Dr James Butterworth

Phd MSc BSc
Monday 2-4 09AC04

Academic and research departments

Cognitive Psychology research group, School of Psychology.


I am a Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Surrey. I also teach on several other modules, and have additional roles as an academic and personal tutor, and dissertation and placement supervisor. I obtained my PhD at the University of Southampton in 2024, and I have a Masters Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Sussex, and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from the University of Surrey.

My key research examines the relationship between Sleep and The Self (including self-compassion, self-control, self-esteem, and self-continuity). I am interested in how these variables interact on a state basis, and the influence of external factors. 

I also conduct EEG research. Recent research includes investigating the neural mechanisms of reward-related, emotion regulation, and wellbeing; how do different types of narcissists respond to making mistakes; and neural markers of descriptors for the presented vs authentic self.



Additional publications