Professor Patrick Regan
Academic and research departments
School of Mathematics and Physics, Strategic partnership with the National Physical Laboratory.About
Paddy Regan joined the academic staff in the Physics Department at Surrey in 1994 after holding postdoctoral research positions in experimental nuclear structure physics at the University of Pennsylvania, USA and the Australian National University in Canberra. He was subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer (2002), Reader (2005) and a Personal Chair in Experimental Nuclear Physics (2009).
Since 2013, he has held the NPL-Surrey Chair in Nuclear Metrology and is part-based within the Nuclear Metrology Group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Teddington where he is the Head of Science for the Medical, Marine and Nuclear Department.
He has co-authored over 350 peer-reviewed scientific papers on nuclear physics and radiation detection/instrumentation research and given more than 100 invited international conference and workshop presentations on his research.
Paddy was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics in 2000. From 2002-2013, he held Visiting Research positions in Experimental Nuclear Physics at the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory, Yale University and was also an Adjunct Professor in Physics at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) on their UK-London Programme providing pre-medical physics courses to their London-based students.
From 2001 until 2010, he was the Collaboration Spokesperson for the Stopped RISING Collaboration (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2007.04.219 ). As part of this role, he led experimental studies on the internal structure of exotic forms of atomic nuclei using both metastable state spectroscopy for studies of the heaviest odd-odd N=Z nuclear systems ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2008.01.017 ) and beta-decay delayed, time correlated gamma-ray spectroscopy for nuclear shape evolution studies in the heaviest Osmium ( https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.85.034301 ) and Tungsten isotopes (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.80.064308 ).
He was the Chair of the PreSPEC International Steering Committee, which oversaw the experimental programme for nuclear structure physics at GSI/FAIR and was an elected member of the NuSTAR Board for the FAIR project in Darmstadt, Germany (2008-2012); Chair of the GSI Users Executive Committee (2009) and the EURISOL User Executive Committee (2012-15). He was a member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee for the Radioactive Isotope Science Project in Daejeon, South Korea and also currently serves on the Programme Advisory Committee for the Institute of Nuclear Physics Laboratory, in Orsay, Paris, France (from 2013-present). He served on the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Science Board as a non-core member (from 2016-2020).
He has also served a member of the UK Science and Technologies Facilities Council Education, Training and Careers Committee (2007-2011); Chaired of the South African National Research Foundation Review Committee on Nuclear Physics (2015); and Chaired the Portuguese Research Foundations Committee on Physical and Natural Sciences (2013 and 2016).
He has successfully supervised 50 doctoral research students in thesis topics in a range of pure and applied topics, including fundamental nuclear structure physics of the decays of exotic nuclei with equal proton and neutron numbers (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00994-0 ; https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.3337 ; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2008.01.017 ); signatures of evolution from vibrational to rotational collective modes in 'transitional nuclei' as a function of increasing angular momentum ( https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.152502 ; https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.68.044313 ); the measurement and application of electromagnetic transition rates between nuclear excited states to probe single-particle/collective mode competition and the nature of nuclear deformation( https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.76.064302 ; https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.87.014323 ); the origin of high angular momentum states in odd-odd nuclei with limited valence space ( https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.87.044337 ); nuclear shape evolution ( https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.95.024328 ); Total absorption decay spectrometry and links to nuclear fission waste decay data ( https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.96.014320 ); radiation detection system design, modelling and commissioning (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2011.12.023 ; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2017.02.007 ); radiation dosimetry and radiobiological effects (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2016.02.030 ); environmental radioactivity measurements ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2012.04.017); and the provision of radiological and radiopharmaceutical standards and reference materials for environmental source measurements (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.02.007 ).
He has also supervised more than 140 MSc research dissertation projects in nuclear and radiation physics.
Paddy was external examiner for MSc and Post-graduate courses at the Universities of Liverpool (2008-2013) and Manchester (2012-2016) and the MSc/PgDip course in Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management at the University of Birmingham (from 2017-2022). He has acted as external PhD examiner for more than 50 doctoral theses, including for universities in Spain (University of Santiago De Compostela); France (Universities of Paris Sud and Bordeaux); Finland (Jyvaskyla); Sweden (U. Stockholm); South Africa; USA (Yale University); Germany (University of Cologne); Italy (University of Padova); Canada (Simon Fraser University); and India (Andhra University, TIFR Mumbai); and South Africa (Stellenbosch University, The University of Cape Town, and the University of the Western Cape).
Paddy has been regularly engaged by the TV, radio and written press media on issues related to radiation and nuclear physics. In this capacity he has made over 100 mainstream TV and radio appearances on issues related to radiation physics (see e.g., http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-pacific-12744973/japan-earthquake-nuclear-physicist-on-radiation-risk ). He has also served as a court-appointed expert witness on the effects of ionising radiation giving evidence on the nature and effects of ionizing radiation from British Nuclear Weapons tests in the 1950 and 1960s (see https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/JCO/Documents/Judgments/ionising-radiation-appeals-20130507+.pdf ).
In his spare time Paddy plays a poor of game golf off an honest 16 handicap and likes to walk Luna, the family dog.
University roles and responsibilities
- BSc and MPhys Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics Course Coordinator
- Module Coordinator for Radionuclide Metrology
- Module Coordinator for Nuclear Reactor and Health Physics
- Module Coordinator for Nuclear Energy and Applications MSc Mdoule
- NPL Fellow in Nuclear Metrology & Department Head of Science, Medical, Marine , Marine andNuclear.
Previous roles
ResearchResearch interests
Paddy specialises in using gamma-ray and charged-particle spectroscopic techniques to study exotic forms of nuclear matter, with particular emphasis on unusual proton to neutron ratios; the behaviour of nuclei at large angular momentum and the determination of gamma ray transition strengths which can be used to test the best current models of the internal structure of the atomic nucleus.
This includes work at large scale international accelerator facilities such as GSI-FAIR (Germany) and RIBF-RIKEN (Japan) using secondary radioactive ion-beams produced following high-energy projectile fragmentation and projectile fission reactions to study decays of very exotic nuclear species. These studies focus on understanding the formation of heavy elements in explosive astrophysical scenarios (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.072701 ) and the underlying reasons why some atomic nuclei have non-spherical, prolate deformed shape configurations (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2016.09.058 ; https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.262502).
His expertise is in the design and operation of multi-detection gamma-ray detection spectrometers using both semiconductor (Germanium and Silicon) based and halide-scintillator (specifically Lanthanum-Tribromide) based materials (see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2014.02.037 ). Such spectrometers allow precision measurements of nuclear structure and their characteristic decay properties using gamma-ray coincidence techniques, with their associated digital counting systems routinely able to detect coincident events occurring with less than 1 billionth of a second (i.e. 1 nanosecond) time difference (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.91.027302 ; https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.87.014323 ). This work has additional potential applications in both medical (radiopharmaceutical) and long-term civilian nuclear waste management quantitative imaging.
Paddy's research has also overlaps into measurements of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in environmental samples using applications of the gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques he uses in his more fundamental research projects, including providing radiological maps of the states of Qatar (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.11.029 ), Kuwait (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2015.01.041) and coastal regions of Thailand ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2012.04.017 ; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.07.017 ).
His NPL role includes overseeing the development of novel metrological techniques and instrumentation (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2017.02.007 ) together with precision measurement of the underpinning nuclear decay data from which primary radiological standards can be produced (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.07.056 ). This includes studies related to radiopharmaceuticals and members of the naturally occurring radioactive decay chains (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.04.008 ; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.02.003 ).
Research collaborations
Paddy has led experimental nuclear physics experiments at laboratories in the UK, Denmark, Australia, Canada, South Africa, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Japan and the USA. He has been the spokesperson for a number of international programmes to produce and study the internal structure of new, radioactive isotopes, including investigations into the variation of nuclear shapes and internal structural competitions as a function of increasing angular momentum or 'spin'.
He is a current co-spokesperson for experiments of the HiSPEC/DESPEC part of the NuSTAR collaboration at the GSI/FAIR facility in Darmstadt and was also co-spokesperson for the NuBALL gamma-ray collaboration based at IPN-Orsay, Paris.
Research interests
Paddy specialises in using gamma-ray and charged-particle spectroscopic techniques to study exotic forms of nuclear matter, with particular emphasis on unusual proton to neutron ratios; the behaviour of nuclei at large angular momentum and the determination of gamma ray transition strengths which can be used to test the best current models of the internal structure of the atomic nucleus.
This includes work at large scale international accelerator facilities such as GSI-FAIR (Germany) and RIBF-RIKEN (Japan) using secondary radioactive ion-beams produced following high-energy projectile fragmentation and projectile fission reactions to study decays of very exotic nuclear species. These studies focus on understanding the formation of heavy elements in explosive astrophysical scenarios (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.072701 ) and the underlying reasons why some atomic nuclei have non-spherical, prolate deformed shape configurations (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2016.09.058 ; https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.262502).
His expertise is in the design and operation of multi-detection gamma-ray detection spectrometers using both semiconductor (Germanium and Silicon) based and halide-scintillator (specifically Lanthanum-Tribromide) based materials (see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2014.02.037 ). Such spectrometers allow precision measurements of nuclear structure and their characteristic decay properties using gamma-ray coincidence techniques, with their associated digital counting systems routinely able to detect coincident events occurring with less than 1 billionth of a second (i.e. 1 nanosecond) time difference (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.91.027302 ; https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.87.014323 ). This work has additional potential applications in both medical (radiopharmaceutical) and long-term civilian nuclear waste management quantitative imaging.
Paddy's research has also overlaps into measurements of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in environmental samples using applications of the gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques he uses in his more fundamental research projects, including providing radiological maps of the states of Qatar (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.11.029 ), Kuwait (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2015.01.041) and coastal regions of Thailand ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2012.04.017 ; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.07.017 ).
His NPL role includes overseeing the development of novel metrological techniques and instrumentation (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2017.02.007 ) together with precision measurement of the underpinning nuclear decay data from which primary radiological standards can be produced (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.07.056 ). This includes studies related to radiopharmaceuticals and members of the naturally occurring radioactive decay chains (see e.g., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.04.008 ; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.02.003 ).
Research collaborations
Paddy has led experimental nuclear physics experiments at laboratories in the UK, Denmark, Australia, Canada, South Africa, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Japan and the USA. He has been the spokesperson for a number of international programmes to produce and study the internal structure of new, radioactive isotopes, including investigations into the variation of nuclear shapes and internal structural competitions as a function of increasing angular momentum or 'spin'.
He is a current co-spokesperson for experiments of the HiSPEC/DESPEC part of the NuSTAR collaboration at the GSI/FAIR facility in Darmstadt and was also co-spokesperson for the NuBALL gamma-ray collaboration based at IPN-Orsay, Paris.
Paddy currently teaches on the following courses within the Physics Department
1) 1st year Fundamentals of Physics (PHY1033) ; (2) MSc Radiation Physics (PHMY032);
(3) MSc Reactor and Health Physics (PHYM063); and (4) MSc Radionuclide Metrology (PHYM058)
In his time at Surrey, Paddy has also taught a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including:
(1) 1st year Atoms, Molecules and Quanta (1AMQ); (2) 1st year Introduction to Astronomy and Space Science 1IASS; (3) 2nd year Galaxies and Large Scale Structures (2GLSS); (5) 2nd year general laboratories; (2LAB) (6) 2nd year specialist nuclear astrophysics laboratories (2NALAB); (7) 2nd year Radiation Detection and Measurement (2RDM); (7) 2nd year Introduction to Astrophysics (2IA) (8) Honours year Nuclear Astrophysics (3NA); (9) PhD Nuclear Experimental Techniques (4NET); (10) MSc Radiation Laboratories; (11) MSc Nuclear Reactor Physics; (12) MSc Environmental Radioactivity; (13) MSc Radiation Dosimetry.
We present a new readout system based on large area Silicon Photomultipliers arrays coupled with cylindrical 1.5 × 2” LaBr3(Ce) FATIMA-type crystals. This achieves the fast-timing capabilities of such crystals coupled to the usual Photomultiplier Tubes. Energy calibration was measured with 137Cs and 152Eu standard radioactive sources, while the timing performances were investigated with a 60Co radioactive source. We benchmark our results against the corresponding results obtained with the fast R9779 Photomultiplier tubes and highlight the importance of achieving similar energy and timing performances for nuclear structure experiments. The FWHM energy resolution for the 1.5 × 2” LaBr3(Ce) crystal coupled with the SiPM and PMT was found to be 3.31(2)% and 3.85(1)%, respectively, for the 661.6 keV transition of the 137Cs source. The timing resolution was measured between a conical crystal known for its fast response and a cylindrical crystal coupled to a SiPM or PMT readout. We obtain values of FWHM = 230(1) ps and 232(1) ps, respectively, between the 1173.2-1332.5 keV transitions of the 60Co source. In addition, a temperature effect compensation circuit was developed to maintain a good stability of the gain during long measurements, typical for in-beam/off-beam experiments in nuclear physics.
High-energy tailing is an often-overlooked component in high-purity germanium gamma-ray spectrometry when performing the non-linear least squares fit of a full-energy peak. This component comes from the incomplete restoration of the baseline prior to the next pulse being processed and therefore is an issue of increased count rates. In the current work, the impact of this oversight is shown through the dynamics and decay characteristics of Ra-224 and its radioactive decay progeny. Multiple measurements of two samples, separated from the decay progeny and at differing activities, have been made. The results of full-energy peak fitting of the convoluted 238.6 keV and 241.0 keV full-energy peaks with and without the high energy tailing component are presented. Trends in the observed activity that approximate the ingrowth of Pb-212 have been observed where no high-energy tailing component is used, with maximum relative differences of 2% and 5% determined.
Terbium-155 has been identified for its potential for single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in nuclear medicine. For activity measurements, an accurate and precise half-life of this radionuclide is required. However, the currently evaluated half-life of 5.32(6) d with a relative standard uncertainty of 1.1% determines the precision possible. Limited literature for the half-life measurements of this radionuclide is available and all reported investigations are prior to 1970. Further measurements are therefore needed to confirm the accuracy and improve the precision of the half-life for its use in the clinical setting. Two samples produced and mass separated at the CERN-MEDICIS facility have been measured at the National Physical Laboratory by two independent techniques: liquid scintillation counting and high-purity germanium gamma-ray spectrometry. A half-life of 5.2346(36) d has been determined from the weighted mean of the half-lives determined by the two techniques. The half-life reported in this work has shown a relative difference of 1.6% to the currently evaluated half-life and has vastly improved the precision.
We report on spectroscopic information and lifetime measurements of even-even neutron-rich Te isotopes. Excited states were populated in fast-neutron induced fission of ²³⁸U at the ALTO facility of IJCLab with the LICORNE neutron source and detected using the hybrid ν-ball spectrometer. We provide first results on lifetimes of the 6+1 state in ¹³⁶Te and the (6+1), (4+1), and (2+1) states in ¹³⁸ Te and discuss the results in the context of large-scale shell-model calculations. The level schemes of ¹³⁶Te and ¹³⁸Te are revised in terms of lifetimes of their 2+1 , 4+1 states and updated information on the (4+2) state in ¹³⁶Te is presented. In addition, previously reported data on spectroscopy and lifetimes in ¹³⁴Te are reexamined. This work provides new insights into the evolution of collectivity for Te isotopes with N = 82, 84, 86.
Terbium-152 is one of four terbium radioisotopes that together form a potential theranostic toolbox for the personalised treatment of tumours. As 152 Tb day by positron emission it can be utilised for diagnostics by positron emission tomography. For use in radiopharmaceuticals and for activity measurements by an activity calibrator a high radionuclide purity of the material and an accurate and precise knowledge of the half-life is required. Mass-separation and radiochemical purification provide a production route of high purity 152Tb. In the current work, two mass-separated samples from the CERN-ISOLDE facility have been assayed at the National Physical Laboratory to investigate the radionuclide purity. These samples have been used to perform four measurements of the half-life by three independent techniques: high-purity germanium gamma-ray spectrometry, ionisation chamber measurements and liquid scintillation counting. From the four measurement campaigns a half-life of 17.8784(95) h has been determined. The reported half-life shows a significant difference to the currently evaluated half-life (ζ-score = 3.77), with a relative difference of 2.2% and an order of magnitude improvement in the precision. This work also shows that under controlled conditions the combination of mass-separation and radiochemical separation can provide high-purity 152Tb.
The DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) setup for nuclear structure investigations was developed and commissioned at GSI, Germany in preparation for a full campaign of experiments at the FRS and Super-FRS. In this paper, we report on the first employment of the setup in the hybrid configuration with the AIDA implanter coupled to the FATIMA LaBr3(Ce) fast-timing array, and high-purity germanium detectors. Initial results are shown from the first experiments carried out with the setup. An overview of the setup and function is discussed, including technical advancements along the path.
Neutron-rich isotopes around lead, beyond N= 126, have been studied exploiting the fragmentation of an uranium primary beam at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI. For the first time β-decay half-lives of Bi and Tl isotopes have been derived. The half-lives have been extracted using a numerical simulation developed for experiments in high-background conditions. Comparison with state of the art models used in r-process calculations is given, showing a systematic underestimation of the experimental values, at variance from close-lying nuclei. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
The neutron-rich 213Pb isotope was produced in the fragmentation of a primary 1 GeV A 238U beam, separated in FRS in mass and atomic number, and then implanted for isomer decay γ-ray spectroscopy with the RISING setup at GSI. A newly observed isomer and its measured decay properties indicate that states in 213Pb are characterized by the seniority quantum number that counts the nucleons not in pairs coupled to angular momentum J=0. The conservation of seniority is a consequence of a geometric phase associated with particle-hole conjugation, which becomes observable in semi-magic nuclei where nucleons half-fill the valence shell. The γ-ray spectroscopic observables in 213Pb are thus found to be driven by two mechanisms, particle-hole conjugation and seniority conservation, which are intertwined through a Berry phase.
The nucleus 212Po has been produced through the fragmentation of a 238U primary beam at 1 GeV/nucleon at GSI, separated with the FRagment Separator, FRS, and studied via isomer γ-decay spectroscopy with the RISING setup. Two delayed previously unknown γ rays have been observed. One has been attributed to the E3 decay of a 21− isomeric state feeding the α-emitting 45-s (18+) high-spin isomer. The other γ-ray line has been assigned to the decay of a higher-lying 23+ metastable state. These are the first observations of high-spin states above the 212Po (18+) isomer, by virtue of the selectivity obtained via ion-by-ion identification of 238U fragmentation products. Comparison with shell-model calculations points to shortfalls in the nuclear interactions involving high-j proton and neutron orbitals, to which the region around Z∼100 is sensitive.
