Dr Roula Nezi

Senior Lecturer in Political Science
+44 (0)1483 686635
26 AP 01


University roles and responsibilities

  • Director of Postgraduate Research

    Previous roles

    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    University of Konstanz
    Senior Researcher
    GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences


    Research interests

    Research projects


    Postgraduate research supervision



    Carsten Wegscheider, Roula Nezi (2021)Who belongs to ›the people‹? The societal boundaries of national and European notions of citizenship, In: Democratic Citizenship in Fluxpp. 173-192 transcript Verlag
    Roula Nezi, Georgios Karyotis, Iakovos Makropoulos (2023)Culture wars? Assessing the impact of affective polarisation on cultural battles Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics and Political Science

    How does division in society along cultural issues influence affective polarisation? This paper argues that affective polarisation expressed as a group identity on the basis of partisanship can enforce inter-group conflicts on cultural and austerity issues. In our study we employ data from a newly collected data in Greece. Our analysis suggests that cultural and austerity issues reinforced divides and inter-group conflicts even today. Our findings have implications for understanding how affective polarisation can be conditional on views towards cultural and economic issues.

    Heidi Schulze, Roula Nezi, Ingvill C. Mochmann (2018)EUROLAB Annual Report 2017 SSOAR - GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
    Vasiliki Georgiadou, Anastasia Kafe, Spyridoula Nezi, Costis Pieridis (2019)Plebiscitarian Spirit in the Square. Key Characteristics of the Greek Indignants, In: International journal of politics, culture, and society32(1)pp. 43-59 Springer Nature

    The onset of the economic crisis and the austerity measures outlined in the EU\IMF bailout were followed by a series of large-scale protests in Greece. The continuous mobilization, for several weeks, of the Indignant Citizens was a distinct part of the overall events during this period. In this article, we focus on the mass mobilization of protesters who occupied Syntagma Square in May-June 2011. For our analysis, we conducted semi-structured interviews with the protesters involved in the mobilization. Focusing on their political attitudes, the article approaches their perspectives on democracy. Our results suggest that the Indignants' acceptance of an idealized form of democracy on the one hand, and the distrust of parliamentary practices, actors, and performance on the other, signify a demand for a new politics beyond the framework of representative democracy. Disappointment with representative politics and the glorification of direct democracy constitute the most important facets of this mobilization which left its mark on the Greek political scene.

    Marius R. Busemeyer, Julian L. Garritzmann, Erik Neimanns, Roula Nezi (2018)Investing in education in Europe: Evidence from a new survey of public opinion, In: Journal of European social policy28(1)34pp. 34-54 Sage

    Public opinion research has found that increasing the investment in education is generally very popular among citizens in Western Europe. However, this evidence from publicly available opinion surveys may be misleading, because these surveys do not force respondents to prioritize between different parts of the education system or between education and other social policies, nor do they provide information about citizens' willingness to pay for additional investment in education. To address these deficiencies, we conducted an original, representative survey of public opinion on education and related policies in eight European countries. Our analysis confirms that citizens express high levels of support for education even when they are forced to choose between education and other areas of social spending. But not all educational sectors enjoy equally high levels of support: increasing spending on general schooling and vocational education is more popular than increasing spending on higher education and early childhood education. Furthermore, we find that citizens are, in fact, willing to pay additional taxes in order to finance investment in education, at least in some countries and for some sectors of the education system.

    Roula Nezi (2023)After the Crisis: EU Issue Voting in Greece, In: Palgrave studies in European Union politicspp. 231-250 Springer International Publishing
    Marius R. Busemeyer, Aurelien Abrassart, Roula Nezi (2020)Beyond Positive and Negative: New Perspectives on Feedback Effects in Public Opinion on the Welfare State (vol 121, pg 254, 2019), In: British journal of political science50(2)pp. 807-807 Cambridge Univ Press
    Zoe Lefkofridi, Roula Nezi (2019)Responsibility versus responsiveness…to Whom? A theory of party behavior, In: Party Politics Sage Publications

    Late Peter Mair argued that, in the contemporary multilevel institutional setting of global governance, parties are faced with a dilemma between Responsiveness and Responsibility (RR dilemma). However, Mair did not theorize variation in how different parties experience the RR dilemma (degrees of tension) and how they manage it (strategies). We develop his work in three ways: first, we advance variants of the RR dilemma, where the tension party leaders face differs, and elucidate how viable contenders for executive office are likely to behave in each of these scenarios, and why. Second, we highlight domestic institutional factors (electoral rules and leadership autonomy) that regulate the pressure for responsiveness to public opinion and to partisans. Third, we place the RR dilemma in the context of multidimensional issue competition, which helps identify strategies for managing it. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration of our arguments using data on public opinion and partisans. We show that although responsibility can be combined with (some) voters’ representation, tension is high when leaders are constrained and partisans oppose responsibility even if the public endorses it; also, under disproportional electoral rules when the public opposes responsibility, even if party supporters endorse it.

    Additional publications