Dr Eden Jiao

Lecturer in Hospitality Analytics
BSc, PhD


My qualifications

PhD in Tourism Forecasting
University of Surrey
BSc in Mathematical Science with a concentration in Operations Research and Statistics
Carnegie Mellon University


Research interests

Research projects



Jiao, X., Li, G., Qiu, R. T., & Chen, J. L. (2024). Analyzing Destination Resilience From A Spatiotemporal Perspective. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875241245048.

Liu, X., Liu, A., Jiao, X., & Liu, Z. (2024). The impact of policy intervention on international wine demand. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, (ahead-of-print).

Song, H., Jiao, E., & Park, S. (2023). Sectoral productivity and destination competitiveness. Annals of Tourism Research, 103, 103645.

Chen, J. J., Qiu, R. T., Jiao, X., Song, H., & Li, Y. (2023). Tax deduction or financial subsidy during crisis?: Effectiveness of fiscal policies as pandemic mitigation and recovery measures. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 4(2), 100106.

Jiao, X., Chen, J. L., & Li, G. (2021). Forecasting tourism demand: Developing a general nesting spatiotemporal model. Annals of Tourism Research, 90, 103277.

Jiao, X. (2021). Developing Spatiotemporal Econometric Methods for Tourism Demand Forecasting (Doctoral dissertation, University of Surrey).

Jiao, X., Li, G., & Chen, J. L. (2020). Forecasting international tourism demand: a local spatiotemporal model. Annals of Tourism Research, 83, 102937.

Li, G., & Jiao, X. (2020). Tourism forecasting research: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75(1), 263-266.

Jiao, E. X., & Chen, J. L. (2019). Tourism forecasting: A review of methodological developments over the last decade. Tourism Economics, 25(3), 469-492.