The neutron-rich lead isotopes, up to Pb216, have been studied for the first time, exploiting the fragmentation of a primary uranium beam at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI. The observed isomeric states exhibit electromagnetic transition strengths which deviate from state-of-the-art shell-model calculations. It is shown that their complete description demands the introduction of effective three-body interactions and two-body transition operators in the conventional neutron valence space beyond Pb208. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Direct lifetime measurements via γ-γ coincidences using a fast timing detector array consisting of LaBr₃(Ce) scintillators has been applied to determine the lifetime of low-lying states in the semimagic (N=50) nucleus ⁹⁴Ru. The experiment was carried out as the first in a series of “FAIR-0” experiments with the DESPEC experimental setup at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Excited states in ⁹⁴Ru were populated primarily via the β-delayed proton emission of ⁹⁵Pd nuclei, produced in the projectile fragmentation of an 850 MeV/nucleon ¹²⁴Xe beam impinging on a 4 g/cm² ⁹Be target. While the deduced E2 strength for the 2⁺→0⁺ transition in the yrast cascade follows the expected behavior for conserved seniority symmetry, the intermediate 4⁺→2⁺ transition exhibits a drastic enhancement of transition strength in comparison with pure-seniority model predictions as well as standard shell model predictions in the fpg proton hole space with respect to doubly magic ¹⁰⁰Sn. The anomalous behavior is ascribed to a subtle interference between the wave function of the lowest seniority ν=2, Iπ=4⁺ state and that of a close-lying ν=4 state that exhibits partial dynamic symmetry. In addition, the observed strongly prohibitive 6⁺→4⁺ transition can be attributed to the same mechanism but with a destructive interference. It is noted that such effects may provide stringent tests of the nucleon-nucleon interactions employed in state-of-the-art theoretical model calculations.
The neutron-rich isotopes 211;213Tl, beyond the N = 126 shell-closure, have been studied for the first time in isomer γ-ray decay, exploiting the fragmentation of a primary uranium beam at the FRS-RISING (FRagment Separator-Rare ISotopes INvestigation at GSI) setup at GSI. The observed isomeric states in 211;213Tl show a deviation from the seniority-like scheme of 209Tl. The possible interpretation of the data is discussed on the basis of energy-level systematics and shell-model calculations.
The structure of 208Po resulting from the EC/β+ decay of 208At was studied at CERN's ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). The high statistics afforded by the high yield of 208At and the high efficiency HPGe clusters at the IDS allowed for greater insight into lower intensity transitions and thus significant expansion of the 208Po level scheme. Furthermore, investigation into the isomeric state yielded a new half life 377(9) ns in addition to uncovering new transitions populating the state.
The beta (+) -decay half-lives of the neutron-deficient odd-odd N=Z nuclei Rb-74, Y-78, Nb-82, and Tc-86 have been measured following the fragmentation of a primary Mo-92 beam at an energy of 60 MeV per nucleon at the GANIL laboratory, France. This was achieved by correlating beta (+) decays with the implantation of unambiguously identified fragments at the final focus of the LISE3 separator. The deduced log(10)ft(1/2) values are consistent with 0(+)-->0(+). Fermi superallowed transitions, which together with the measured beta (+)-detection efficiencies, suggest T=1, I-pi=0(+) ground states for these odd-odd N=Z nuclei. These data represent the heaviest N=Z systems for which Fermi superallowed decays have been established.
Beta decay of fission products is at the origin of decay heat and antineutrino emission in nuclear reactors. Decay heat represents about 7% of the reactor power during operation and strongly impacts reactor safety. Reactor antineutrino detection is used in several fundamental neutrino physics experiments and it can also be used for reactor monitoring and non-proliferation purposes. Rb-92,Rb-93 are two fission products of importance in reactor antineutrino spectra and decay heat, but their beta-decay properties are not well known. New measurements of Rb-92,Rb-93 beta-decay properties have been performed at the IGISOL facility (Jyvaskyla, Finland) using Total Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS). TAS is complementary to techniques based on Germanium detectors. It implies the use of a calorimeter to measure the total gamma intensity de-exciting each level in the daughter nucleus providing a direct measurement of the beta feeding. In these proceedings we present preliminary results for Rb-93, our measured beta feedings for Rb-92 and we show the impact of these results on reactor antineutrino spectra and decay heat calculations.
The first experiments performed using fast fragmentation beams and the RISING gamma-ray spectrometer are reviewed and their results are discussed. Plans for future campaigns using ions which are slowed down and stopped in a catcher will also be presented, including details of experiments which measure magnetic moments (g-factor) and beta decays using an active stopper.
The first results from the Stopped Beam RISING experimental campaign performed at the GSI laboratory in Darmstadt, Germany, are presented. RISING (Rare ISotope INvestigations at GSI) constitutes a major new experimental program in European nuclear structure physics research aimed at using relativistic‐energy, projectile‐fragmentation reactions to study nuclei with exotic proton‐to‐neutron ratios. This paper introduces the physics aims of the Stopped RISING collaboration and presents some technical details and initial results from experiments using the RISING array to study decays from metastable nuclear states in both proton and neutron‐rich nuclei.
The heavy odd-odd N = Z nuclei Y-78, Nb-82, Tc-86 have been produced at GANIL by fragmentation of a, 60 MeV/u Mo-92 beam on a natural nicker target. Their lifetime have been measured for the first time, using the identification - implantation and subsequent time correlated beta counting technique at the LISE spectrometer. The obtained half-lives for Y-78, Nb-82, Tc-86 are consistent with the microscopic predictions. These nuclei are good candidates to extend the mass range for the V-ud matrix element evaluation and our experimental results highlight the interest of further investigation of their excited states and beta decay schemes as a function of isospin.
Detailed spectroscopic information on the N similar to 82 nuclei is necessary to benchmark shell-model calculations in the region. The nuclear structure above long-lived isomers in Xe-134 is investigated after multinucleon transfer (MNT) and actinide fission. Xenon-134 was populated as (i) a transfer product in Xe-136 + U-238 and Xe-136 + Pb-208 MNT reactions and (ii) as a fission product in the Xe-136 + U-238 reaction employing the high-resolution Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA). Trajectory reconstruction has been applied for the complete identification of beamlike transfer products with the magnetic spectrometer PRISMA. The Xe-136 + Pt-198 MNT reaction was studied with the gamma-ray spectrometer GAMMASPHERE in combination with the gas detector array Compact Heavy Ion Counter (CHICO). Several high-spin states in Xe-134 on top of the two long-lived isomers are discovered based on gamma gamma-coincidence relationships and information on the gamma-ray angular distributions as well as excitation energies from the total kinetic energy loss and fission fragments. The revised level scheme of Xe-134 is extended up to an
The accurate determination of reactor antineutrino spectra remains a very active research topic for which new methods of study have emerged in recent years. Indeed, following the long-recognized reactor anomaly (measured antineutrino deficit in short baseline reactor experiments when compared with spectral predictions), the three international reactor neutrino experiments Double Chooz, Daya Bay and Reno have recently demonstrated the existence of spectral distortions in their measurements with respect to the same predictions. These spectral predictions were obtained through the conversion of integral beta-energy spectra obtained at the ILL research reactor. Several studies have shown that the underlying nuclear physics required for the conversion of these spectra into antineutrino spectra is not totally understood. An alternative to such converted spectra is a complementary approach that consists of determining the antineutrino spectrum by means of the measurement and processing of nuclear data. The beta properties of some key fission products suffer from the pandemonium effect which can be circumvented by the use of the Total Absorption Gammaray Spectroscopy technique (TAGS). The two main contributors to the Pressurized Water Reactor antineutrino spectrum in the region where the spectral distortion has been observed are Rb-92 and Cs-142, which have been measured at the radioactive beam facility of the University of Jyvaskyla in two TAGS experiments. We present the results of the analysis of the TAGS measurements of the beta-decay properties of Rb-92 along with preliminary results on Cs-142 and report on the measurements already performed.
The nuclear structure of neutron-rich N≥126 nuclei have been investigated following their production via relativistic projectile fragmentation of a E/A=l GeV 238U beam on a Be target. The cocktail of secondary beam products were separated and identified using the GSI FRagment Separator (FRS). The nuclei of interest were implanted in a high-granularity active stopper detector set-up consisting of 6 double sided silicon strip detectors. The associated gamma-ray transitions were detected with the RISING array, consisting of 15 Euroball cluster Ge-detectors. Time-correlated gamma decays from individually identified nuclear species have been recorded, allowing the clean identification of isomeric decays.
Preliminary results from beta decay studies of nuclei that are important for reactor applications are presented. The beta decays have been studied using the total absorption technique (TAS) and the pure beams provided by the JYFLTRAP system at the IGISOL facility of the University of Jyvaskyla.
The contribution of each fission fragment to the reactor antineutrino spectra was determined using the summation method based on the existing information on fission yields and decay data contained in nuclear databases and the reactor evolution code MURE. The beta decay of some of the main contributors has been studied using the Total Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) technique during two experimental campaigns at the IGISOL facility, in Jyväskylä (Finland). Results on the decay of 92Rb, the most important contributor in the 4–8 MeV energy region are reported. The status of the analysis of the second experiment is presented as well.
Background: Detailed spectroscopy of neutron-rich, heavy, deformed nuclei is of broad interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. Nuclei in the r-process path and following freeze-out region impact the resulting r-process abundance distribution, and the structure of nuclei midshell in both proton and neutron number helps to understand the evolution of subshell gaps and large deformation in these nuclei. Purpose: We aim to improve the understanding of the nuclear structure of Gd160, specifically the Kπ=4+ bands, as well as study the β decay of Eu160 into Gd160. Methods: High-statistics decay spectroscopy of Gd160 resulting from the β-decay of Eu160 was collected using the GRIFFIN spectrometer at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility. Results: Two new excited states and ten new transitions were observed in Gd160. The β-decaying half-lives of the low- and high-spin isomers in Eu160 were determined, and the low-spin state's half-life was measured to be t1/2=26.0(8) s, ≈16% shorter than previous measurements. Lifetimes of the two Kπ=4+ bandheads in Gd160 were measured for the first time, as well as γ-γ angular correlations and mixing ratios of intense transitions out of those bandheads. Conclusions: Lifetimes and mixing ratios suggest that the hexadecapole phonon model of the Kπ=4+ bandheads in Gd160 is preferred over a simple two-state strong mixing scenario, although further theoretical calculations are needed to fully understand these states. Additionally, the 1999.0-keV state in Gd160 heavily populated in β decay is shown to have positive parity, which raises questions regarding the structure of the high-spin β-decaying state in Eu160.
Total absorption gamma-ray spectroscopy is used to measure accurately the intensity of gamma emission from neutron-unbound states populated in the beta-decay of delayed-neutron emitters. From the comparison of this intensity with the intensity of neutron emission one can deduce information on the (n,gamma) cross section for unstable neutron-rich nuclei of interest in r process abundance calculations. A surprisingly large gamma branching was observed for a number of isotopes. The results are compared with Hauser-Feshbach calculations and discussed.
This conference paper outlines the operation and some of the preliminary physics results using the GSI RISING active stopper. Data are presented from an experiment using combined isomer and beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy to study low-lying spectral and decay properties of heavy-neutron-rich nuclei around A similar to 90 produced following the relativistic projectile fragmentation of Pb-208 primary beam. The response of the RISING active stopper detector is demonstrated for both the implantation of heavy secondary fragments and in-situ decay of beta-particles. Beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy following decays of the neutron-rich nucleus Re-194 is presented to demonstrate the experimental performance of the set-up. The resulting information inferred from excited states in the W and Os daughter nuclei is compared with results from Skyrme Hartree-Fock predictions of the evolution of nuclear shape.
Spectroscopic data, such as precise γ-ray branching and E2/M1 multipole-mixing ratios, provide vital constraints when performing multi-dimensional Coulomb-excitation analyses. Consequently, as part of our new Coulomb-excitation campaign aimed at investigating the role of exotic non-axial (triaxial) deformations in the unstable refractory Ru-Mo isotopes, additional beta-decay data was obtained. These measurements make use of ANL's CARIBU facility, which provides intense beams of radioactive refractory isotopes along with the excellent efficiency and angular resolution of the GRETINA γ-ray tracking array. In this article, we report on the analysis of the A = 110 decay chain, focussing on the identification of previously unreported states in 110Ru following the decay of 110Tc.
The level structure of 172Dy has been investigated for the first time by means of decay spectroscopy following in-flight fission of a 238U beam. A long-lived isomeric state with T1/2 = 0.71(5) s and K π = 8 − has been identified at 1278 keV, which decays to the ground-state and γ-vibrational bands through hindered electromagnetic transitions, as well as to the daughter nucleus 172Ho via allowed β decays. The robust nature of the K π = 8 − isomer and the ground-state rotational band reveals an axially-symmetric structure for this nucleus. Meanwhile, the γ-vibrational levels have been identified at unusually low excitation energy compared to the neighboring well-deformed nuclei, indicating the significance of the microscopic effect on the non-axial collectivity in this doubly mid-shell region. The underlying mechanism of enhanced γ vibration is discussed in comparison with the deformed Quasiparticle Random-Phase Approximation based on a Skyrme energy-density functional.
A Fermi-aligned (i 13 2)2 rotational band, with K≈8, has been observed in an even-even nucleus, 180W. Its structure corresponds to a t-band in the tilted-cranking representation. It crosses the ground-state band at I = 16 h {combining short stroke overlay}, giving rise to backbending in the yrast sequence. Contrary to the usual interpretation, backbending in this case is not caused by the s-band. Comparison is made with other possible t-band crossings in the A ≈ 180 region. © 1993.
The half-life of the 15/2+ 1 state of the 3-valence-proton nucleus 135I has been measured to be 1.74(8) ns using the EXILL-FATIMA mixed array of Ge and LaBr3 detectors. The nuclei were produced following the cold neutron-induced fission of a 235U target at the PF1B beam line of the Institut Laue-Langevin. The extracted B(E2; 15/2+ → 11/2+) value enabled a test of seniority relations for the first time between E2 transition rates. Large-scale shell-model calculations were performed for 134Te and 135I, and reinterpreted in a single-orbit approach. The results show that the two-body component of the E2 operator can be large whereas energy shifts due to the three-body component of the effective interaction are small.
We report results from a pioneering experiment to measure the g factors of isomeric states of neutron-rich nuclei around 68Ni, far from the valley of β stability. For the first time, the time-dependent perturbed angular distribution method was applied in combination with the heavy-ion-γ correlation technique to study g factors of spin-aligned isomers produced in a projectile fragmentation reaction and mass-separated. Some technical aspects are discussed and illustrated with preliminary results. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
The low-lying structures of the midshell νg9/2 Ni isotopes 72Ni and 74Ni have been investigated at the RIBF facility in RIKEN within the EURICA collaboration. Previously unobserved low-lying states were accessed for the first time following β decay of the mother nuclei 72Co and 74Co. As a result, we provide a complete picture in terms of the seniority scheme up to the first (8+) levels for both nuclei. The experimental results are compared to shell-model calculations in order to define to what extent the seniority quantum number is preserved in the first neutron g9/2 shell. We find that the disappearance of the seniority isomerism in the View the MathML source states can be explained by a lowering of the seniority-four (6+) levels as predicted years ago. For 74Ni, the internal de-excitation pattern of the newly observed View the MathML source state supports a restoration of the normal seniority ordering up to spin J=4. This property, unexplained by the shell-model calculations, is in agreement with a dominance of the single-particle spherical regime near 78Ni.
A novel dibenzo-18-crown-6 ether (DB-18CE-6)- functionalised silica (SiO2) disk was found to be a capable source preparation technique for the rapid analysis of 226Ra by alpha-spectrometry. DB-18CE-6 was chemically immobilised onto the surface of SiO2 disks. It is anticipated that the high levels of selectivity of DB-18CE-6 for radium will allow for an efficient chemical separation of 226Ra from other elements present in sample matrices. 226Ra was adsorbed as a monolayer onto the surface of the silica disks, attaching to the functionalised centres of the DB-18CE-6 structure, forming a high resolution counting source for alpha-spectrometry. The chemical recovery of radium from synthetic samples was 2.3% at pH 2, with higher recoveries expected over the pH range of 4−10.
High-spin states in 107,108Pd and 109Ag have been studied by charged-particle-γ, γ-γ, and charged-particle-γ-γ coincidence measurements of heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions. The high-spin level schemes of these nuclides have been significantly extended and new deformed rotational bands have been found in each nuclide. These bands exhibit the general property of back bends corresponding to the rotational alignment of a pair of h11/2 quasineutrons. Band properties are compared with predictions of the cranked shell model and total Routhian surface calculations. The properties of the yrast and near-yrast bands of all three nuclides are generally consistent with predictions of moderate (β2 = 0.2) prolate deformation.
A fast-timing experiment was performed at the Argonne National Laboratory in December 2015 and January 2016, measuring decay radiation of fission products from a 252Cf fission source. Details of the set-up, integration with Digital Gammasphere, and the data acquisition system are presented. The timing performance of the set-up, capable of measuring lifetimes from the nanosecond region down to tens of picoseconds, is discussed. First preliminary results from the fast-timing analysis of the fission fragment data are presented
This paper reports results of the first experiment of the DESPEC Phase-0 campaign at GSI, which focused on the study of neutron-deficient nuclei approaching 100Sn. These data provide the first extended commissioning experiment for the DESPEC collaboration within NuSTAR. We present results on electromagnetic transition rates associated with the decays from excited states populated following the formation of Iπ = 8+ proton ‘seniority-isomer’ states in the N = 50 isotones 94Ru and 96Pd. Direct half-life measurements via γ−γ coincidences using the FATIMA detector array consisting of 36 LaBr3(Ce) scintillators have determined the reduced matrix elements associated with decays between low-lying states in these semi-magic nuclei. The extracted half-lives for yrast Iπ = 6+ and 4+ states in 96Pd and the 6+ state in 94Ru are consistent with the published, highest-precision values for these nuclei. •B(E2) values measured for 94Ru and 96Pd using fast-timing gamma-ray spectroscopy.•Commissioning run of the Decay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) collaboration at FAIR-0.•Precision measurement of prior reported excited state half-lives in 94Ru and 96Pd.
An ambitious program to measure decay properties, primarily β-delayed neutron emission probabilities and half-lives, for a significant number of nuclei near or on the path of the rapid neutron capture process, has been launched at the RIKEN Nishina Center. We give here an overview of the status of the project.
Low energy fusion between light heavy-ions is a key feature of the evolution of massive stars. In systems of astrophysical interest, the process may be strongly affected by molecular configurations of the compound nucleus, leading to resonant S factors. In particular, the 12C+12C fusion reaction has been the object of numerous experimental investigations. The STELLA project has been developed to extend these investigations to lower energies towards the Gamow window.
We propose to install a storage ring at an ISOL-type radioactive beam facility for the first time. Specifically, we intend to setup the heavy-ion, low-energy ring TSR at the HIE-ISOLDE facility in CERN, Geneva. Such a facility will provide a capability for experiments with stored secondary beams that is unique in the world. The envisaged physics programme is rich and varied, spanning from investigations of nuclear ground-state properties and reaction studies of astrophysical relevance, to investigations with highly-charged ions and pure isomeric beams. The TSR might also be employed for removal of isobaric contaminants from stored ion beams and for systematic studies within the neutrino beam programme. In addition to experiments performed using beams recirculating within the ring, cooled beams can also be extracted and exploited by external spectrometers for high-precision measurements. The existing TSR, which is presently in operation at the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, is well-suited and can be employed for this purpose. The physics cases as well as technical details of the existing ring facility and of the beam and infrastructure requirements at HIE-ISOLDE are discussed in the present technical design report.
