Dr Muhammad Usman

Research Fellow
PhD, Griffith University Australia, MS (CS), BS (CS), Pakistan


Areas of specialism

Security and Privacy – intrusion and anomaly detection systems, data leakage prevention, key management schemes, trust management; Secure Smart Systems - smart homes and smart cities, wireless sensor networks, Internet of Things; Computer Networks – distributed systems, grid computing, mobile agent-based distributed systems, routing protocols, peer-to-peer computing; Cloud Computing - architectural, efficiency, security and privacy issues; Data Analytics – healthcare and social data analytics using statistical and social network analytical techniques; Web Services – security & privacy issues in web 2.0, performance issues in web services, trust in learning management systems; Formal Modeling and Analysis – statistical modeling, structural and behavior modeling and analysis of distributed protocols and systems

My qualifications

Griffith University, Australia

Affiliations and memberships

Member Network Security Research Group, Griffith University, Australia
Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) endorsed by ACM Publishers, USA
Juniper Networks, USA
1. Internetworking Specialist (Enterprise Routing Track)
2. Internetworking Specialist (JUNOS Security Track)
3. Internetworking Associate (Enterprise Switching Track)
4. Internetworking Associate (Enterprise Routing Track)


Research interests

Research projects

Research collaborations


  • Lead Guest Editor of Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications on Security, Privacy, Trust, and Access Control in Industrial Applications, scheduled to be published in May/ June 2020 (under review)

·Guest Editors Team:

1         Dr. Muhammad Usman, Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan

2         Dr. Alireza Jolfaei, Federation University, Australia

3         Associate Professor Iqbal Gondal, Federation University, Australia

4         Professor Krishna Kant, Temple University, USA

Member Editorial Board

  • Editorial board member of Smart Science Journal by Taylor & Francis

Technical Program Chair, Publication Chair, Focal Person, Web Manager

  • 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 2018

Member TPC

  • Special Session in ICIT, Melbourne, Australia – 2019
  • First IEEE International Workshop on Internet of Services and Applications (IoS 2018), Xi'an, China - Member Program Committee
  • Member Technical Program Committee for ICCAIS-18
  • IBCAST Reviewer - 2018
  • Intellect 2017
  • IBMSGS 2015
  • UWCSN 2014
  • ICCAIE 2010
  • UbiCoNet 2010


  • IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems
  • IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 
  • Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Journal
  • Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, Elsevier Journal
  • International Journal of Image and Data Fusion
  • IEEE Access
  • International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 
  • ISBEIA 2014
  • ISIEA 2013, ISCI 2013, BEIAC 2013
  • BEIAC 2012, IAPEC 2012, APACE 2012, PECON 2012, SCOReD 2012, ISBEIA 2012, ISCAIE 2012, ISCI 2012, ISIEA 2012, ISWTA 2012,
  • ICOS 2011, RFM 2011, SCOReD 2011, ISCI 2011, ISIEA 2011, ISWTA 2011
  • FEMnet 2010, ICCAIE 2010, Wi-UAV 2010, UbiCoNet 2010



Postgraduate research supervision



Additional publications