Dr Pierre Arthuis
After studying both versatile engineering at École Centrale de Nantes (France) and physics at Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany), I prepared my PhD within the Nuclear Physics Department of CEA Paris-Saclay, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, working with Thomas Duguet and Jean-Paul Ébran. Right after obtaining my degree from Université Paris-Saclay in September 2018, I moved to University of Surrey, where I am now working as a post-doctoral researcher within the Nuclear Theory Group.
My research focuses on developing ab initio many-body methods to study the structure of finite nuclei, both from a formal and a computational point of view. My previous work includes the development and first application of Bogoliubov Many-Body Perturbation Theory, a low-cost correlated method relying on the concept of symmetry breaking. As part of this work with diagrammatic methods, I am the maintainer of ADG, an open-source Python package generating diagrams and expressions for several many-body methods.
Areas of specialism
My qualifications
(equivalent to a M.Sc.)
We describe the second version (v2.0.0) of the code ADG that automatically (1) generates all valid off-diagonal Bogoliubov many-body perturbation theory diagrams at play in particle-number projected Bogoliubov many-body perturbation theory (PNP-BMBPT) and (2) evaluates their algebraic expression to be implemented for numerical applications. This is achieved at any perturbative order p for a Hamiltonian containing both two-body (four-legs) and three-body (six-legs) interactions (vertices). All valid off-diagonal BMBPT diagrams of order p are systematically generated from the set of diagonal, i.e., unprojected, BMBPT diagrams. The production of the latter were described at length in Ref. [1] dealing with the first version of ADG. The automated evaluation of off-diagonal BMBPT diagrams relies both on the application of algebraic Feynman's rules and on the identification of a powerful diagrammatic rule providing the result of the remaining p-tuple time integral. The new diagrammatic rule generalizes the one already identified in Ref. [1] to evaluate diagonal BMBPT diagrams independently of their perturbative order and topology. The code ADG is written in Python3 and uses the graph manipulation package NetworkX. The code is kept flexible enough to be further expanded throughout the years to tackle the diagrammatics at play in various many-body formalisms that already exist or are yet to be formulated.
[1] P. Arthuis, T. Duguet, A. Tichai, R.-D. Lasseri, and J.-P. Ebran, Comp. Phys. Commun 240, 202 (2019).
We present the first ab initio calculations for open-shell nuclei past the tin isotopic line, focusing on Xe isotopes as well as doubly-magic Sn isotopes. We show that even for moderately hard interactions, it is possible to obtain meaningful predictions, and that the NNLOsat chiral interaction predicts radii and charge density distributions close to the experiment. We then make a new prediction for 100Sn. This paves the way for ab initio studies of exotic charge density distributions at the limit of the present ab initio mass domain, where experimental data is becoming available. The present study closes the gap between the largest isotopes reachable by ab initio methods and the smallest exotic nuclei accessible to electron scattering experiments.
We describe the first version (v1.0.0) of the code ADG that automatically (1) generates all valid Bogoliubov many-body perturbation theory (BMBPT) diagrams and (2) evaluates their algebraic expression to be implemented for numerical applications. This is achieved at any perturbative order p for a Hamiltonian containing both two-body (four-legs) and three-body (six-legs) interactions (vertices). The automated generation of BMBPT diagrams of order p relies on elements of graph theory, i.e., it is achieved by producing all oriented adjacency matrices of size (p+1)x(p+1) satisfying topological Feynman’s rules. The automated evaluation of BMBPT diagrams of order p relies both on the application of algebraic Feynman’s rules and on the identification of a powerful diagrammatic rule providing the result of the remaining p-tuple time integral. The diagrammatic rule in question constitutes a novel finding allowing for the straight summation of large classes of time-ordered diagrams at play in the time-independent formulation of BMBPT. Correspondingly, the traditional resolvent rule employed to compute time-ordered diagrams happens to be a particular case of the general rule presently identified. The code ADG is written in Python2.7 and uses the graph manipulation package NetworkX. The code is also able to generate and evaluate Hartree–Fock-MBPT (HF-MBPT) diagrams and is made flexible enough to be expanded throughout the years to tackle the diagrammatics used in various many-body formalisms that already exist or are yet to be formulated.
The last few decades in nuclear structure theory have seen a rapid expansion of ab initio theories, aiming at describing the properties of nuclei starting from the inter-nucleonic interaction. Such an expansion relied both on the tremendous growth of computing power and novel formal developments. This work focuses on the development of the recently proposed Bogoliubov Many-Body Perturbation Theory that relies on a particle-number-breaking reference state to tackle singly open-shell nuclei. The formalism is first described in details, and diagrammatic and algebraic contributions are derived up to second order. Its link to standard Many-Body Perturbation Theory is made explicit, as well as its connexion to Bogoliubov Coupled-Cluster theory. An automated extension to higher orders based on graph theory methods is then detailed, and the ADG numerical program generating and evaluating BMBPT diagrams at arbitrary order is introduced. Such a formal development carries implications that are not restricted to the present work, as the developed methods can be applied to other many-body methods. Finally, first numerical results obtained for oxygen, calcium and nickel isotopes are presented. They establish BMBPT as a method of interest for large-scale computations of isotopic or isotonic chains in the mid-mass sector of the nuclear chart.
A Rayleigh–Schrödinger many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approach is introduced by making use of a particle-number-breaking Bogoliubov reference state to tackle (near-)degenerate open-shell fermionic systems. By choosing a reference state that solves the Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov variational problem, the approach reduces to the well-tested Møller–Plesset, i.e., Hartree–Fock based, MBPT when applied to closed-shell systems. Due to its algorithmic simplicity, the newly developed framework provides a computationally simple yet accurate alternative to state-of-the-art non-perturbative many-body approaches. At the price of working in the quasi-particle basis associated with a single-particle basis of sufficient size, the computational scaling of the method is independent of the particle number. This paper presents the first realistic applications of the method ranging from the oxygen to the nickel isotopic chains on the basis of a modern nuclear Hamiltonian derived from chiral effective field theory.