Excited states in the neutron-rich Se-85 nucleus have been studied using for the first time a fast neutron-induced fission of Th-232. The experiment was performed at the ALTO facility of the IPN Orsay. Coupling of the LICORNE directional neutron source with the nu-ball high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer provided unique access to high-spin states in neutron-rich fission fragments from the Th-232(n,f) reaction. A preliminary level scheme of Se-85 was established by the analysis of prompt gamma-gamma-gamma coincidences. Identification of the all known yrast states in Se-85 is the first step towards studies of more neutron-rich Se isotopes.
Lifetimes of low- and high-spin states in the odd-A nucleus Hf177 were measured during the EXILL&FATIMA campaign using a spectrometer equipped with eight HPGe-Clover detectors and 16 fast-timing LaBr3(Ce) detectors. For the determination of lifetimes in the pico- to nanosecond regime, the well-established generalized centroid difference method was used. Lifetimes of the 9/2−, 9/2+, 11/2−, 11/2+ states were remeasured, the lifetimes of the 13/2−, 17/2−, 13/2+, 15/2+, and 17/2+ states were determined for the first time and an upper limit for the 19/2+ state has been established. From these lifetimes absolute reduced transition probabilities were extracted and compared to particle-rotor-model calculations and quasiparticle-phonon-model calculations showing the importance of including multipole-multipole interactions in the description of odd-A nuclei in the rare earth region.
The structure of 208 Po populated through the EC/β + decay of 208 At was investigated using γ-ray spectroscopy at the ISOLDE Decay Station. The presented level scheme contains 27 new excited states and 43 new transitions, as well as a further 50 previously-observed γ rays which have been (re)assigned a position. The level scheme was compared to shell model calculations. Through this analysis approximately half of the β decay strength of 208 At was found to proceed via allowed and half via first forbidden decay. The first forbidden transitions predominantly populate core excited states at high excitation energies, which was qualitatively understood using shell model considerations. This mass region provides an excellent testing ground for the competition between allowed and first forbidden β-decay calculations, important for the detailed understanding of the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements.
A novel dibenzo-18-crown-6 ether (DB-18CE-6)- functionalised silica (SiO2) disk was found to be a capable source preparation technique for the rapid analysis of 226Ra by alpha-spectrometry. DB-18CE-6 was chemically immobilised onto the surface of SiO2 disks. It is anticipated that the high levels of selectivity of DB-18CE-6 for radium will allow for an efficient chemical separation of 226Ra from other elements present in sample matrices. 226Ra was adsorbed as a monolayer onto the surface of the silica disks, attaching to the functionalised centres of the DB-18CE-6 structure, forming a high resolution counting source for alpha-spectrometry. The chemical recovery of radium from synthetic samples was 2.3% at pH 2, with higher recoveries expected over the pH range of 4−10.
The development of radionuclide standards for metrology has underpinned nuclear physics since its inception. The current frontier of radionuclide metrology relies on developments in radiation detection and signal processing combined with accurate nuclear decay data evaluations and contributes to a myriad of scientific disciplines. Radionuclide metrology represents a crucial part of the scientific jigsaw that enables societal benefits from nuclear physics research.
Using the high-resolution performance of the fragment separator FRS at GSI we have discovered 60 new neutron-rich isotopes in the atomic number range of 60≥Z≥78. The new isotopes were unambiguously identified in reactions with a U238 beam impinging on a Be target at 1 GeV/nucleon. The production cross-section for the new isotopes have been measured down to the pico-barn level and compared with predictions of different model calculations. For elements above hafnium fragmentation is the dominant reaction mechanism which creates the new isotopes, whereas fission plays a dominant role for the production of the new isotopes up to thulium. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
A network of specialist laboratories support the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) with re-measurements of radionuclide samples, including xenon gas. The measurement of four xenon fission product radionuclides (133Xe, 135Xe, 131mXe and 133mXe) can be used to detect an underground nuclear explosion. Laboratories use a range of techniques to measure the radionuclides, including beta-gamma (β−γ) coincidence spectrometry. These highly-sensitive measurements are capable of detecting concentrations of down to 500 atoms of 133Xe in a few cm3 of xenon. In some detector systems, detection of the metastable isomers (131mXe and 133mXe) can be more challenging due to interferences between the signatures of different radionuclides. Recent work has shown that using high-purity Germanium (HPGe) high-resolution gamma detectors, these interferences can be reduced, lowering the dependence of the detection limits on radionuclide sample isotopic composition. One downside of these detectors is the reduction in detection efficiency, which impacts the overall detection sensitivity; so assessing different detector systems is a priority for radionuclide laboratories. This work presents a coincidence detector system comprising of a plastic scintillator gas cell and a large-crystal high-purity germanium detector. The energy resolution, coincidence detection efficiency, MDA and interference factors are determined from measurements of synthetic radioxenon gas samples. •A plastic scintillator and HPGe β−γ coincidence system has been configured for the measurement of isotopes of radioxenon•Calculations show that this type of setup can improve the detection limits compared to other systems.•High-resolution γ-detectors can separate Xe and Cs X-rays, decreasing interference.
This study is aimed at the determination of the activity concentrations of naturally occuring and technologically enhanced levels of radiation in 34 representative soil samples that have been collected from an inshore oil field area which was found to have, in a previous study, the highest observed value of 226Ra concentration among 129 soil samples. The activity concentrations of 238U and 226Ra have been inferred from gamma-ray transitions associated with their decay progenies and measured using a hyper-pure germanium detector. Details of the sample preparation and the gamma-ray spectroscopic analysis techniques are presented, together with the values of the activity concentrations associated with the naturally occuring radionuclide chains for all the samples collected from NW Dukhan. Discrete-line, gamma-ray energy transitions from spectral lines ranging in energy from ∼100 keV up to 2.6 MeV have been associated with characteristic decays of the various decay products within the 235.8U and 232Th radioactive decay chains. These data have been analyzed, under the assumption of secular equilibrium for the U and Th decay chains. Details of the sample preparation and the gamma-ray spectroscopic analysis techniques are presented. The weighted mean value of the activity concentrations of 226Ra in one of the samples was found to be around a factor of 2 higher than the values obtained in the previous study and approximately a factor of 10 higher than the accepted worldwide average value of 35 Bq/kg. The weighted mean values of the activity concentrations of 232Th and 40K were also deduced and found to be within the worldwide average values of 30 and 400 Bq/kg, respectively. Our previous study reported a value of 201.9±1.5Stat.±13Syst.Bq/kg for 226Ra in one sample and further investigation in the current work determined a measured value for 226Ra of 342.00±1.9Stat.±25Syst.Bq/kg in a sample taken from the same locality. This is significantly higher than all the other investigated soil samples in the current and previous works. Notably, the Th levels in the same sample are within the worldwide average expectations, implying that the increased 226Ra concentration arises from TENORM processes.
The 50 N,Z 82 region of the Segrè chart, spanning the nuclei “northwest” of doubly-magic 132Sn, is an intriguing study ground to test the suitability and predictive power of nuclear models at both low and high spins. Low-spin excited states in the nearly spherical nuclei near proton- and neutronshell closures are well described as anharmonic vibrations [1] with a gradual change to rotational structures further away from the closed shells. Further on, quasiparticle excitations play a key role and are responsible for the presence of yrast-trap isomers. These long-lived states interrupt and fragment the decay flux in spectroscopic investigations. High-j couplings involving the unique-parity h11/2 neutron-hole orbital give rise to a wealth of high-spin states with multi-quasiparticle character. In particular, detailed knowledge of isomers is crucial to ascertain the active quasiparticle configurations in the specific nucleus.
We report on the measurement of new low-lying states in the neutron-rich 81,82,83,84Zn nuclei via in-beam γ -ray spectroscopy. These include the View the MathML source41+→21+ transition in 82Zn, the View the MathML source21+→0g.s.+ and View the MathML source41+→21+ transitions in 84Zn, and low-lying states in 81,83Zn were observed for the first time. The reduced View the MathML sourceE(21+) energies and increased View the MathML sourceE(41+)/E(2+1) ratios at N=52N=52, 54 compared to those in 80Zn attest that the magicity is confined to the neutron number N=50N=50 only. The deduced level schemes are compared to three state-of-the-art shell model calculations and a good agreement is observed with all three calculations. The newly observed 2+2+ and 4+4+ levels in 84Zn suggest the onset of deformation towards heavier Zn isotopes, which has been incorporated by taking into account the upper sdg orbitals in the Ni78-II and the PFSDG-U models.
Deep-inelastic collisions of a 208Pb beam on a 208Pb target were performed using the ATLAS accelerator at Argonne National Laboratory. Prompt and delayed γ-rays from the reaction products were detected using the GAMMASPHERE detector array. The cross-coincidence method was used to identify transitions in 207Tl, by gating on γ-rays from its better-characterised reaction partner 209Bi. A number of new transitions were found in 207Tl.
We report on the preliminary results from a study of the decay of the I-pi = 8(+) T-1/2 = 2 mu s isomer in Pd-96 performed as part of the Stopped-Beam RISING campaign within the Rare Isotope Investigation at GSI (RISING). The Pd-96 ions were produced following the projectile fragmentation of a 750 MeV per nucleon Ag-107 primary beam. The reaction products were separated and identified by the in-flight method using the GSI Fragment Separator. The residues of interest were stopped in a perspex stopper surrounded by an array of 15, seven-element germanium Cluster detectors. One of the goals of the current work is to investigate the population of high-spin states produced projectile fragmentation reactions using isomeric ratio measurements to infer information on the angular momentum population distribution. In this short contribution the method and results of determining the isomeric ratio for the I-pi = 8(+) microsecond isomer in Pd-96 nucleus are presented.
The beta decays of 86Br and 91Rb have been studied using the total absorption spectroscopy technique. The radioactive nuclei were produced at the IGISOL facility in Jyvaskyla and further purified using the JYFLTRAP. 86Br and 91Rb are considered high priority contributors to the decay heat in reactors. In addition 91Rb was used as a normalization point in direct measurements of mean gamma energies released in the beta decay of fission products by Rudstam et al. assuming that this decay was well known from high-resolution measurements. Our results shows that both decays were suffering from the Pandemonium effect and that the results of Rudstam et al. should be renormalized.
β-decay properties of fission products are very important for applied reactor physics, for instance to estimate the decay heat released immediately after the reactor shutdown and to estimate the ν flux emitted. An accurate estimation of the decay heat and the ν emitted flux from reactors, are necessary for purposes such as reactors operation safety and non-proliferation. In order to improve the precision in the prediction for these quantities, the bias due to the Pandemonium effect affecting some important fission product data has to be corrected. New measurements of fission products β-decay, not sensitive to this effect, have been performed with a Total Absorption Spectrometer (TAS) at the JYFL facility of Jyväskylä. An overview of the TAS technique and first results from the 2009 campaign will be presented. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.
Fragmentation products from a 92Mo beam on a natural nickel target have been used to study structural properties of the very neutron deficient nuclei around N∼Z∼40. We present the first observation of isomeric decays in the Tz=1 systems 3674Kr, 3980 Y and 4184Nb. The isomer in 74Kr is interpreted as the hindered decay from an excited 0+ state, confirming the prediction of prolate/oblate shape coexistence in this nucleus. Transitions from states below an isomer in the N=Z nucleus 4386Tc have also been tentatively identified, making this the heaviest N=Z system for which decays from excited states have been observed. In addition, we have obtained the first conclusive evidence for the existence of the Tz = -1/2 isotopes 3977Y, 4079Zr and 4283Mo. The data for 3977Y is of particular interest in light of the reported instability in the lighter odd-Z, Tz = -1/2 systems 69Br and 73Rb.
The 12C + 12C fusion reaction plays a critical role in the evolution of massive stars and also strongly impacts various explosive astrophysical scenarios. The presence of resonances in this reaction at energies around and below the Coulomb barrier makes it impossible to carry out a simple extrapolation down to the Gamow window—the energy regime relevant to carbon burning in massive stars. The 12C + 12C system forms a unique laboratory for challenging the contemporary picture of deep sub-barrier fusion (possible sub-barrier hindrance) and its interplay with nuclear structure (sub-barrier resonances). Here, we show that direct measurements of the 12C + 12C fusion cross section may be made into the Gamow window using an advanced particle-gamma coincidence technique. The sensitivity of this technique effectively removes ambiguities in existing measurements made with gamma ray or charged-particle detection alone. The present cross-section data span over 8 orders of magnitude and support the fusion-hindrance model at deep sub-barrier energies.
The properties of excited states in the neutron-rich nucleus 194Os have been investigated using the 192Os(18O,16O)194Os reaction with an 80 MeV beam provided by the IFIN-HH Laboratory, Bucharest. Discrete γ -ray decays from excited states have been measured using the hybrid HPGe-LaBr3(Ce) array RoSPHERE. The current work identifies a number of previously unreported low-lying nonyrast states in 194Os as well as the first measurement of the half-life of the yrast 2+ state of 302(50) ps. This is equivalent to a B(E2 : 2+ → 0+) = 45(16) W.u. and intrinsic quadrupole deformation of βeff = 0.14(1). The experimental results are compared with Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov–interacting-boson-model calculations and are consistent with a reduction in a quadrupole collectivity in Os isotopes with increasing neutron number.
Neutron-rich nuclei were studied after fast neutron-induced fission of 238U and 232Th at the ALTO facility in Orsay, France. The neutrons were produced with the LICORNE directional neutron source using a pulsed 7Li beam provided by the Tandem accelerator. The actinide targets were surrounded by the ν-Ball array to measure the de-excitation of fission fragments. The ν-Ball array is a hybrid spectrometer which consists of HPGe detectors (equipped with BGO shielding) and LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detectors allowing for high-resolution γ-ray spectroscopy and lifetime measurements in the ns/sub-ns range. This contribution presents preliminary results on 134Te and 137I populated in the 238U(n,f) reaction.
In this work alternative methods for the production of terbium isotopes, and in particular 152Tb and 155Tb, have been investigated. These isotopes, which could be used for theragnostics, have been produced using an alpha and a proton beam incident on europium and gadolinium targets, respectively. The experimental results have been compared with the predicted cross-sections, calculated using TALYS and PACE4 code.
The half-life of the yrast I π = 2+ state in the neutron-rich nucleus 188W has been measured using fast-timing techniques with the HPGe and LaBr3:Ce array at the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest. The resulting value of t1/2 = 0.87(12) ns is equivalent to a reduced transition probability of B(E2; 2+ 1 → 0+ 1 ) = 85(12) W.u. for this transition. The B(E2; 2+ 1 → 0+ 1 ) is compared to neighboring tungsten isotopes and nuclei in the Hf, Os, and Pt isotopic chains. Woods-Saxon potential energy surface (PES) calculations have been performed for nuclei in the tungsten isotopic chain and predict prolate deformed minima with rapidly increasing γ softness for 184–192W and an oblate minimum for 194W.
The odd-proton nuclei 127Pr and 131Pm have been investigated using the 96Ru(35Cl,2p2n) and 96Ru(40Ca,αp)/96Ru(39K,2p2n) reactions, respectively, at beam energies of 164, 180, and 186 MeV. States belonging to the yrast bands of 127Pr and 131Pm, which are interpreted as being based upon the h11/2 [541]3/2- proton configuration, have been observed from the 11/2- band head to spin 47/2-. The properties of these two new structures are observed to be different to those of similar configurations in the heavier odd mass isotopes. The systematics of the band crossings in the πh11/2 bands of the odd mass Pr and Pm isotopes are discussed and compared with extended total Routhian surface calculations.
Isomeric states were observed in nuclei produced in an experiment at the RIKEN Nishina Center Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory following the in-flight fission of a 345 MeV/nucleon 238 U beam. Isomers reported in nuclei spanning a predicted prolate-oblate shape change boundary, 111 Zr ( E = 283.1 keV; τ = 0.326(63) μs), 112Nb (E = 44.2 keV; τ = 0.094(26) μs), 113 Nb (E = 135.4 keV; τ = 0.846(80) μs), and 115Mo (E = 198.6 keV; τ = 63(4) μs), are compared to potential-energy surface calculations which gave a selection of low-lying configurations for each nucleus. Tentative assignments of ground and excited states were made based on energy similarities to the calculations, reduced transition probabilities of the decays, and constraints of transition multipolarities from γ-ray coincidence measurements. These assignments are suggestive of significant deformation being persistent for N > 70 in this region. In addition, isomers in 108Nb, 109Nb, 113Tc, 117Ru, 119Ru, 120Rh, and 122Rh, not spanning the prolate-oblate transition discussed, are presented.
This paper summarises a presentation given at the IRRMA8 conference in June 2011 which reviewed briefly the topic of current research studies in the evolution of nuclear structure with changing proton and neutron numbers. A short review of relevant contemporary spectroscopic studies of the structure of nuclei with highly exotic N/Z ratios using projectile fragmentation and fission reactions is given, together with an overview of some of the physics research aims to be attacked using the proposed Decay Spectroscopy (DESPEC) LaBr3 Fast-Timing gamma-ray array for the NUSTAR project at the upcoming Facility for Anti-Proton and Ion Research (FAIR). Examples of recent results using both 'isomer' and β--delayed gamma-ray decay measurements with the Stopped RISING hyper-pure germanium array at GSI are summarised and used to highlight some of the fundamental physics studies which are expected to become available in this area of research in the coming decade. Examples of the performance of cerium-doped LaBr3 detectors from 'in-beam' test experiments are presented together with initial plans for the geometry of the planned multi-detector LaBr3(Ce) array for DESPEC.
A systematic study of the population probabilities of nanosecond and microsecond isomers produced following the projectile fragmentation of U-238 at 750 MeV/nucleon has been undertaken at the SIS/FRS facility at GSI. Approximately 15 isomeric states in neutron-deficient nuclei around A similar to 190 were identified and the corresponding. isomeric ratios determined. The results are compared with a model based on the statistical abrasion-ablation description of relativistic fragmentation and simple assumptions concerning gamma cascades in the final nucleus (sharp cutoff). This model represents an upper limit for the population of isomeric states in relativistic projectile fragmentation. When the decay properties of the states above the isomer are taken into account, as opposed to the sharp cutoff approximation, a good agreement between the experimental and calculated angular momentum population is obtained.
We report on spectroscopic information and lifetime measurements in the neutron-rich I-135,I-137,I-139 isotopes. This is the first lifetime data on iodine isotopes beyond N = 82. Excited states were populated in fast neutron-induced fission of U-238 at the ALTO facility of IJCLab with the LICORNE neutron source and detected using the hybrid nu-ball spectrometer. The level schemes of the I-135,I-137,I-139 isotopes are revised in terms of excited states with up to maximum spin-parity of (33/2(+)), populated for the first time in fast neutron-induced fission. We provide first results on the lifetimes of the (9/2(1)(+)) and (13/2(1)(+)) states in I-137 and I-139, and the (17/2(1)(+)) state in 137I. In addition, we give upper lifetime limits for the (11/2(1)(+)) states in I135-139, the (15/2(1)(+)) state in I-137, the (17/2(1)(+)) state in I-139, and reexamine the (29/2(1)(+)) state in I-137. The isomeric data in I-13(5) are reinvestigated, such as the previously known (15/2(1)(+)) and (23/21) isomers with T-1/2 of 1.64(14) and 4.6(7) ns, respectively, as obtained in this work. The new spectroscopic information is compared to that from spontaneous or thermal-neutron induced fission and discussed in the context of large scale shell-model (LSSM) calculations for the region beyond Sn-132, indicating the behavior of collectivity for the three valence-proton iodine chain with N = 82, 84, 86.
