Karen Moore
Karen Moore graduated from the University of Bristol in 2008 and spent 18 months in mixed practice before moving to work within the equine charity sector. During this time, Karen developed an interest in equine dentistry, gaining her CertAVP (ED) and becoming an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Equine Dentistry. Other interests include donkey medicine and surgery, working equids and education. Karen joined the University of Surrey in February 2020, becoming a member of the Veterinary Clinical Teaching Fellow team in August 2020. Outside of work Karen enjoys walking and being outdoors.
University roles and responsibilities
- Departmental Disability and Neurodiversity Advisor
- Senior Personal Tutor Years 4-5
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Member
My qualifications
As well as being a member of the final year teaching team Karen lectures on donkey medicine and equine radiography in the BVMSci programme. She is responsible for organising the final year special interest electives in equine charity practice and zoological medicine.
Additional publications
The Donkey Sanctuary (2018) The Clinical Companion of the Donkey. 1st edition. Matador, Leicestershire.
The Donkey Sanctuary (2020) The Clinical Companion of Donkey Dentistry. 1st edition. Matador, Leicestershire.