Dr Vahid Mirzabeiki
Dr. Vahid Mirzabeiki is a Senior Lecturer in Operations Management at the Department of Business Analytics & Operations of Surrey Business School. He is also the Research Liaisons Coordinator of the department. He is a Sustainability Fellow with the Institute for Sustainability.
Vahid’s research is published in several world-leading journals, including the International Journal of Operations & Production Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Business Research, Production Planning & Control, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, The International Journal of Logistics Management, British Food Journal, and other top scientific and industrial outlets. He has written several book chapters, industrial outlet articles, white papers and published teaching cases. Vahid is a member of the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Operations and Production Management and reviews papers for several leading journals of operations and supply chain management. He has secured funding and as Principal Investigator has led several research projects including from the UK Research and Innovation (UK RI) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). He has organised and chaired workshops and sessions at prestigious international conferences including EurOMA and POMS annual meetings.
Vahid is the winner of the Surrey Business School Mid-Career Researcher of the Year Award 2021/22.
Prior to joining Surrey, for five years (2013-2018) he held the positions of Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Supply Chain Management at Cranfield University School of Management. Between 2018-2020 he worked as a Senior Lecturer in Operations Management and the Director of the Executive MBA Apprenticeship programme at Coventry University Business School, where he was a key contributor to winning a £0.5 million contract from the Ministry of Justice of the United Kingdom.
Vahid has received his MSc and PhD in supply chain management from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. He has received his Post Graduate Certificate (PGCert) in Academic Practice from Cranfield University. Vahid is a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and a Member of Chartered Management Institute (MCMI).
Through several research and consulting projects, he has worked with leading organisations in Sweden and the UK, including DHL, Volvo, Nestlé, Pladis, GS1, and Swedish Transport Administration. He is constantly involved in very practically-relevant research in collaboration with innovative organisations.
Besides research, authorship, consultancy and company advising, he has more than fourteen years of experience in advanced teaching and module and programme leadership. Vahid has been invited by leading universities as a guest speaker. He is a Visiting Lecturer at Bayes Business School (City, University of London), and he has had supervision roles at Trinity College Dublin. He is External Examiner at Middlesex University Business School.
Vahid is leading the Supply Chain Design, Planning and Analysis module in the Business Analytics MSc programme at Surrey Business School.
My qualifications
Affiliations and memberships
ResearchResearch interests
Vahid's main themes of research include:
- Digitalisation of supply chains, focusing on traceability and blockchain applications
- Omnichannel integration, including data management aspects
- Collaboration-led sustainability in supply chains, including procurement and supplier performance management aspects
- Co-opetition in supply chains
- Resilience of supply chains
- Food supply chain management
Vahid is currently leading four research projects on the topics above. Furthermore, as the Principal Investigator he is leading the project ‘Retail Central Bank Digital Currency for Businesses and Household: Opportunities and Challenges’, funded by UK RI Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (December 2023-November 2024).
He has been a project lead and a co-investigator on a number of research and consulting projects funded by major industrial clients. A few of his previous projects include:
- 'Co-opetition in UK Logistics Industry' (2016-2017), funded by Cranfield University School of Management (project lead).
- 'GS1 Standards for Managing the Cost to Serve in Apparel Supply Chains' (2016), funded by GS1 UK (project lead).
- ‘Project Step Change in Agri-Food Logistics Ecosystems (SCALE) (2013-2015), funded by Interreg NWE, EU, in collaboration with DHL Supply Chain (Vahid worked as a full-time Senior Research Fellow at Cranfield University for two years on this project).
- ‘Intelligent Industrial Goods and ERP Systems’ (2008-2010), funded by Swedish Transport Administration (Vahid's PhD studies were mainly funded through this project).
- ‘Intelligent Excavation’ (2017-2018), funded by Highways England (co-investigator).
Research interests
Vahid's main themes of research include:
- Digitalisation of supply chains, focusing on traceability and blockchain applications
- Omnichannel integration, including data management aspects
- Collaboration-led sustainability in supply chains, including procurement and supplier performance management aspects
- Co-opetition in supply chains
- Resilience of supply chains
- Food supply chain management
Vahid is currently leading four research projects on the topics above. Furthermore, as the Principal Investigator he is leading the project ‘Retail Central Bank Digital Currency for Businesses and Household: Opportunities and Challenges’, funded by UK RI Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (December 2023-November 2024).
He has been a project lead and a co-investigator on a number of research and consulting projects funded by major industrial clients. A few of his previous projects include:
- 'Co-opetition in UK Logistics Industry' (2016-2017), funded by Cranfield University School of Management (project lead).
- 'GS1 Standards for Managing the Cost to Serve in Apparel Supply Chains' (2016), funded by GS1 UK (project lead).
- ‘Project Step Change in Agri-Food Logistics Ecosystems (SCALE) (2013-2015), funded by Interreg NWE, EU, in collaboration with DHL Supply Chain (Vahid worked as a full-time Senior Research Fellow at Cranfield University for two years on this project).
- ‘Intelligent Industrial Goods and ERP Systems’ (2008-2010), funded by Swedish Transport Administration (Vahid's PhD studies were mainly funded through this project).
- ‘Intelligent Excavation’ (2017-2018), funded by Highways England (co-investigator).
- Supply Chain Design, Planning and Analysis (MANM532) (module leader)
- Supply Chain Management (MAN3101)
- Executive Convenience Leadership Programme
- Operations Management (MAN1059)