The population of isomeric states in the prompt decay of fission fragments—so-called isomeric yield ratios (IYRs)—is known to be sensitive to the angular momentum J that the fragment emerged with, and may therefore contain valuable information on the mechanism behind the fission process. In this work, we investigate how changes in the fissioning system impact the measured IYRs of fission fragments to learn more about what parameters affect angular momentum generation. To enable this, a new technique for measuring IYRs is first demonstrated. It is based on the time of arrival of discrete γ rays, and has the advantage that it enables the study of the IYR as a function of properties of the partner nucleus. This technique is used to extract the IYR of Te134, strongly populated in actinide fission, from the three different fissioning systems: Th232(n, f ), U 238(n, f ), at two different neutron energies, as well as Cf252(sf). The impacts of changing the fissioning system, the compound nuclear excitation energy, the minimum J of the binary partner, and the number of neutrons emitted on the IYR of Te134 are determined. The decay code talys is used in combination with the fission simulation code freya to calculate the primary fragment angular momentum from the IYR. We find that the IYR of Te134 has a slope of 0.004±0.002 with increase in compound nucleus (CN) mass. When investigating the impact on the IYR of increased CN excitation energy, we find no change with an energy increase similar to the difference between thermal and fast fission. By varying the mass of the partner fragment emerging with Te134, it is revealed that the IYR of Te134 is independent of the total amount of prompt neutrons emitted from the fragment pair. This indicates that neutrons carry minimal angular momentum away from the fission fragments. Comparisons with the freya+talys simulations reveal that the average angular momentum in Te134 following U 238(n, f ) is 6.0ℏ. This is not consistent with the value deduced from recent cgmf calculations. Finally, the IYR sensitivity to the angular momentum of the primary fragment is discussed. These results are not only important to help understanding the underlying mechanism in nuclear fission, but can also be used to constrain and benchmark fission models, and are relevant to the γ-ray heating problem of reactors.
The conceptual design of the BRIKEN neutron detector at the radioactive ion beam factory (RIBF) of the RIKEN Nishina Center is reported. The BRIKEN setup is a complex system aimed at detecting heavy-ion implants, β particles, γ rays and β-delayed neutrons. The whole setup includes the Advanced Implantation Detection Array (AIDA), two HPGe Clover detectors and up to 166 3He-filled counters embedded in a high-density polyethylene moderator. The design is quite complex due to the large number and different types of 3He-tubes involved and the additional constraints introduced by the ancillary detectors for charged particles and γ rays. This article reports on a novel methodology developed for the conceptual design and optimisation of the 3He-counter array, aiming for the best possible performance in terms of neutron detection. The algorithm is based on a geometric representation of two selected detector parameters of merit, namely, the average neutron detection efficiency and the efficiency flatness as a function of a reduced number of geometric variables. The response of the neutron detector is obtained from a systematic Monte Carlo simulation implemented in Geant4. The robustness of the algorithm allowed us to design a versatile detection system, which operated in hybrid mode includes the full neutron counter and two clover detectors for high-precision gamma spectroscopy. In addition, the system can be reconfigured into a compact mode by removing the clover detectors and re-arranging the 3He tubes in order to maximize the neutron detection performance. Both operation modes shows a rather flat and high average efficiency. In summary, we have designed a system which shows an average efficiency for hybrid mode (3He tubes + clovers) of 68.6% and 64% for neutron energies up to 1 and 5 MeV, respectively. For compact mode (only 3He tubes), the average efficiency is 75.7% and 71% for neutron energies up to 1 and 5 MeV, respectively. The performance of the BRIKEN detection system has been also quantified by means of Monte Carlo simulations with different neutron energy distributions.
The even-even N=90 isotones with Z=60-66 are known to undergo a first order phase transition. Such a phase transition in atomic nuclei is characterized by a sudden change of the shape of the nucleus due to changes in the location of the potential minimum. In these proceedings we report a measurement of the B4/2 ratio of 148Ce, which will probe the location of the low-Z boundary of the N=90 phase transitional region. The measured B4/2 value is compared to the prediction from the X(5) symmetry within the interacting boson model at the critical point between the geometrical limits of vibrators and rigid/axial rotors. The EXILL&FATIMA campaign took place at the high-flux reactor of the Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, were 235U and 241Pu fission fragments were measured by a hybrid spectrometer consisting of high-resolution HPGe and fast LaBr3(Ce)-scintillator detectors. The fast LaBr3(Ce) detectors in combination with the generalized centroid difference method allowed lifetime measurements in the picosecond region. Furthermore, this kind of analysis can serve as preparation for the FATIMA experiments at FAIR.
In-flight fission of a 345 MeV per nucleon 238U primary beam on a 2 mm thick 9Be target has been used to produce and study the decays of a range of neutron-rich nuclei centred around the doubly mid-shell nucleus 170Dy at the RIBF Facility, RIKEN, Japan. The produced secondary fragments of interest were identified eventby- event using the BigRIPS separator. The fragments were implanted into the WAS3ABI position sensitive silicon active stopper which allowed pixelated correlations between implants and their subsequent β-decay. Discrete γ-ray transitions emitted following decays from either metastable states or excited states populated following beta decay were identified using the 84 coaxial high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors of the EURICA spectrometer, which was complemented by 18 additional cerium-doped lanthanum bromide (LaBr3)
The yrast structure of 207Pb above the 13=2+ isomeric state has been investigated in deep-inelastic collisions of 208Pb and 208Pb at ATLAS, Argonne National Laboratory. New and previously observed transitions were measured using the Gammasphere detector array. The level scheme of 207Pb is presented up to ∼ 6 MeV, built using coincidence and γ-ray intensity analyses. Spin and parity assignments of states were made, based on angular distributions and comparisons to shell model calculations.
This paper reports preliminary results of the DESPEC campaign at GSI, focused on the study of neutron-deficient nuclei approaching 100Sn. The results presented show the isomeric decays of excited states with Iπ = 14+ and 8+ in 96Pd and 94Pd, respectively. The detailed characterisation of the DESPEC set-up and analysis methodologies, proven in this experimental run, are crucial for the future campaigns.
The gamma decays from an isomeric 10(+) state at 6457 keV in the nucleus Ni-54(28)26 have been identified using the GSI fragment separator in conjunction with the RISING Ge-detector array. The state is interpreted as the isobaric analog of the 6527-keV 10(+) isomer in Fe-54(26)28.The results are discussed in terms of isospin-dependent shell-model calculations. Clear evidence is presented for a discrete l = 5 proton decay branch into the first excited 9/2(-) state of the daughter Co-53. This decay is the first of its kind observed following projectile fragmentation reactions.
The effect of competing ions on the sorption behaviour of uranium onto carboxyl-functionalised graphene oxide (COOH-GO) were studied in batch experiments in comparison to graphene oxide (GO) and graphite. The effect of increasing the abundance of select chemical functional groups, such as carboxyl groups, on the selectivity of U sorption was investigated. In the course of the study, COOH-GO demonstrated superior performance as a sorbent material for the selective removal of uranyl ions from aqueous solution with a distribution coefficient of 3.72 ± 0.19 × 103 mL g−1 in comparison to 3.97 ± 0.5 × 102 and 2.68 ± 0.2 × 102 mL g−1 for GO and graphite, respectively.
The positive-parity yrast states in the 89Rb, 92Y, and 93Y nuclei were studied using gamma-ray spectroscopy with heavy-ion induced reactions. In the multinucleon transfer reactions 208Pb+90Zr (590 MeV) and 238U+82Se (505 MeV), several gamma-ray transitions were identified in these nuclei by means of coincidences between recoiling ions identified with the PRISMA spectrometer and gamma rays detected with the CLARA gamma-ray array in thin target experiments. Level schemes were subsequently determined from triple gamma coincidences recorded with the GASP array in a thick target experiment, in the reactions produced by a 470 MeV 82Se beam with a 192Os target. The observed level schemes are compared to shell-model calculations.
The very neutron deficient Z = N + 1 nuelei 7739Y, 7940Zr, and 8342Mo have been observed for the first time following the fragmentation of a 92Mo beam. In contrast, no evidence was found for the existence of 8141Nb and 8543Tc. The observation of 7739Y is of particular interest in light of the instability of the odd-proton, Z = N + 1 systems, 6935Br, 7337Rb, 8141Nb, and 8543Tc, and may be explained as a consequence of the shape polarizing effect of the highly deformed, prolate Z = N = 38 core. The experimental results are discussed within the framework of the shell-correction model, which together with proton-decay calculations allow an estimate of the proton separation energies of these highly exotic systems to be calculated.
Twenty-three oil scale samples obtained from the Libyan oil and gas industry production facilities onshore have been measured using high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry with a shielded HPGe detector, the work being carried out within the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory at the University of Surrey. The main objectives of this work were to determine the extent to which the predominant radionuclides associated with the uranium and thorium natural decay chains were in secular equilibrium with their decay progeny, also to compare differences between the total activity concentrations (TAC) in secular equilibrium and disequilibrium and to evaluate the measured activities for the predominant gamma-ray emitting decay radionuclides within the 232Th and 238U chains. The oil scale NORM samples did not exhibit radioactive equilibrium between the decay progeny and longer-lived parent radionuclides of the 238U and 232Th series.
Neutron-rich radioactive isotope (RI) beams in the vicinity of Zr110 were produced using the in-flight fission of a 345-MeV/nucleon U238 beam at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. The RI beams were separated in flight by the large-acceptance two-stage fragment separator BigRIPS. Isotopes were clearly identified in a low-background particle-identification plot, which was obtained from the measurements of time of flight, magnetic rigidity, and energy loss using beam-line detectors placed in the BigRIPS separator and the ZeroDegree spectrometer. Nine new isotopes, Br101, Kr102, Rb105,106, Sr108, Y110,111, Zr114, and Nb117, are reported for the first time, with their measured production cross sections compared with the extrapolations of lighter isotopes down to the femtobarn regime.
High resolution gamma spectrometry offers a rapid method to characterise waste materials on a decommissioning nuclear site. To meet regulatory requirements, measurements must be traceable to national standards, meaning that the spectrometers must be calibrated for a wide range of materials. Semi-empirical modelling software (such as ANGLE™) offers a convenient method to carry out such calibrations. This paper describes an assessment of the modelling software for use by a small laboratory based on a nuclear site. The results confirmed the need for accurate information on the detection construction if the calibration were to be accurate to within 10%.
A study of natural radioactivity from 90 different soil samples from the state of Kuwait has been carried out to ascertain the NORM concentration values across the country. The calculated activity concentrations were determined from: (i) the decays of the 226Ra, 214Pb and 214Bi members of the 4n+2 decay chain headed by 238U and; (ii) the 228Ac, 212Pb and 208Tl members of the 4n chain headed by 232Th. The study also included evaluations for the 235U decay chain with the 186 keV doublet transition used together with the measured 4n+2 activity concentration values to determine the 235U/238U isotopic ratios for each sample. The values for the arithmetic mean activity concentrations for 90 separate locations across Kuwait as determined in the current work were 17.2, 14.1, and 368 Bq/kg, with standard deviations of 5.2, 3.7 and 90 Bq/kg for the 238U, 232Th and 40K activity concentrations respectively. Measured isotope ratios for 235U/238U give an arithmetic mean value for all of the samples of 0.045±0.003, consistent with that expected for natural uranium. These results indicate no evidence for a radiologically significant dispersion of additional depleted uranium across the entire State of Kuwait from the 1991 Gulf War.
In the EXILL campaign a highly efficient array of high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors was operated at the cold neutron beam facility PF1B of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) to carry out nuclear structure studies, via measurements of γ-rays following neutron-induced capture and fission reactions. The setup consisted of a collimation system producing a pencil beam with a thermal capture equivalent flux of about 108 n s−1cm−2 at the target position and negligible neutron halo. The target was surrounded by an array of eight to ten anti-Compton shielded EXOGAM Clover detectors, four to six anti-Compton shielded large coaxial GASP detectors and two standard Clover detectors. For a part of the campaign the array was combined with 16 LaBr3:(Ce) detectors from the FATIMA collaboration. The detectors were arranged in an array of rhombicuboctahedron geometry, providing the possibility to carry out very precise angular correlation and directional-polarization correlation measurements. The triggerless acquisition system allowed a signal collection rate of up to 6 × 105 Hz. The data allowed to set multi-fold coincidences to obtain decay schemes and in combination with the FATIMA array of LaBr3:(Ce) detectors to analyze half-lives of excited levels in the pico- to microsecond range. Precise energy and efficiency calibrations of EXILL were performed using standard calibration sources of 133Ba, 60Co and 152Eu as well as data from the reactions 27Al(n,γ)28Al and 35Cl(n,γ)36Cl in the energy range from 30 keV up to 10 MeV.
High-spin states in 177Ta have been studied using the 170Er(11B,4n) reaction. New intrinsic states have been observed corresponding to 3-, 5-, and 7-quasiparticle high-K structures. Rotational bands built on most of the 3-and 5-quasiparticle states and some transitions above the 7-quasiparticle states have been identified. Several isomers have been found, the longest lived being the 49/2-, 7-quasiparticle state with a meanlife of 192 μs. Configurations for the observed intrinsic states have been assigned on the basis of gK values, alignments, and decay properties. While the properties of most of the bands are consistent with their proposed configurations, the behavior of some, including the one built on Kπ = 21/2- 3-quasiparticle isomer, is not well understood. Multiquasiparticle blocking calculations based on the Lipkin-Nogami method, are in good agreement with the excitation energies of the experimentally observed states and all the predicted states close to the yrast line up to spin 49/2 have been observed experimentally. The calculations predict the existence of a 9-quasiparticle 67/2- yrast trap at ∼ 8.5 MeV.
The properties of high-K isomers have been investigated by measuring γ rays from a source of the 31-year 178Hfm2 isomer and from the decay of implanted 178,179Lu beams. Low-intensity transitions have been identified in the decay of 178Hfm2, demonstrating a consistent extension of K-hindrance systematics to higher multipolarities, and elucidating the spin-dependence of the mixing between the two Kπ = 8- bands. A search is underway for new isomers in 178,179Lu and the preliminary results of the analysis are reported. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An evaluation of the radioactivity levels associated with naturally occurring radioactive materials has been undertaken as part of a systematic study to provide a surface radiological map of the State of Kuwait. Soil samples from across Kuwait were collected, measured and analysed in the current work. These evaluations provided soil activity concentration levels for primordial radionuclides, specifically members of the (238)U and (232)Th decay chains and (40)K which. The (238)U and (232)Th chain radionuclides and (40)K activity concentration values ranged between 5.9 ↔ 32.3, 3.5 ↔ 27.3, and 74 ↔ 698 Bq/kg respectively. The evaluated average specific activity concentrations of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K across all of the soil samples have mean values of 18, 15 and 385 Bq/kg respectively, all falling below the worldwide mean values of 35, 40 and 400 Bq/kg respectively. The radiological risk factors are associated with a mean of 33.16 ± 2.46 nG/h and 68.5 ± 5.09 Bq/kg for the external dose rate and Radium equivalent respectively. The measured annual dose rates for all samples gives rise to a mean value of 40.8 ± 3.0 μSv/y while the internal and internal hazard indices have been found to be 0.23 ± 0.02 and 0.19 ± 0.01 respectively.
The beta decays of 86Br and 91Rb have been studied using the total absorption spectroscopy technique. The radioactive nuclei were produced at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility in Jyväskylä and further purified using the JYFLTRAP. 86Br and 91Rb are considered to be major contributors to the decay heat in reactors. In addition, 91Rb was used as a normalization point in direct measurements of mean gamma energies released in the beta decay of fission products by Rudstam et al. assuming that this decay was well known from high-resolution measurements. Our results show that both decays were suffering from the Pandemonium effect and that the results of Rudstam et al. should be renormalized. The relative impact of the studied decays in the prediction of the decay heat and antineutrino spectrum from reactors has been evaluated
This paper presents precision measurements of electromagnetic decay probabilities associated with electric dipole transitions in the prolate-deformed nucleus 183Re. The nucleus of interest was formed using the fusion evaporation reaction 180Hf(7Li,4n)183Re at a beam energy of 30 MeV at the tandem accelerator at the HH-IFIN Institute, Bucharest Romania. Coincident decay gamma rays from near-yrast cascades were detected using the combined HPGe-LaBr3 detector array ROSPHERE. The time differences between cascade gamma rays were measured using the LaBr3 detectors to determine the half-lives of the two lowest lying spin-parity 9/2- states at excitation energies of 496 and 617 keV to be 5.65(5) and 2.08(3) ns respectively. The deduced E1 transition rates from these two states are discussed in terms of the K-hindrance between the low-lying structures in this prolate-deformed nucleus.
Background: Detailed spectroscopy of neutron-rich, heavy, deformed nuclei is of broad interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. Nuclei in the r-process path and following freeze-out region impact the resulting r-process abundance distribution, and the structure of nuclei midshell in both proton and neutron number helps to understand the evolution of subshell gaps and large deformation in these nuclei. Purpose: We aim to improve the understanding of the nuclear structure of 160Gd, specifically the Kπ = 4+ bands, as well as study the β decay of 160Eu into 160Gd. Methods: High-statistics decay spectroscopy of 160Gd resulting from the β-decay of 160Eu was collected using the GRIFFIN spectrometer at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility. Results: Two new excited states and ten new transitions were observed in 160Gd. The β-decaying half-lives of the low- and high-spin isomers in 160Eu were determined, and the low-spin state’s half-life was measured to be t1/2 = 26.0(8) s, ≈16% shorter than previous measurements. Lifetimes of the two Kπ = 4+ bandheads in 160Gd were measured for the first time, as well as γ -γ angular correlations and mixing ratios of intense transitions out of those bandheads. Conclusions: Lifetimes and mixing ratios suggest that the hexadecapole phonon model of the Kπ = 4+ bandheads in 160Gd is preferred over a simple two-state strong mixing scenario, although further theoretical calculations are needed to fully understand these states. Additionally, the 1999.0-keV state in 160Gd heavily populated in β decay is shown to have positive parity, which raises questions regarding the structure of the high-spin β-decaying state in 160Eu.
