the Offer and the Tourist Products], 299-308. Barcelona:Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’Innovació, Universitats.

    Guàrdia Carbonell, C. & Torres Delgado, A (2009). Instal·lacions juvenils, albergs i refugis [Youth facilities, hostels and refuges]. In F. López Palomeque (Cord.), Atles del Turisme a Catalunya. Mapa Nacional de l’Oferta i els Productes Turístics [Atlas of Tourism in Catalonia. National Map of the Offer and the Tourist Products], 326-335. Barcelona:Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’Innovació, Universitats.

    Torres Delgado, A. (2008). Creando ventajas competitivas: la ambientalización de los destinos turísticos catalanes como estrategia de revalorización del producto [Creating competitive advantages: the geenning of the Catalan tourist destinations as a strategy of revaluation of the product]. In J.Ivars-Baidal & J.F. Vera-Rebollo (Coords.), Espacios Turísticos. Mercantilización, paisaje e identidad [Tourist Spaces Mercantilization, landscape and identity], 473-484. Alacant:Editorial AguaClara SL.