Dr Emma Borkowski DVM DACVP PhD MRCVS
My qualifications
Affiliations and memberships
ResearchResearch interests
Control of parasites in domestic animals, assessing and leveraging host immune responses to parasites, and genetic selection for parasite immunity.
Research interests
Control of parasites in domestic animals, assessing and leveraging host immune responses to parasites, and genetic selection for parasite immunity.
Module lead for VSM2009 (General Pathology and Concepts of Infectious Disease)
Intramural rotations in veterinary pathology
A young dog was presented with lethargy and pyrexia of 2 days duration, not responding to empirical treatment. Thorough diagnostic investigation failed to determine the cause. A retropharyngeal abscess became apparent when it eroded into the carotid artery 2 days later. This case highlights the challenging nature of fever of undetermined origin (FUO) and the value of close monitoring for diagnosis and prompt intervention. Can Vet J.