Gaseous fission products have been produced via thermal neutron irradiation of a highly-enriched uranium target and extracted using a custom gas processing system for measurement on a prototype, high-resolution β − γ coincidence detection system. The gas was extracted and measured in two stages in order to measure the prompt and β−–delayed fission products. This paper presents an overview of the system used to produce gaseous fission products, and the results of the advanced coincidence spectrometry techniques used to identify and quantify decays from the radionuclides produced, including the noble gases 85Kr, 85mKr, 88Kr, 133Xe, 135Xe, 133mXe and 135mXe, as well as 133I and 88Rb. The measurements were validated by determination of the nuclear decay half-lives, specifically for the ground state decay of 135Xe, which was found to be 9.15(49) hours and consistent with the literature value. This work demonstrates the UK capability to produce gaseous radionuclides for quality assurance and calibration purposes in Radionuclide Laboratories supporting the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). •Gaseous fission products have been produced through neutron irradiation of highly-enriched uranium at NPL.•A high-resolution beta-gamma coincidence detection system has been used to measure the gaseous fission products.•This paper compares the expected isotopic activity ratios from nuclear decay-ingrowth calculations with measurements.•The 135Xe half-life was determined through measurement and is in excellent agreement with the literature value.
This paper discusses preliminary work into the modelling and processing of coincidence measurements, for which a Monte-Carlo simulation and a post-processing program have both been developed. In the current work, a GEANT4 code is used to simulate a pair of NaI(Tl) scintillators, which are used experimentally to both develop the post-processing program and validate the GEANT4 model. This is found to be accurate to within 9% at a confidence level of 93.0% for energies from 30 to 3,000 keV.
Recoil Decay Tagging (RDT) is a very powerful method for the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei. RDT is a delayed coincidence technique between detectors usually at the target position and at the focal plane of a spectrometer. Such measurements are often limited by dead time. This paper describes a novel triggerless data acquisition method which is being developed for the Gamma Recoil Electron Alpha Tagging (GREAT) spectrometer that overcomes this limitation by virtually eliminating dead time. Our solution is a Total Data Readout (TDR) method where all channels run independently and are associated in software to reconstruct events. The TDR method allows all the data from both target position and focal plane to be collected with practically no dead time losses. Each data word is associated with a timestamp generated from a global 100MHz clock. Events are then reconstructed in real time in the event builder using temporal and spatial associations defined by the physics of the experiment.
A previously unreported isomer has been identified in Mo-99 at an excitation energy of E-x = 3010 keV, decaying with a half-life of T-1/2 = 8(2) ns. The nucleus of interest was produced following fusion-fission reactions between a thick Al-27 target frame and a Hf-178 beam at a laboratory energy of 1150 MeV. This isomeric state is interpreted as an energetically favored, maximally aligned configuration of nu h (11/2) circle times pi(g (9/2))(2).
The -decay half-lives of 94 neutron-rich nuclei 144−151Cs, 146−154Ba, 148−156La, 150−158Ce, 153−160Pr, 156−162Nd, 159−163Pm, 160−166Sm, 161−168Eu, 165−170Gd, 166−172Tb, 169−173Dy, 172−175Ho and two isomeric states 174mEr, 172mDy were measured at Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF), providing a new experimental basis to test theoretical models. Striking, large drops of -decay half-lives are observed at neutron-number N = 97 for 58Ce, 59Pr, 60Nd, 62Sm, and N = 105 for 63Eu, 64Gd, 65Tb, 66Dy. Features in the data mirror the interplay between pairing effects and microscopic structure. r-Process network calculations performed for a range of mass models and astrophysical conditions show that the 57 half-lives measured for the first time play an important role in shaping the abundance pattern of rare-earth elements in the solar system.
The high pressure torsion (HPT) has been used for the severe plastic deformation (SPD) treatment of liquid-phase sintered hard magnetic NdFeB-based alloy (5GPa, 1rpm, 5 torsions, ambient temperature). The amorphization of the crystalline alloy under the action of HPT has been observed. HPT permitted to obtain for the first time the mixture of two different amorphous phases with embedded grains of the ferromagnetic Nd2Fe14B phase. The SPD-treatment at ambient temperature TSPD=300K is frequently equivalent to the heat treatment at a certain elevated temperature Teff>300K. The composition of phases in the studied NdFeB-based alloy after HPT corresponds to the state at Teff~1170°C. •The NdFeB-based alloy amorphises under the action of severe plastic deformation.•Such amorphisation has been observed for the first time.•Mixture of two different amorphous phases with embedded nanocrystals is formed.•One amorphous phase is Fe-rich, another is Nd-rich.
The positive-parity yrast states in the Rb-89, Y-92, and Y-93 nuclei were studied using gamma-ray spectroscopy with heavy-ion induced reactions. In the multinucleon transfer reactions Pb-208+Zr-90 (590 MeV) and U-238+Se-82 (505 MeV), several gamma-ray transitions were identified in these nuclei by means of coincidences between recoiling ions identified with the PRISMA spectrometer and gamma rays detected with the CLARA gamma-ray array in thin target experiments. Level schemes were subsequently determined from triple-gamma coincidences recorded with the GASP array in a thick target experiment, in the reactions produced by a 470 MeV Se-82 beam with a Os-192 target. The observed level schemes are compared to shell-model calculations.
The (ν 5 2 [532] ⊗ 3 2 [411]) 4− state in 102Zr, populated in the β-decay of 102Y, has been measured to be isomeric with a mean lifetime of 9.5(7) ns. It decays via four transitions, two of which are ∆K = 2 (to the 3+ and 4+ members of the 2+ γ band) and one is ∆K = 4 (to the 4+ member of the ground state 0+ band). The fourth (low-energy) transition is inferred to decay to an as-yet unassigned state. Hindrances of 106 were derived for the ∆K = 2 transitions compared to Weisskopf estimates and the ∆K = 4 transition hindered by a factor of 109 . These values are consistent with the decay pattern of the analogous isomeric state in the neighbouring N = 62 nucleus 100Sr and with the broader systematics of such transitions. A comparison of the hindrances for the ∆K = 4 transitions suggests that 102Zr is hardened against the γ degree of freedom compared to 100Sr.
Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in the semimagic (N=50) nucleus Rh95 have been performed by means of the fast-timing technique. The experiment was carried out using γ-ray detector arrays consisting of LaBr3(Ce) scintillators and germanium detectors integrated into the DESPEC experimental setup commissioned for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (fair) Phase-0, Darmstadt, Germany. The excited states in Rh95 were populated primarily via the β decays of Pd95 nuclei, produced in the projectile fragmentation of a 850 MeV/nucleon Xe124 beam impinging on a 4 g /cm2 Be9 target. The deduced electromagnetic E2 transition strengths for the γ-ray cascade within the multiplet structure depopulating from the isomeric Iπ=21/2+ state are found to exhibit strong deviations from predictions of standard shell model calculations which feature approximately conserved seniority symmetry. In particular, the observation of a strongly suppressed E2 strength for the 13/2+→9/2+ ground state transition cannot be explained by calculations employing standard interactions. This remarkable result may require revision of the nucleon-nucleon interactions employed in state-of-the-art theoretical model calculations, and might also point to the need for including three-body forces in the Hamiltonian.
The RISING setup at the GSI-FRS facility was used to investigate the isomer and beta decays in N∼Z∼50 Cd, Ag and Pd isotopes. A preliminary analysis of the data has revealed new results on the Tz=1, 94Pd, 96Ag and 98Cd isotopes. In 94Pd a new high-spin isomer was observed, whilst in 96Ag 3 new isomeric states were identified, including core-excited states. In 98Cd a new high-energy isomeric γ-ray transition is observed, thus enabling us to confirm the previous spin assignment for the core-excited 12+ isomer.
Isomeric ratios have been measured for high-spin states in Po84198,200,206,208, At85208,209,210,211, Rn86210,211,212,213,214, Fr87208,211,212,213,214, Ra88210,211,212,214,215, and Ac89215 following the projectile fragmentation of a 1 AGeV U beam by a Be target at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung. The fragments were separated in the fragment separator (FRS) and identified by means of energy loss and time-of-flight techniques. They were brought to rest at the centre of the RISING gamma-ray detector array and intensities of gamma rays emitted in the decay of isomeric states with half-lives between 100 ns and 40 μs and spin values up to 55/2ℏ were used to obtain the corresponding isomeric ratios. The data are compared to theoretical isomeric ratios calculated in the framework of the abrasion-ablation model. Large experimental enhancements are obtained for high-spin isomers in comparison to expected values. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
High spin states in the neutron rich 188Os and 190Os nuclei have been populated using the 82Se + 192Os deep-inelastic reaction. The level schemes are extended up to spin I ≈21. The observed new structures are tentatively interpreted as fragments of rotational bands built on multi-quasiparticle configurations.
β-decay spectroscopy of 173,174Ho (Z = 67, N = 106,107) was conducted at Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN by using in-flight fission of a 345-MeV/u 238U primary beam. A previously unreported isomeric state at 405 keV with half-life of 3.7(12) μs and a spin and parity of (3/2+) is identified in 173Ho. Moreover, a new state with a spin and parity of 9- was discovered in 174Er. The experimental log ft values of 5.84(20) and 5.25(18) suggest an allowed-hindered β decay from the ground state of 174Ho to the Kπ = 8- isomeric state in 174Er. Configuration-constrained potential energy surface (PES) calculations were performed and the predictions are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results.
The β decay of 208Hg into the one-proton hole, one neutron-particle 20881Tl127 nucleus was investigated at CERN-ISOLDE. Shell-model calculations describe well the level scheme deduced, validating the proton-neutron interactions used, with implications for the whole of the N>126, Z
Direct lifetime measurements via γ–γ coincidences using the FATIMA fast-timing LaBr₃(Ce) array were performed for the excited states below previously reported isomers. In the N = 50 semi-magic ⁹⁶Pd nucleus, lifetimes below the I π = 8⁺ seniority isomer were addressed as a benchmark for further analysis. The results for the I π = 2⁺ and 4⁺ states confirm the published values. Increased accuracy for the lifetime value was achieved for the 4⁺ state.
We report on the measurement of lifetimes of excited states in the near-mid-shell nuclei Dy-164,Dy-166 using the gamma-ray coincidence fast-timing method. The nuclei of interest were populated using reactions between an O-18 beam and a gold-backed isotopically enriched Dy-164 target of thickness 6.3 mg/cm(2) at primary beam energies of 71, 76, and 80 MeV from the IPN-Orsay laboratory, France. Excited states were populated in Dy-164, Dy-166, and W-178,W-179 following Coulomb excitation, inelastic nuclear scattering, two-neutron transfer, and fusion-evaporation reaction channels respectively. Gamma rays from excited states were measured using the nu-Ball high-purity germanium (HPGe)-LaBr3 hybrid gamma-ray spectrometer with the excited state lifetimes extracted using the fast-timing coincidence method using HPGe-gated LaBr3-LaBr3 triple coincident events. The lifetime of the first I-pi = 2(+) excited state in Dy-166 was used to determine the transition quadrupole deformation of this neutron-rich nucleus for the first time. The experimental methodology was validated by showing consistency with previously determined excited state lifetimes in Dy-164. The half-lives of the yrast 2(+) states in Dy-164 and Dy-166 were 2.35(6) and 2.3(2) ns, respectively, corresponding to transition quadrupole moment values of Q(0) = 7.58(9) and 7.5(4) eb, respectively. The lifetime of the yrast 2(+) state in Dy-166 is consistent with a quenching of nuclear quadrupole deformation at beta approximate to 0.35 as the N = 104 mid-shell is approached.
GBL15, the UK’s noble gas certified Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) radionuclide laboratory supports the International Monitoring System (IMS) through measurement of environmental radioxenon samples using coincidence spectrometry. GBL15 currently utilises a system comprised of NaI(Tl) -detectors and plastic scintillator -detectors to measure coincident emissions from the four radioxenon isotopes of interest: Xe, Xe, Xe and Xe. This paper reports on the setup, calibration and assessment of the CEA/Mirion-developed PIPSBox, used in coincidence setup with a high-purity germanium detector. The system has been configured to measure the signals from the four radionuclides of interest and demonstrates improved discrimination between signals and less interference compared to the current system. The coincident detection efficiencies are quantified through measurement of spiked radioxenon samples.
A RISING experiment with an aim to study exotic Cd nuclei was carried out at GSI‐FRS facility. Some preliminary results from this experiment are presented here. In particular, the β decay of 96Cd to 96Ag revealed the existence of a high spin isomer predicted a few decades ago. In this context, the structures of both these nuclei are discussed. Shell model calculations using the Gross‐Frenkel interaction are used to interpret the results.
The effective prompt response function full width at half maximum, PRF FWHM of 637 ps (obtained from the prompt gamma pairs of 477 keV and 700 keV associated with the yrast 2+ state in 206Po), and 1007 ps (obtained from the Compton gamma pairs of 189 keV and 237 keV associated with the 192Os(18O,16O)194Os 2 neutron transfer reaction) were used in fitting the time difference spectra obtained from the gamma coincident pairsof 206 keV and 374 keV in a symmetrised LaBr3(Ce) associated with the gamma transitions in 192Os, using the Half-life program. The values of half-life measured by fitting these PRF FWHM of 637 ps and 1007 ps separately show an excellent agreement of 282(16) ps and 272(21) ps, respectively, which correspond to the global half-life value of 282(4) ps for the 192Os. The mean value of 277(12) ps from these two measurements was used in calculating the B(E2; IL ->IL-2) of 4233(114) e2fm4, which is equivalent to be 81(19) W.u.
The 25 Al(p, γ) reaction has long been highlighted as a possible means to bypass the production of 26 Al cosmic γ rays in classical nova explosions. However, uncertainties in the properties of key resonant states in 26 Si have hindered our ability to accurately model the influence of this reaction in such environments. We report on a detailed γ-ray spectroscopy study of 26 Si and present evidence for the existence of a new, likely ℓ = 1, resonance in the 25 Al + p system at Er = 153.9(15) keV. This state is now expected to provide the dominant contribution to the 25 Al(p, γ) stellar reaction rate over the temperature range, T ∼ 0.1 − 0.2 GK. Despite a significant increase in the rate at low temperatures, we find that the final ejected abundance of 26 Al from classical novae remains largely unaffected even if the reaction rate is artificially increased by a factor of 10. Based on new, Galactic chemical evolution calculations, we estimate that the maximum contribution of novae to the observed Galactic abundance of 26 Al is ∼0.2 M⊙. Finally, we briefly highlight the important role that Super-AGB stars may play in the production of 26 Al.
In a nuclear reactor, the decay of fission fragments is at the origin of decay heat and antineutrino flux. These quantities are not well known while they are very important for reactor safety and for our understanding of neutrino physics. One reason for the discrepancies observed in the estimation of the decay heat and antineutrinos flux coming from reactors could be linked with the Pandemonium effect. New measurements have been performed at the JYFL facility of Jyväskylä with a Total Absorption Spectrometer (TAS) in order to circumvent this effect. An overview of the TAS technique and first results from the 2009 measurement campaign will be presented. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013.
The gamma decay of excited states in the waiting-point nucleus Cd-130(82) has been observed for the first time. An 8(+) two-quasiparticle isomer has been populated both in the fragmentation of a Xe-136 beam as well as in projectile fission of U-238, making Cd-130 the most neutron-rich N=82 isotone for which information about excited states is available. The results, interpreted using state-of-the-art nuclear shell-model calculations, show no evidence of an N=82 shell quenching at Z=48. They allow us to follow nuclear isomerism throughout a full major neutron shell from Cd-98(50) to Cd-130(82) and reveal, in comparison with Ni-76(48) one major proton shell below, an apparently abnormal scaling of nuclear two-body interactions.
The neutron-rich isotope 136Sb has been produced following the relativistic projectile fission of 238U in an experiment performed at the Fragment Separator at GSI, Darmstadt. Delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of the fission products has been performed after isotope separation. A new isomeric state in 136Sb has been populated, and its lifetime measured as T1/2 = 565(50) ns. Realistic and empirical shell-model calculations have been performed and are compared to the experimental observables.
Relativistic energy projectile fragmentation of Pb-208 has been used to produce a range of exotic nuclei. The nuclei of interest were studied by detecting delayed gamma rays following the decay of isomeric states. Experimental information on the excited states of the neutron-rich N = 126 nucleus, Pt-204, following internal decay of two isomeric states, was obtained for the first time. In addition, decays from the previously reported isomeric I=27h and I=(49/2)h states in Tb-148 and Gd-147, respectively, have been observed. These isomeric decays represent the highest spin discrete states observed to date following a projectile fragmentation reaction, and opens further the possibility of doing 'high-spin physics' using this technique.
Prompt and delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich 94Kr was performed, as part of the fission campaign at the ALTO facility of the IPN Orsay, using the fast-neutron-induced fission reaction 238U(n,f) in combination with the ν-Ball array, a novel hybrid γ spectrometer for energy and lifetime measurements. Several new yrast and nonyrast transitions were observed for the first time, extending the previously known level scheme. Additionally, we report on the observation of a new short-lived isomer at 3444 keV with a half-life of 32(3) ns. The analysis of the Nilsson orbitals obtained from Gogny cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations suggests a (9−) spin and an oblate deformation for this isomer corresponding to a two-quasineutron state, indicating an isomeric structure very similar to that of the neighboring isotones 96Sr and 92Se
Mean lifetimes of yrast states of the isotopes 174,176,178,180Hf have been measured using fast- electronic scintillation timing. Excited states of 74,176,178Hf were populated via β decay, while 180Hf was populated via Coulomb excitation. The lifetimes of the 2+ 1 and 4+ 1 states of all isotopes and the lifetimes of the 6+ 1 states of 174,178Hf were measured, using the slope and the centroid shift methods. The mean lifetime, τ (4+ 1 ) = 85(13) ps, of 178Hf has been determined for the first time. In addition, the mean lifetimes of the 2− 1 and the 3− 1 states of 176Hf have been determined. Systematic uncertainties on the evolution of data as a function of neutron number were reduced by using the same setup for all the isotopes of interest. The data are in agreement with other recent lifetime measurements where available and shows a shift of the maximum of collectivity for the Hf isotopic chain from neutron midshell at N = 104 to N = 100.
35 The Monte-Carlo simulated response for γ-ray detection of the FAst TIMing 36 Array (FATIMA) for exploitation within the the DEcay SPECtroscopy (DE-37 SPEC) experimental system at the FAIR Phase-0 facility at Darmstadt, Ger-38 many is presented. In this configuration, FATIMA consisted of 36 LaBr 3 (Ce) 39 detectors surrounding the AIDA, position sensitive charged-particle active stop-40 per. The decay of the I π =8 + isomer-fed decay cascade in 96 Pd, measured in 41 the first DESPEC experiment at the FAIR-0 facility was used to validate the 42 simulations. The experimental data yielded in-situ full-energy peak efficiency 43 values for FATIMA of 11.2(11)%, 6.8(7)%, 3.8(4)% and 2.1(4)% at 106, 325, 684 44 and 1415 keV respectively, consistent with the values derived from the simulated 45 response. 46
Detection of radioxenon is often considered the most probable indicator of an underground nuclear explosion. GBL15 is the UK's Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Certified Radionuclide Laboratory, operated at AWE Aldermaston and has a history of developing high fidelity coincidence detection systems for particulate radionuclides. The Laboratory also operates a SAUNA II system, using NaI(Tl) and plastic scintillator detectors to measure β - γ coincidences from the decay of the four radioxenon isotopes, namely 133Xe, 135Xe, 131mXe & 133mXe. Here the efforts to date in exploring new technologies for next generation laboratory-based β - γ coincidence spectrometry for radioxenon measurements are discussed. Results are presented from preliminary measurements using a PIPSBox detector with a high purity germanium γ detector and the output compared to that of lower resolution systems. This investigation will be used to scope future programmes on the technology used for the measurement of radioactive noble gas nuclides at GBL15.
