Megan Georgiou
I am a part-time postgraduate researcher at the University of Surrey. My interests in criminology include the effects of imprisonment, the mental health of people in prison, prison culture, and staff-prisoner relationships. My postgraduate research explores the concept of mental illness in prisons and the ways in which health and justice services are shaped and organised to meet the needs of people in prison. It seeks to uncover the complexities of care and custody and how mental illness is experienced and responded to.
Additionally, I am employed by an independent mental health provider to oversee quality improvement. This role consists of embedding a culture of quality improvement and managing the quality and performance monitoring responsibilities across the organisation.
Previously, I worked for the Royal College of Psychiatrists managing quality improvement networks for prison and forensic mental health services and psychiatric intensive care units. In this role, I published quality mental health standards and developed best-practice guidance, managed national peer-review programmes and embedded lived experience into all aspects of our work. My greatest achievement to date was establishing the Quality Network for Prison Mental Health Services in 2015. I have also worked within youth justice settings and for a crime reduction charity.