The decay of five neutron-heavy rhodium isotopes were studied at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) Facility at the RIKEN Nishina Center after relativistic fission of 238U beam on a thick beryllium target. Previously unknown associated gamma-ray decay energies are reported for each nuclide, and through evaluating the intensity of the 2+ → 0+ E2 transition in the even-even palladium daughter nuclei, 120,122,124Pd, from the beta-tagged gamma-ray spectra an upper or lower limit of beta-delayed neutron emission is deduced for each nuclei. A general, expected trend of increasing Pn is observed in the direction of the neutron drip line.
We have recently successfully demonstrated a new technique for production and study of many of the most exotic neutron-rich nuclei at moderate spins. LICORNE, a newly developed directional inverse-kinematic fast neutron source at the IPN Orsay, was coupled to the MINIBALL high resolution -ray spectrometer to study nuclei the furthest from stability using the 238U(n; f) reaction. This reaction and 232Th(n; f) are the most neutron-rich fission production mechanisms achievable and can be used to simultaneously populate hundreds of neutron-rich nuclei up to spins of 16 ~. High selectivity in the experiment was achieved via triple -ray coincidences and the use of a 400 ns period pulsed neutron beam, a technique which is unavailable to other population mechanisms such as 235U(nth; f) and 252Cf(SF). The pulsing allows time correlations to be exploited to separate delayed rays from isomeric states in the hundreds of nuclei produced, which are then used to cleanly select a particular nucleus and its exotic binary partners. In the recent experiment, several physics cases are simultaneously addressed such as shape coexistence, the evolution of shell closures far from stability, and the spectroscopy of nuclei in the r-process path near N = 82. Preliminary physics results on anomalies in the 238U(n; f) fission yields and the structure of the 138Te and 100Sr nuclei will soon be published. A future project, -ball, to couple LICORNE with a hybrid escape-suppressed spectrometer to refine further the technique and achieve a large increase in the observational limit is discussed.
Using a hybrid Gammasphere array coupled to 25 LaBr3(Ce) detectors, the lifetimes of the first three levels of the yrast band in ¹¹⁴Pd populated via ²⁵²Cf decay, have been measured. The measured lifetimes are τ₂+=103(10)ps, τ₄+=22(13)ps, and τ₆+≤10ps for the 2⁺₁, 4⁺₁, and 6⁺₁ levels, respectively. Palladium-114 was predicted to be the most deformed isotope of its isotopic chain, and spectroscopic studies have suggested it might also be a candidate nucleus for low-spin stable triaxiality. From the lifetimes measured in this work, reduced transition probabilities B(E2;J→J−2) are calculated and compared with interacting boson model, projected shell model, and collective model calculations from the literature. The experimental ratio RB(E₂)=B(E2;4⁺₁→2⁺₁)/B(E2;2⁺₁→0⁺₁)=0.80(42) is measured for the first time in ¹¹⁴Pd and compared with the known values RB(E₂) in the palladium isotopic chain: the systematics suggest that, for N=68, a transition from γ-unstable to a more rigid γ-deformed nuclear shape occurs.
206Hg was populated in the fragmentation of an E∕A = 1 GeV 208Pb beam at GSI. It was part of a campaign to study nuclei around 208Pb via relativistic Coulomb excitation. The observation of the known isomeric states confirmed the identification of the fragmentation products. The isomeric decays were also used to prove that the correlations between beam identification detectors and the AGATA γ-ray tracking array worked properly and that the tracking efficiency was independent of the time relative to the prompt flash.
A high-resolution beta - gamma coincidence spectrometry system has been set-up and calibrated at the UK CTBT Radionuclide Laboratory (known as GBL15) at AWE. The system has been configured specifically to measure the signatures of radioxenon isotopes that can be indicative of a nuclear explosion. The high purity germanium (HPGe) and PIPSBox detectors have been placed in an ultra-low-background lead shield to reduce the background count-rate and new software allows the combination of signals from four detectors (two HPGe detectors and two silicon-based detectors) to cover a larger solid angle. Measurements of samples of radioxenon isotopes are used to realise an improved detection efficiency and background acquisitions have demonstrated the achievable detection limits to reach 1.3 mBq for Xe-133 and
Excited states have been studied in ____iso{159}{Sm}, ____iso{161}{Sm}, ____iso{162}{Sm} (Z~=~62), ____iso{163}{Eu} (Z~=~63), and ____iso{164}{Gd} (Z~=~64), populated by isomeric decay following 238U projectile fission at RIBF, RIKEN. The isomer half-lives range from 50 ns to 2.6 ____mus. In comparison with other published data, revised interpretations are proposed for ____iso{159}{Sm} and ____iso{163}{Eu}. The first data for excited states in ____iso{161}{Sm} are presented, where a 2.6 ____mus isomer is assigned a three-quasiparticle, K^____pi = 17/2^- structure. The interpretation is supported by multi-quasiparticle Nilsson-BCS calculations, including the blocking of pairing correlations. A consistent set of reduced E1 hindrance factors is obtained. Limited evidence is also reported for isomeric decay in 163Sm, 164Eu and 165Eu.
When a heavy atomic nucleus splits (fission), the resulting fragments are observed to emerge spinning; this phenomenon has been a mystery in nuclear physics for over 40 years. The internal generation of typically six or seven units of angular momentum in each fragment is particularly puzzling for systems that start with zero, or almost zero, spin. There are currently no experimental observations that enable decisive discrimination between the many competing theories for the mechanism that generates the angular momentum. Nevertheless, the consensus is that excitation of collective vibrational modes generates the intrinsic spin before the nucleus splits (pre-scission). Here we show that there is no significant correlation between the spins of the fragment partners, which leads us to conclude that angular momentum in fission is actually generated after the nucleus splits (post-scission). We present comprehensive data showing that the average spin is strongly mass-dependent, varying in saw-tooth distributions. We observe no notable dependence of fragment spin on the mass or charge of the partner nucleus, confirming the uncorrelated post-scission nature of the spin mechanism. To explain these observations, we propose that the collective motion of nucleons in the ruptured neck of the fissioning system generates two independent torques, analogous to the snapping of an elastic band. A parameterization based on occupation of angular momentum states according to statistical theory describes the full range of experimental data well. This insight into the role of spin in nuclear fission is not only important for the fundamental understanding and theoretical description of fission, but also has consequences for the γ-ray heating problem in nuclear reactors, for the study of the structure of neutron-rich isotopes, and for the synthesis and stability of super-heavy elements.
Excited states of the neutron-rich nucleus 148Ce have been populated by neutron-induced fission of 235U and 241Pu samples. Their electromagnetic decays were studied by means of γ-ray coincidence spectroscopy with fast-timing capabilities. Lifetimes of the 2+1 and 4+1 states of 148Ce were obtained and their E2 decay rates deduced. The B4=2 = B(E2; 4+1 → 2+1)=B(E2; 2+1 → 0+1) ratio indicates that 148Ce is a transitional nucleus while the N = 88/90 shape phase transition evolves into a gradual change of nuclear deformation for proton numbers Z < 60.
The population of metastable states produced in relativistic-energy fragmentation of a U-238 beam has been measured. For states with high angular momentum, I=17h and I=21.5h, a higher population than expected has been observed, with the discrepancy increasing with angular momentum. By considering two sources for the angular momentum, related to single-particle and collective motions, a much improved description of the experimental results can be obtained. In addition, new results on the structure of Fr-208, Ra-211 and Ac-216 are reported.
In a high-energy fragmentation experiment at GSI an I=π(6+) isomer and its γ-decay are identified in 102Sn, the two-neutron neighbour of the doubly-magic 100Sn. Its half-life is measured to be T=1/2367(11) ns. The possible existence of further isomers is discussed in the framework of large-scale shell model (LSSM) calculations including up to five particle-hole excitations of the 100Sn core. From the precise B(E2; 6+→4+) strength and the recently remeasured value for B(E2; 8+→6+) in the two-proton hole neighbour 98Cd effective E2 polarization charges for protons and neutrons were inferred including LSSM corrections within the full N=4 0ħω space. The results are discussed in comparison to predicted and empirically determined effective operators.
Lifetimes of low-lying yrast states in neutron-rich 94,96,98Sr have been measured by Germanium-gated γ−γ fast timing with LaBr3(Ce) detectors using the EXILL&FATIMA spectrometer at the Institut Laue-Langevin. Sr fission products were generated using cold-neutron-induced fission of 235U and stopped almost instantaneously within the thick target. The experimental B(E2) values are compared with results of Monte Carlo shell-model calculations made without truncation on the occupation numbers of the orbits spanned by eight proton and eight neutron orbits and show good agreement. Similarly to the Zr isotopes, the abrupt shape transition in the Sr isotopes near neutron number N=60 is identified as being caused by many-proton excitations to its g9/2 orbit.
The Rare Isotope Spectroscopic INvestigation at GSI (RISING) project is a major pan-European collaboration. Its physics aims are the studies of exotic nuclear matter with abnormal proton-to-neutron ratios compared with naturally occurring isotopes. RISING combines the FRagment Separator (FRS) which allows relativistic energies and projectile fragmentation reactions with EUROBALL Ge Cluster detectors for γ spectroscopic research. The RISING setup can be used in two different configurations. Either the nuclei of interest are investigated after being stopped or the heavy ions hit a secondary target at relativistic energies and the thereby occurring excitations are studied. For the latter case, MINIBALL Ge detectors and the HECTOR array are used in addition. Example achievements of the Fast Beam setup are presented and compared to various shell model calculations, while for the Stopped Beam setup initial results are shown. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Fast-neutron-induced fission of 238U at an energy just above the fission threshold is studied with a novel technique which involves the coupling of a high-efficiency γ-ray spectrometer (MINIBALL) to an inverse-kinematics neutron source (LICORNE) to extract charge yields of fission fragments via γ−γ coincidence spectroscopy. Experimental data and fission models are compared and found to be in reasonable agreement for many nuclei; however, significant discrepancies of up to 600% are observed, particularly for isotopes of Sn and Mo. This indicates that these models significantly overestimate the standard 1 fission mode and suggests that spherical shell effects in the nascent fission fragments are less important for low-energy fast-neutron-induced fission than for thermal neutron-induced fission. This has consequences for understanding and modeling the fission process, for experimental nuclear structure studies of the most neutron-rich nuclei, for future energy applications (e.g., Generation IV reactors which use fast-neutron spectra), and for the reactor antineutrino anomaly.
We present information on the excited states in the prolate-deformed, neutron-rich nuclei 165;167Tb100;102. The nuclei of interest were synthesised following in-flight fission of a 345 MeV per nucleon 238U primary beam on a 2 mm 9Be target at the Radioactive Ion-Beam Factory (RIBF), RIKEN, Japan. The exotic nuclei were separated and identified event-by-event using the BigRIPS separator, with discrete energy gamma-ray decays from isomeric states with half-lives in the s regime measured using the EURICA gamma-ray spectrometer. Metastable-state decays are identified in 165Tb and 167Tb and interpreted as arising from hindered E1 decay from the 7 2 [523] single quasi-proton Nilsson configuration to rotational states built on the 3 2 [411] single quasi-proton ground state. These data correspond to the first spectroscopic information in the heaviest, odd-A terbium isotopes reported to date and provide information on proton Nilsson configurations which reside close to the Fermi surface as the 170Dy doubly-midshell nucleus is approached.
decays from heavy, neutron-rich nuclei with A∼190 have been investigated following their production via the relativistic projectile fragmentation of an E/A=1 GeV 208Pb primary beam on a ∼2.5 g/cm2 9Be target. The reaction products were separated and identified using the GSI FRagment Separator (FRS) and stopped in the RISING active stopper. γ decays were observed and correlated with these secondary ions on an event-by-event basis such that γ-ray transitions following from both internal (isomeric) and β decays were recorded. A number of discrete, β-delayed γ-ray transitions associated with β decays from 194Re to excited states in 194Os have been observed, including previously reported decays from the yrast Iπ=(6+) state. Three previously unreported γ-ray transitions with energies 194, 349, and 554 keV are also identified; these transitions are associated with decays from higher spin states in 194Os. The results of these investigations are compared with theoretical predictions from Nilsson multi-quasiparticle (MQP) calculations. Based on lifetime measurements and the observed feeding pattern to states in 194Os, it is concluded that there are three β−-decaying states in 194Re.
Gamow-Teller β decay is forbidden if the number of nodes in the radial wave functions of the initial and final states is different. This Δn=0 requirement plays a major role in the β decay of heavy neutron-rich nuclei, affecting the nucleosynthesis through the increased half-lives of nuclei on the astrophysical r-process pathway below both Z=50 (for N ˃ 82) and Z = 82 (for N ˃ 126). The level of forbiddenness of the Δn=1v1g9/2 → π0g7/2 transition has been investigated from the β decay of the ground state of 207Hg into the single-proton-hole nucleus 207Tl in an experiment at the ISOLDE Decay Station. From statistical observational limits on possible γ-ray transitions depopulating the π0g-17/2 state in 207Tl, an upper limit of 3.9 x 10-3% was obtained for the probability of this decay, corresponding to log ft ˃ 8.8 within a 95% confidence limit. This is the most stringent test of the Δn=0 selection rule to date.
The quadrupole deformations for the low-lying states in the transitional nuclei (100,101)Pd have been deduced through the measurement of their electric quadrupole transition probabilities using the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift Method. The nuclei were studied using a 268MeV (80)Se beam impinging on a thin, self-supporting (24)Mg target. States in (100)Pd and (101)Pd populated by the four and three neutron evaporation channels respectively, with reaction gamma-rays detected using the SPEEDY gamma-ray detection array. The recoiling nuclei were stopped in a copper foil and gamma-ray coincidence data taken at 10 separate target-stopper distances between 35μm and 750μm. The mean-lifetimes for the lowest lying 2(+) (in (100)Pd) and 15/2(-) (in (101)Pd) states were measured to be 13.3(9)ps and 10.8(8)ps respectively. These data are compared with predictions from nuclear Total Routhian Surface calculations, which are found to agree with the experimentally deduced values to within 10%.
Neutron-rich nuclei were populated in a relativistic fission of U. Gamma-rays with energies of 135 keV and 184 keV were associated with two isomeric states in Pd and Ru. Half-lives of 0.63(5) μs and 2.0(3) μs were deduced and the isomeric states were interpreted in terms of prolate deformed single-particle states.
Preliminary lifetime values have been measured for a number of near-yrast states in the odd-A transitional nuclei 107Cd and 103Pd. The reaction used to populate the nuclei of interest was 98Mo( 12C,3nxα)107Cd, 103Pd, with the beam delivered by the tandem accelerator of the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at an incident beam energy of 60 MeV. Our experiment was aimed at the investigation of collective excitations built on the unnatural parity, ν h11/2 orbital, specifically by measuring the B(E2) values of decays from the excited levels built on this intrinsic structure, using the Doppler Recoil Distance Method. We report lifetimes and associated transition probabilities for decays from the 15/2- and the 19/2- states in 107Cd and the first measurement of the 15/2- state in 103Pd. These results suggest that neither a simple rotational or vibrational interpretation is sufficient to explain the observed structures. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
The β decay of 207Hg into the single-proton-hole nucleus 207Tl has been studied through γ-ray spectroscopy at the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) with the aim of identifying states resulting from coupling of the πs−11/2, πd−13/2, and πh−111/2 shell model orbitals to the collective octupole vibration. Twenty-two states were observed lying between 2.6 and 4.0 MeV, eleven of which were observed for the first time, and 78 new transitions were placed. Two octupole states (s1/2-coupled) are identified and three more states (d3/2-coupled) are tentatively assigned using spin-parity inferences, while further h11/2-coupled states may also have been observed for the first time. Comparisons are made with state-of-the-art large-scale shell model calculations and previous observations made in this region, and systematic underestimation of the energy of the octupole vibrational states is noted. We suggest that in order to resolve the difference in predicted energies for collective and noncollective t=1 states (t is the number of nucleons breaking the 208Pb core), the effect of t=2 mixing may be reduced for octupole-coupled states. The inclusion of mixing with t=0,2,3 excitations is necessary to replicate all t=1 state energies accurately.
Medium spin states of light N = 50 isotones have been populated using fast neutron-induced fission of 232Th. Online prompt γ spectroscopy has been performed using the hybrid γ spectrometer ν-Ball coupled to the LICORNE directional neutron source at the ALTO facility of IJCLab. Medium spin states of the neutron-rich nucleus 82Ge have been investigated using γ -γ and γ -γ -γ coincidence data to exploit the resolving power of ν-Ball. Two new transitions were assigned to this nucleus and a new level was placed in the level scheme. We tentatively assigned to this new state a (7+) spin-parity, which is interpreted as a new N = 50 core breaking state. This provides further insight into the energy evolution of the N = 50 shell gap toward 78Ni.
The activity concentrations of some natural and artificial radionuclides have been measured in soil samples by gamma-ray spectroscopy using a high purity germanium detector. From the obtained gamma-ray spectra, the activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th natural decay series and the long-lived naturally occurring radionuclide 40K have been determined, in addition to the fission product 137Cs. A wide range of different gamma-ray lines ranging from -100 keV up to 2.6 MeV, associated with the decay products of238U and232Th series have been analyzed independently to obtain more statistically significant overall results. The data have been analyzed, when secular equilibrium of the radionuclides is achieved within the samples. The weighted activity concentrations of 238U and232Th series vary from 4.4 to 64.4 and 0.8 to 7.6 Bq/kg, respectively. The activity concentrations of 40K and 137Cs have been found in the range of13.6 to 179.5 and 0.3 to 3.7 Bq/kg, respectively. Based on the measured activity concentrations, dose rate, radium equivalent, radiation hazard index and annual effective dose rates have been estimated. The values obtained are within the recommended safety limits.
We report on the observation of a microsecond isomeric state in the single-proton-hole, three-neutron-particle nucleus ¹³⁴In. The nuclei of interest were produced by in-flight fission of a ²³⁸U beam at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN. The isomer depopulates through a γ ray of energy 56.7(1) keV and with a half-life of T1/2=3.5(4)μs. Based on the comparison with shell-model calculations, we interpret the isomer as the Iπ=5− member of the π0g−19/2⊗ν1f37/2 multiplet, decaying to the Iπ=7− ground state with a reduced-transition probability of B(E2;5−→7−)=0.53(6)W.u.Observation of this isomer, and lack of evidence in the current work for a Iπ=5− isomer decay in ¹³²In, provides a benchmark of the proton-neutron interaction in the region of the nuclear chart “southeast” of ¹³²Sn, where experimental information on excited states is sparse.
The preliminary results from the RISING Stopped Beam Isomer Campaign are presented, with specific focus on results of the initial experiment to investigate isomeric decays along the N=Z line around A similar to 80-90 following the projectile fragmentation of a Ag-107 primary beam at an energy of 750 MeV per nucleon. A description of the technical aspects behind the design of the RISING array is presented, together with evidence for previously unreported isomeric decays in Tc-87,Tc-88 and the N=Z nuclei Nb-82(41) and Tc-86(43).
Nuclear structure of the neutron‐rich Se, and Ge isotopes is theoretically studied in terms of the spherical full shell model with the monopole and quadrupole pairing plus quadrupole‐quadrupole interaction. The experimental energy levels of low‐lying states as well as high‐spin states are well reproduced. The shell model results are examined in details in a pair‐truncated shell model. The analysis shows the alignment of two g9/2 neutrons at high spins.
The HISPEC-DESPEC collaboration aims at investigating the struc-ture of exotic nuclei formed in fragmentation reactions with decay spectroscopymeasurements, as part of the FAIR Phase-0 campaign at GSI. This paper reportson first results of an experiment performed in spring 2021, with a focus on beta-decaystudies in the Po-Fr nuclei in the 220 < A
The gyromagnetic factor of the low-lying Ex=684.10(19)keV isomeric state of the nucleus 99Mo was measured using the time-dependent perturbed angular distribution technique. This level is assigned a spin and parity of Jπ=11/2−, with a half-life of T1/2=742(13)ns. The state of interest was populated and spin-aligned via a single-neutron transfer on a highly enriched 98Mo target. A magnetic moment μexpt.=−0.627(20)μN was obtained. This result is far from the Schmidt value expected for a pure single-particle νh11/2 state. A comparison of experimental spectroscopic properties of this nucleus is made with results of multishell Interacting boson-fermion Model (IBFM-1) calculations. In this approach, the Jπ=11/2− isomeric state in 99Mo has a pure νh11/2 configuration. Its magnetic moment, as well as that of other two excited states could be reasonably well reproduced by reducing the free neutron spin g factor with a quenching factor of 0.45. This low value is not appropriate only for this case, similar values for the quenching factor being also required in order to describe magnetic moments in other nuclei from the same mass region
Neutron-rich nuclei beyond N = 126 in the lead region were populated by fragmenting a 238U beam at 1 GeV A on a Be target and then separated by the Fragment Separator (FRS) at GSI. Their isomeric decays were observed, enabling study of the shell structure of neutron-rich nuclei around the Z=82 shell closure. Some preliminary results are reported in this paper.
At the PF1B cold neutron beam line at the Institut Laue Langevin the EXILL array consisting of EXOGAM, GASP and LOHENGRIN detectors was used to perform (n,γ) measurements under very high coincidence rates. About ten different reactions were then measured in autumn 2012. In spring 2013 the EXOGAM array was combined with 16 LaBr3(Ce) scintillators in the FATIMA@EXILL campaign for the measurement of lifetimes using the generalised centroid difference method. We report on the properties of both set-ups and present first results on Pt isotopes from both campaigns.
The reaction of a pulsed 18O beam on a 164Dy target was studied in the first experiment with the NuBall array at the IPN Orsay, France. Excited state half-lives were measured using the fast timing method with 20 LaBr3(Ce) detectors. The timing characteristics of the fully digital acquisition system is briefly discussed. A value for the previously unknown half-life of the first excited 4+ state in 178W is presented.
Lifetimes of intermediate-spin states in two rotational bands of 99Zr have been measured. These states were populated following the neutron-induced fission of 235U at the PF1B beamline of the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, during the EXILL-FATIMA campaign. The nucleus 99Zr59 exhibits shape coexistence and lies precisely on the border of an abrupt change in ground-state deformation when going from N=58 to N=60, making its study interesting for understanding the mechanisms involved in the rapid onset of deformation here. The B(E2) values extracted for decays in the ν3/2[541] band allow quadrupole deformations of β2=0.34(1) and 0.26(3) to be determined for the 821.6- and 1236.6-keV members, whereas β2=0.32(3) was found for the 850.5-keV member of the ν3/2[411]band. Some of the excited states known in 99Zr have been reasonably described with interacting boson-fermion model (IBFM) calculations. Type-II shell evolution is proposed to play a major role in modifying single-particle energies in 99Zr.
Following the 2004 'Boxing day' tsunami, a determination has been made of the activity concentrations of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K in beach sand samples which have been collected from various locations along the Andaman coast of the Thai peninsula. Use has been made of a HPGe detector-based, low-background gamma-ray counting system. The natural radioactivity levels of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K measured from these samples was found to lie in the range 1.6-52.5, 0.3-73.9 and 2.8-1111.9Bq/kg respectively for the west coast and 3.5-83.1, 4.5-42.0, and 9.6-1376 Bq/kg respectively for the east coast. The radioactivity concentrations of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K along the Andaman coast are comparable to that of the east coast, which was not exposed to the tsunami. The corresponding annual effective dose varies from 1.6-105.9 μSv/y with a mean value of 59.1 ± 0.3 μSv/y, significantly lower than the worldwide average as reported by United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) (2000).
The structure of 183W has been studied by employing the 176Yb(14C,α 3n) reaction at 68 MeV. Five previously known rotational structure with one-quasiparticle configurations have been extended to higher spin states, and five new rotational bands with three- and five-quasiparticle configurations and a γ-vibration of a one-quasiparticle structure have been newly identified. In the ν7/2-[503] and ν11/2+[615] rotational structures, a signal of an admixture of an octupole- vibrational structure has been observed in their in-band B(M1)/B(E2) ratios and gΚ factors. In the Κπ = 19-M rotational band, a Coriolis effect on the ν1/2-[510] neutron has been identified. In all, 17 Κ-forbidden transitions have been observed. Energies of intrinsic states below 4 MeV have been calculated based on the Blocked BCS theory, and they are used in support of the configuration assignments. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 21.10.Re; 21.10.Tg; 23.20.En; 23.20.Lv; 27.70.+q.
The ʋ-ball is a high-efficiency hybrid spectrometer which consists of both germanium (Ge) detectors and associated anti-Compton BGO shields, coupled to lanthanum bromide (LaBr3) detectors. The hybrid configuration provides a combination of both excellent energy and timing resolutions. The ʋ-ball geometry allows the coupling with the LICORNE directional neutron source at the ALTO facility of the IPN, Orsay. This opens the possibility to perform precise spectroscopy of neutron induced reactions and was used for two experiments during the recent experimental campaign. These two experiments are described here: 1. Spectroscopy of the neutron-rich fission fragments produced in the 238U(n; f) and 232Th(n; f) reactions; 2. Spectroscopy above the shape isomer in 238U. The 238U(n; f) and 232Th(n; f) reactions produce hundreds of neutron-rich nuclei on which gamma-ray spectroscopy can be performed. The main goal of the experiment aiming to populate the shape isomer in 238U is the measurement of the gamma-ray and fission decay branches as well as determination of level scheme in the super-deformed minimum. The shape isomer is populated by 238U(n; n') reaction, which gives a very advantageous population cross section over other reactions. More detailed descriptions of these two ʋ-ball experiments will be presented here.
This contribution will report on the experimental work on the level structure of Dy-168. The experimental data have been taken as part of the EURICA decay spectroscopy campaign at RIBF, RIKEN in November 2014. In the experiment, a U-238 primary beam is accelerated up to 345 MeV/u with an average intensity of 12 pnA. The nuclei of interest are produced by in-flight fission of U-238 impinging on Be target with a thickness of 5 mm. The excited states of Dy-168 have been populated through the decay from a newly identified isomeric state and via the beta decay from Tb-168. In this contribution, scientific motivations, experimental procedure and some preliminary results for this study are presented.
Plastic-water phantom materials are not exactly water equivalent since they have a different elemental composition and different interaction cross sections for protons than water. Several studies of the water equivalence of plastic-water phantom materials have been reported for photon and electron beams, but none for clinical proton beams. In proton beams, the difference between non-elastic nuclear interactions in plastic-water phantom materials compared to those in water should be considered. In this work, the water equivalence of Plastic Water® (PW)1, Plastic Water® Diagnostic Therapy (PWDT)1 and solid water (WT1)2 phantoms was studied for clinical proton energies of 60 MeV and 200 MeV. This was done by evaluating the fluence correction factor at equivalent depths; first with respect to water and then with respect to graphite by experiment and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations using FLUKA. MC simulations showed that the fluence correction with respect to water was less than 0.5% up to the entire penetration depth of the protons at 60 MeV and less than 1% at 200 MeV up to 20 cm depth for PWDT, PW and WT1. With respect to graphite the fluence correction was about 0.5% for 60 MeV and about 4% for 200 MeV. The experimental results for modulated and un-modulated 60 MeV proton beams showed good agreement with the MC simulated fluence correction factors with respect to graphite deviating less than 1% from unity for the three plastic-water phantoms.
The 8π spectrometer at TRIUMF-ISAC consists of 20 Compton-suppressed germanium detectors and various auxiliary devices. The Ge array, once used for studies of nuclei at high angular momentum, has been transformed into the world's most powerful device dedicated to radioactive-decay studies. Many improvements in the spectrometer have been made, including a high-throughput data acquisition system, installation of a moving tape collector, incorporation of an array of 20 plastic scintillators for β-particle tagging, 5 Si(Li) detectors for conversion electrons, and 10 BaF detectors for fast-lifetime measurements. Experiments can be performed where data from all detectors are collected simultaneously, resulting in a very detailed view of the nucleus through radioactive decay. A number of experimental programmes have been launched that take advantage of the versatility of the spectrometer, and the intense beams available at TRIUMF-ISAC. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Lifetimes of excited states in 128Ce were measured using the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) and the Doppler-shift attenuation (DSAM) methods. The experiments were performed at the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory of Yale University. Excited states of 128Ce were populated in the 100Mo(32Si,4n) reaction at 120 MeV and the nuclear γ decay was measured with an array of eight Clover detectors positioned at forward and backward angles. The deduced yrast transition strengths together with the energies of the levels within the ground-state (gs) band of 128Ce are in agreement with the predicted values for the X(5) critical point symmetry. Thus, we suggest 128Ce as a benchmark X(5) nucleus in the mass A ≈ 130 region. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
Neutron-rich 160,161,162Sm isotopes have been populated at the RIBF, RIKEN via β first time. β-coincident γ rays were observed in all three isotopes including γ rays from the isomeric decay of 160Sm and 162Sm. The isomers in 160Sm and 162Sm have previously been observed but have been populated via β decay for the first time. The isomeric state in 162Sm is assigned a configuration based on the decay pattern. The level schemes of 160Sm and 162Sm are presented. The ground states in the parent nuclei 160Pm and 162Pm are both assigned a configuration based on the population of states in the daughter nuclei. Blocked BCS calculations were performed to further investigate the spin-parities of the ground states in 160Pm, 161Pm, and 162Pm, and the isomeric state in 162Sm
The population of Zr following the β decay of Y produced in the projectile fission of U at the GSI facility in Darmstadt, Germany has been studied. Y is known to decay into Zr via two states, one of high spin and the other low spin. These states preferentially populate different levels in the Zr daughter. In this paper the intensities of transitions in Zr observed are compared with those from the decay of the low-spin level studied at the TRISTAN facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory and of the high-spin level studied at the JOSEF separator at the Kernforschungsanlage Jülich. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
The preferred production mechanisms used to investigate the region of light nuclei, such as O, Ne and F, have been transfer reactions and, more recently, two-step fragmentation. Multi-nucleon transfer reactions can be an important complementary tool to populate this mass region. Deep-inelastic and multi-nucleon transfer reactions have been largely used to study heavier systems, however no information is yet available regarding the effectiveness of these reaction mechanisms going towards lighter nuclei. In this proceeding we present promising preliminary results from an experiment performed with a radioactive 24Ne beam from SPIRAL facility at GANIL using the VAMOS spectrometer in conjunction with the EXOGAM array. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
A γ-ray spectrometer with fast-timing capabilities, constructed of LaBr3(Ce:5%) detectors, is under development for use at the future Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR). The physics aims of this device are to measure the half-lives of excited states in the region of ∼50 ps to several ns, in exotic nuclei. Monte-Carlo simulations using the GEANT4 software package have determined the final design of this fast-timing array by calculating the full-energy peak efficiencies of several different detector geometries. The results of the simulated efficiencies for each configuration were used to calculate the timing precision. Consequently, an array of thirty six, ø3.8×5.1 cm cylindrical crystals was found to be the optimum configuration. The detectors were purchased and subsequently characterised, with each detector found to have intrinsic energy and timing resolutions of ∼ 2.8 % (FWHM) and ∼ 210 ps (FWHM) for the 1173 and 1332 keV decays from 60Co. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013.
This contribution will report on the experimental work on the level structure of 168Dy. The experimental data have been taken as part of the EURICA decay spectroscopy campaign at RIBF, RIKEN in November 2014. In the experiment, a 238U primary beam is accelerated up to 345 MeV/u with an average intensity of 12 pnA. The nuclei of interest are produced by in-flight fission of 238U impinging on Be target with a thickness of 5 mm. The excited states of 168Dy have been populated through the decay from a newly identified isomeric state and via the β decay from 168Tb. In this contribution, scientific motivations, experimental procedure and some preliminary results for this study are presented.
Correlation between grain size and activity concentrations of soils and concentrations of various radionuclides in surface and subsurface soils has been measured for samples taken in the State of Qatar by gamma-spectroscopy using a high purity germanium detector. From the obtained gamma-ray spectra, the activity concentrations of the 238U (226Ra) and 232Th (228Ac) natural decay series, the long-lived naturally occurring radionuclide 40K and the fission product radionuclide 137Cs have been determined. Gamma dose rate, radium equivalent, radiation hazard index and annual effective dose rates have also been estimated from these data. In order to observe the effect of grain size on the radioactivity of soil, three grain sizes were used i.e., smaller than 0.5 mm; smaller than 1 mm and greater than 0.5 mm; and smaller than 2 mm and greater than 1 mm. The weighted activity concentrations of the 238U series nuclides in 0.5-2 mm grain size of sample numbers was found to vary from 2.5±0.2 to 28.5±0.5 Bq/kg, whereas, the weighted activity concentration of 40 K varied from 21±4 to 188±10 Bq/kg. The weighted activity concentrations of 238U series and 40 K have been found to be higher in the finest grain size. However, for the 232Th series, the activity concentrations in the 1-2 mm grain size of one sample were found to be higher than in the 0.5-1 mm grain size. In the study of surface and subsurface soil samples, the activity concentration levels of 238 U series have been found to range from 15.9±0.3 to 24.1±0.9 Bq/kg, in the surface soil samples (0-5 cm) and 14.5±0.3 to 23.6±0.5 Bq/kg in the subsurface soil samples (5-25 cm). The activity concen- trations of 232Th series have been found to lie in the range 5.7±0.2 to 13.7±0.5 Bq/kg, in the surface soil samples (0-5 cm) and 4.1±0.2 to 15.6±0.3 Bq/kg in the subsurface soil samples (5-25 cm). The activity concentrations of 40K were in the range 150±8 to 290±17 Bq/kg, in the surface soil samples (0-5 cm) and 129±7 to 299±14 Bq/kg, in the subsurface soil samples (5-25 cm). The activity concentrations of 238U series, 232Th series and 40K in the surface and deep soil samples are approximately same. The 137Cs activity concentration levels in surface soil samples in four sites were found to be higher than those observed for the soil samples that been collected at a depth of 5-25 cm. They ranged from 1.65±0.22 to 19.0±0.9 Bq/kg, in the surface soil samples (0-5 cm) and 0.5±0.2 to 15.4±0.7 Bq/kg, in the subsurface soil samples (5-25 cm).
Ever-lasting interest in the structure of 100Sn and neighbouring nuclei is still well justified by the fact that it is the heaviest doubly-magic nucleus with N=Z. State-of-the-art experimental techniques involving stable and radioactive beam facilities have enabled access to these exotic nuclei. In particular, the analysis of experimental data obtained in two DESPEC experiments at GSI Darmstadt extends the information on the shell structure and its evolution towards N = Z = 50, and allows the study of seniority conservation and proton-neutron interaction in the g9/2 orbit. Several theoretical approaches for shell-model investigations are discussed and their predictive power assessed. The calculated systematics of the reduced transition probabilities for high- to medium-spin states in N∼Z isotopes with active g9/2 orbit is presented for the first time.
A beta-decaying high-spin isomer in Cd-96, with a half-life T-1/2 = 0.29(-0.10)(+0.11) s, has been established in a stopped beam rare isotope spectroscopic investigations at GSI (RISING) experiment. The nuclei were produced using the fragmentation of a primary beam of Xe-124 on a Be-9 target. From the half-life and the observed gamma decays in the daughter nucleus, Ag-96, we conclude that the beta-decaying state is the long predicted 16(+) "spin-gap'' isomer. Shell-model calculations, using the Gross-Frenkel interaction and the pi nu(p(1/2,)g(9/2)) model space, show that the isoscalar component of the neutron-proton interaction is essential to explain the origin of the isomer. Core excitations across the N = Z = 50 gaps and the Gamow-Teller strength, Bd(GT) distributions have been studied via large-scale shell-model calculations using the pi nu(g, d, s) model space to compare with the experimental B(GT) value obtained from the half-life of the isomer.
Nuclei in the A similar to 180 region have been populated and investigated in a series of multinucleon transfer and deep-inelastic reactions involving an 11.4 MeV per nucleon Xe-136 beam produced by the GSI UNILAC accelerator, impinging on a selection of tantalum and tungsten targets. The reaction products were released from a thermal ion source and subsequently mass selected using the GSI on-line mass separator. The unexpectedly high yield of gamma rays associated with the decay of the well established K-pi=37/2(-),t(1/2)=51.4 min isomer in Hf-177(72) and anomalous half-life characteristics associated with this decay lead to these data being interpreted as the beta(-) decay of a high-K isomer in the mother nucleus, Lu-177. By comparing the experimental findings with the predictions obtained from multi-quasiparticle blocked-BCS-Nilsson calculations, the proposed decay is suggested to be from a K-pi=39/2(-) five-quasiparticle state in Lu-177(71). A half-life of 7 +/- 2 min is determined for this beta-decay path which is estimated to have an excitation energy of approximate to3.9 MeV above the Lu-177 ground state.
We report the results of an experiment in which we studied the near-yrast states in selenium isotopes approaching N=50 following their population in multinucleon transfer reactions between a Se-82 beam and a Os-192 target. The level schemes for Se-80,Se-82 derived from the current work are compared with restricted-basis shell-model calculations and pair-truncated shell-model calculations. These provide a good description of the yrast sequences in these nuclei using a basis space limited to excitations in the nu(p3/2, p1/2, p1/2) and pi(f5/2, p3/2, p1/2) orbitals.
A projectile fragmentation experiment has been performed to populate the neutron-rich A ∼ 190 mass region, approaching the Z = 82, N = 126 closed shell. A previously unreported isomer is found in 200Pt, being the first new example, from fragmentation reactions, of a seniority 4 state established from γ-γ coincidences.
The single closed-neutron-shell, one proton-hole nucleus 207Tl was populated in deep-inelastic collisions of a 208Pb beam with a 208Pb target. The yrast and near-yrast level scheme has been established up to high excitation energy, comprising an octupole phonon state and a large number of core excited states. Based on shell-model calculations, all observed single core excitations were established to arise from the breaking of the N=126 neutron core. While the shell-model calculations correctly predict the ordering of these states, their energies are compressed at high spins. It is concluded that this compression is an intrinsic feature of shell-model calculations using two-body matrix elements developed for the description of two-body states, and that multiple core excitations need to be considered in order to accurately calculate the energy spacings of the predominantly three-quasiparticle states.
A multinucleon transfer reaction between a thin self-supporting 78198Pt target and an 850 MeV 54136X6 beam has been used to populate and study the structure of the N=80 isotone 56136Ba. Making use of time-correlated γ-ray spectroscopy, evidence for an Iπ=(10+) isomeric state has been found with a measured half-life of 91±2 ns. Prompt-delayed correlations have also enabled the tentative measurement of the near-yrast states which lie above the isomer. Shell-model calculations suggest that the isomer has a structure which can be assigned predominantly as (vh 11/2)10+-2. The results are discussed in terms of standard and pair-truncated shell-model calculations, and compared to the even-Z N=80 isotones ranging from 50130Sn to 68148Er. A qualitative explanation of the observed dramatic decrease in the B(E2:10+→8+) value for the N=80 isotones at 136Ba is given in terms of the increasing single-hole energy of the h11/2 neutron configuration as the proton subshell is filled. The angular momentum transfer to the binary fragments in the reaction has also been investigated in terms of the average total γ-ray fold versus the scattering angle of the recoils.
To study the β-decay properties of some well known delayed neutron emitters an experiment was performed in 2009 at the IGISOL facility (University of Jyväskylä in Finland) using Total Absorption -ray Spectroscopy (TAGS) technique. The aim of these measurements is to obtain the full β-strength distribution below the neutron separation energy (Sn) and the γ/neutron competition above. This information is a key parameter in nuclear technology applications as well as in nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. Preliminary results of the analysis show a significant γ-branching ratio above Sn. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.
There is significant interest in the use of terbium radioisotopes for applications in cancer therapy and diagnosis. Of these, 161Tb, as a medium energy beta-emitter, is being investigated as a potential alternative to 177Lu. The relatively high proportion of conversion electron and Auger electron emissions per decay make 161Tb an attractive targeted therapeutic. As a product of nuclear fission, 161Tb is also of importance to nuclear forensics. The standard uncertainty of the current evaluated half-life of 6.89(2) d contributes significantly to the standard uncertainty of any decay corrected activity determination made. Furthermore, the accuracy of this evaluated half-life has been called into question by measurements reported in 2020 at the Institute of Radiation Physics (IRA), Switzerland, who reported a half-life of 6.953(2) d. In the current work, the half-life of the 161Tb ground state decay has been measured at three independent laboratories located in the United Kingdom and the United States of America for a total of six determinations using three independent measurement techniques; gamma-ray spectrometry, ionisation chamber measurement and liquid scintillation counting. The half-life determined for 161Tb of 6.9637(29) d confirms the observed 1% relative increase observed by IRA, though the reported half-lives in this work and at IRA are significantly different (ζ-score = 3.1).
The STELLA (STELlar LAboratory) experimental station for the measurement of deep sub-barrier light heavy-ion fusion cross sections has been installed at the Andromède accelerator at the Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Orsay (France). The setup is designed for the direct experimental determination of heavy-ion fusion cross sections as low as tens of picobarn. The detection concept is based on the coincident measurement of emitted gamma rays with the UK FATIMA (FAst TIMing Array) and evaporated charged particles using a silicon detector array. Key developments relevant to reaching the extreme sub-barrier fusion region are a rotating target mechanism to sustain beam intensities above 10μA, an ultra-high vacuum of 10−8 mbar to prevent carbon built-up and gamma charged-particle timing in the order of nanoseconds sufficient to separate proton and alpha particles.
Recent experimental data on the low-lying states in W-190 show a change in the E(4(1)(+))/E(2(1)(+)) behavior compared to less neutron-rich neigbors. Self-consistent axially-deformed Hartree-Fock calculations, using a separable monopole interaction, of nuclei in the vicinity of W-190 are performed to systematically examine the evolution of ground state quadrupole deformations. It is found that the neutron number N=116 causes a coexistence of oblate and prolate shapes, with a weak dependence on proton number, thereby hindering the development of these isotones as well-deformed rotors.
Neutron-rich nuclei in the lead region, beyond N=126, have been studied at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI, exploiting the fragmentation of a primary uranium beam. Two isomeric states have been identified in Hg: the 8 isomer expected from the seniority scheme in the νg shell and a second one at low spin and low excitation energy. The decay strength of the 8 isomer confirms the need of effective three-body forces in the case of neutron-rich lead isotopes. The other unexpected low-lying isomer has been tentatively assigned as a 3 state, although this is in contrast with theoretical expectations. © 2013 Elsevier B.V..
Heavy neutron-rich nuclei were populated via relativistic energy fragmentation of a E/A=1 GeV 208Pb beam. The nuclei of interest were selected and identified by a fragment separator and then implanted in a passive plastic stopper. Delayed rays following internal isomeric decays were detected by the RISING array. Experimental information was obtained on a number of nuclei with Z=73-80 (Ta-Hg), providing new information both on the prolate-oblate transitional region as well as on the N=126 closed shell nuclei.
Preliminary results of the data analysis of the beta decay of 94Rb using a novel - segmented- total absorption spectrometer are shown in this contribution. This result is part of a systematic study of important contributors to the decay heat problem in nuclear reactors. In this particular case the goal is to determine the beta intensity distribution below the neutron separation energy and the gamma/beta competition above. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
We report on the first measurement of the half-lives of and four-quasiparticle states in the even-even nucleus 178W. The sub-nanosecond half-lives were measured by applying the centroid shift method to data taken with LaBr3(Ce) scintillator detectors of the NuBall array at the ALTO facility in Orsay, France. The half-lives of these states only became experimentally accessible by the combination of several experimental techniques - scintillator fast timing, isomer spectroscopy with a pulsed beam, and the event-by-event calorimetry information provided by the NuBall array. The measured half-lives are and for the and states, respectively. The decay transitions include weakly hindered E1 and E2 branches directly to the ground-state band, bypassing the two-quasiparticle states. This is the first such observation for an E1 transition. The interpretation of the small hindrance hinges on mixing between the ground-state band and the t-band.
The neutron-rich dysprosium isotopes ¹⁶⁸Dy₁₀₂ and ¹⁶⁹Dy₁₀₃ have been investigated using the EURICA γ-ray spectrometer, following production via in-flight fission of a high-intensity uranium beam in conjunction with isotope separation through the BigRIPS separator at RIBF in RIKEN Nishina Center. For ¹⁶⁸Dy, a previously unreported isomer with a half-life of 0.57(7) μs has been identified at an excitation energy of 1378 keV, and its presence affirmed independently using γ-γ-γ coincidence data taken with Gammasphere via two-proton transfer from an enriched ¹⁷⁰Er target performed at Argonne National Laboratory. This isomer is assigned Jπ = Kπ = (4⁻) based on the measured transition strengths, decay patterns, and the energy systematics for two-quasiparticle states in N = 102 isotones. The underlying mechanism of two-quasiparticle excitations in the doubly midshell region is discussed in comparison with the deformed QRPA and multi-quasiparticle calculations. In ¹⁶⁹Dy, the B(E2) value for the transition de-exciting the previously unreported Kπ = (1/2⁻) isomeric state at 166 keV to the Kπ = (5/2⁻) ground state is approximately two orders of magnitude larger than the E2 strength for the corresponding isomeric-decay transition in the N = 103 isotone ¹⁷³Yb, suggesting the presence of a significant γ-vibrational admixture with a dominant neutron one-quasiparticle component in the isomeric state.
The safe and cost-effective decommissioning of legacy nuclear sites relies on accurate measurement of the radioactivity content of the waste materials, so that the waste can be assigned to the most appropriate disposal route. Such measurements are a new challenge for the science of radionuclide metrology which was established largely to support routine measurements on operating nuclear sites and other applications such as nuclear medicine. In this paper, we provide a brief summary of the international measurement system that is established to enable nuclear site operators to demonstrate that measurements are accurate, independent and fit for purpose, and highlight some of the projects that are underway to adapt the measurement system to meet the changing demands from the industry.
Understanding the β-decay properties of fission products is very important for nuclear reactor monitoring & safety. Indeed, the β-decay of fission products is a source of power during nuclear reactor operation and after, this activity is the main contributor to the decay-heat representing ∼7-8% of a reactor nominal power. β-decay is also at the origin of the antineutrinos coming from nuclear reactor. The study of antineutrinos is mandatory for nuclear safeguard policies based on antineutrino detection. But there are still some discrepancies in the calculation of the decay-heat and antineutrino spectra. One reason of the distortions observed seems to be linked to the Pandemonium effect. In order to improve the accuracy in the prediction of these quantities, new measurements of fission products β-decay properties, not sensitive to this effect, have been performed with a Total Absorption spectrometer (TAS). An overview of the TAS technique and first results from the latest experiment will be presented. © 2013 IEEE.
The components, working principle and characteristics of FATIMA (FAst TIMing Array), a fast-timing detector system for DESPEC at FAIR, are described. The core system includes 36 LaBr3(Ce) scintillator detectors, a mounting frame for the DESPEC station and a VME-based fast-timing data acquisition system. The current electronic timing circuit is based on V812 constant fraction discriminators and V1290 time-to-digital converters. Gamma-ray energies are measured using V1751 digitisers. Characteristics of the core FATIMA system including efficiency, energy, and coincidence resolving time, as well as limitations, are discussed on the basis of test measurements performed in the S4 cave at GSI, Germany. The coincidence γ-γ time resolution for the prompt 60Co cascade is determined to be ~320 ps full width at half maximum. The total full energy peak efficiency at 1 MeV for the 36 detector array in the DESPEC setup is 2.9%. The energy-dependent prompt response centroid curve with the current CFD/TDC combination is shown to be smooth; the centroid shift method can be applied for the measurement of half-lives below 200 ps. An overview of applications of the FATIMA detectors as an ancilliary system in combination with other detector arrays during recent years is given. Data on the operation of the detectors in the presence of magnetic fields are presented.
The specific activity concentration of eight sand samples from three locations in the State of Espirito Santo, South Eastern Brazil have been determined for members of the 238U and 232Th decay series, as well as the primordial radionuclide 40K. The calculated activity concentration values and associated radiation hazard indices were evaluated. The thorium decay chain activities are significantly higher than that of comparable studies from other areas of the world, leading to calculated absorbed dose rate in air and radium equivalent activities which are higher than world averages. This is attributed to the geology of the monazite material which is ubiquitous in this region of Brazil. Trace elemental analysis was also carried out on these samples using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
We report on a gamma-ray coincidence analysis using a mixed array of hyperpure germanium and cerium-doped lanthanum tri-bromide (LaBr(3):Ce) scintillation detectors to study nuclear electromagnetic transition rates in the pico-to-nanosecond time regime in (33,34)P and (33)S following fusion-evaporation reactions between an (18)O beam and an isotopically enriched (18)O implanted tantalum target. Energies from decay gamma-rays associated with the reaction residues were measured in event-by-event coincidence mode, with the measured time difference information between the pairs of gamma-rays in each event also recorded using the ultra-fast coincidence timing technique. The experiment used the good full-energy peak resolution of the LaBr(3):Ce detectors coupled with their excellent timing responses in order to determine the excited state lifetime associated with the lowest lying, cross-shell, I(π)=4(-) "intruder" state previously reported in the N=19 isotone (34)P. The extracted lifetime is consistent with a mainly single-particle M2 multipolarity associated with a f(7/2)→d(5/2) single particle transition.
We investigate the decay of 87,88Br and 94Rb using total absorption γ -ray spectroscopy. These important fission products are β-delayed neutron emitters. Our data show considerable βγ intensity, so far unobserved in high-resolution γ -ray spectroscopy, from states at high excitation energy. We also find significant differences with the β intensity that can be deduced from existing measurements of the β spectrum. We evaluate the impact of the present data on reactor decay heat using summation calculations. Although the effect is relatively small it helps to reduce the discrepancy between calculations and integral measurements of the photon component for 235U fission at cooling times in the range 1–100 s. We also use summation calculations to evaluate the impact of present data on reactor antineutrino spectra. We find a significant effect at antineutrino energies in the range of 5 to 9 MeV. In addition, we observe an unexpected strong probability for γ emission from neutron unbound states populated in the daughter nucleus. The γ branching is compared to Hauser-Feshbach calculations, which allow one to explain the large value for bromine isotopes as due to nuclear structure. However the branching for 94Rb, although much smaller, hints of the need to increase the radiative width γ by one order of magnitude. This increase in γ would lead to a similar increase in the calculated (n,γ ) cross section for this very neutron-rich nucleus with a potential impact on r process abundance calculations.
The aim of the current work is to develop and validate a radiochemical separation scheme capable of separating both 236gNp and 236Pu from a uranium target of natural isotopic composition (~1 g uranium) and ~200 MBq of fission decay products. A target containing 1.2 g of UO2 was irradiated with a beam of 25 MeV protons with a typical beam current of 30 μA for 19 h in December 2013 at the University of Birmingham Cyclotron facility. Using literature values for the production cross-section for fusion of protons with uranium targets, we estimate that an upper limit of approximately 250 Bq of activity from the 236Np ground state was produced in this experiment. Using a radiochemical separation scheme, Np and Pu fractions were separated from the produced fission decay products, with analyses of the target-based final reaction products made using Inductively Couple Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and high-resolution α particle and γ-ray spectrometry.
Background: Neutron-rich nuclei with mass number between 100 and 110 attract much attention, since several kinds of shapes, such as spherical, prolate, oblate, and triaxial shapes, are predicted. In particular, for neutron-rich Mo isotopes, different models predict different magnitudes and rigidity of triaxial deformation. Previous interpretations of experimental results based solely on low-lying 2+2 states are insufficient to distinguish between the rigid triaxial shape, γ vibration, or γ -soft rotor. Purpose: The shape evolution of 106Mo, 108Mo, and 110Mo is investigated through their 2+1-state lifetimes, decay-branching ratios of the 2+2 state, and energies of the low-lying collective excited states with Kπ = 0+, 2+, and 4+. Method: β -delayed γ -ray spectroscopy was employed for neutron-rich Nb and Zr isotopes produced at the RIKEN RI Beam Factory to populate excited states in 106Mo , 108Mo , and 110Mo . The EUroball-RIKEN Cluster Array was used for high-resolution γ -ray detection and lifetimes of the 2+1 states were determined using the UK fast-timing array of LaBr3(Ce) detectors. Results: New γ -ray transitions and levels are reported, including newly assigned 0+2 states in 108,110Mo . Quadrupole deformations were obtained for 106,108,110Mo from their 2+1 energies and lifetimes. The β -delayed neutron-emission probabilities of 108 Nb and 110 Nb were determined by examining the γ rays of their respective daughter decays. Conclusions: The even-odd energy staggering in the 2+2 band was compared with typical patterns of the γ -vibrational band, rigid triaxial rotor, and γ -soft rotor. The very small even-odd staggering of 106 Mo, 108Mo, and 110Mo favors a γ -vibrational band assignment. The kinematic moment of inertia for the 2+2 band showed a trend similar to the ground-state band, which is as expected for the γ -vibrational band. Beyond-mean-field calculations employing the constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov and local quasiparticle-random-phase approximation method using the SLy 5 + T interaction reproduced the ground and 2+2 bands in 106Mo and 108Mo . The collective wave functions are consistent with the interpretation of the 2+2 band as the γ -vibrational band of the prolate shape. However, the staggering pattern observed in 110Mo differs from the one suggested in the calculations which predict a γ -soft rotor. There was no experimental indication of the oblate shape or the γ -soft rotor predicted in these Mo isotopes.
One of the most successful descriptions of the structure of atomic nuclei is the spherical shell model. It, however, becomes impractical when moving away from closed-shell nuclei. Instead, it is the interplay between the macroscopic shape degrees of freedom and the microscopic nature of the underlying single-particle structure in a deformed basis that determines the nuclear structure. Being the heaviest nucleus precisely in the middle of, known, closed proton and neutron shells, 170Dy has become a central calibration point for tests of collective models of nuclear physics. However, besides one candidate transition from a previous experiment in Legnaro, Italy, no experimental information is available for this nucleus. Using the EURICA setup at RIKEN, which couples the worlds highest intensity in-flight fission facility with a high-efficiency HPGe array, an experiment in November 2014 produced 170Dy nuclei by in-flight fission of a 238U beam. The results from this experiment provide a wealth of information on this elusive nucleus, including the evolution of quadrupole collectivity, rigidity and higher order deformations, as well as the long sought for isomeric K = 6+ state, predicted to be exceptionally pure at mid-shell. These results provide us with a rich level scheme for discussing both single-particle and collective structures at mid-shell.
A detailed study of the structure of the doubly mid-shell nucleus View the MathML source has been carried out, following isomeric and β decay. We have measured the yrast band up to the spin-parity Jπ=6+ state, the K=2γ -vibration band up to the 5+ state, a low-lying negative-parity band based on a 2− state that could be a candidate for the lowest energy octupole vibration state within this nucleus, and a candidate for the Kπ=6+ two quasi-particle isomer. This state was determined to have an excitation energy of 1643.91(23) keV and a half life of 0.99(4) μs, with a reduced hindrance for its decay to the ground-state band an order of magnitude lower than predicted by NpNn systematics. This is interpreted as being due to γ -vibrational mixing from a near degeneracy of the isomer and the 6+ state of the γ band. Furthermore, the parent nucleus 170Tb has been determined to have a half-life of View the MathML source s with a possible spin-parity of 2−.
Isomeric states in isotopes in the vicinity of doubly-magic 208Pb were populated following reactions of a relativistic 208Pb primary beam impinging on a 9Be fragmentation target. Secondary beams of 198;200;202;206Pb and 206Hg were isotopically separated and implanted in a passive stopper positioned in the focal plane of the GSI Fragment Separator. Delayed γ rays were detected with the Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA). Decay schemes were re-evaluated and interpreted with shell-model calculations. The momentum-dependent population of isomeric states in the two-nucleon hole nuclei 206Pb/206Hg was found to differ from the population of multi neutron-hole isomeric states in 198;200;202Pb.
Evidence has been obtained for the existence of the long predicted 16 spin-gap isomer in Cd. The decay of the isomer was identified and studied following the use of an 850 MeV/u beam of Xe impinging on a Be target and the fragment recoil separator at the GSI Laboratory. Gamma decays from the fragments were detected using the RISING gamma ray array, in its stopped beam configuration, plus a silicon active stopper. The data obtained have been compared with shell model predictions, which indicate that the isoscalar neutron-proton interaction plays a key role in the formation of the isomer. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
An island of isomers have recently been observed on both sides of the N=40 shell below the Ni isotopes. Isomeric states in the 65Fe and 67Fe allow the knowledge of the single particle structure around the νg 9/2 shell. Moreover, the excitation energy of the first 2+ and 4+ states in the 68Fe have been established by β-γ correlation. The evolution of the structure of the Fe isotopes going far away from the valley of stability is, for the first time, given for N>40. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.