Psychology of Gender and Sexuality Lab

Welcome to our Lab!

We explore how people understand and experience gender and sexuality in society, focusing on the influence of roles, beliefs, and language.  

About us

Our research incorporates diverse research designs and methods, including experiments, correlational studies, longitudinal studies, and cross-cultural investigations, to uncover the dynamic ways in which gender and sexuality impact human experience.

By utilising these varied research methods, the Gender and Sexuality Lab aims to inform policies, interventions, and social initiatives that foster equality, understanding, and inclusivity. Addressing social disparities, occupational opportunities, health outcomes, discrimination, and societal attitudes, our research contributes to creating a more equitable society.

Lab directors

Dr Fabio Fasoli

Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology

I received my PhD in 2011 at University of Trento (Italy). From 2012 to 2013, I was a post-doc fellow first at CITEC (University of Bielefeld, Germany) and then at the University of Padua (Italy). In 2014-2015 I was a post-doc at ISCTE-IUL (Portugal), and a postdoc at the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2015-2016. I moved to Surrey in October 2016 as a Marie Sklodowska Curie fel...

Dr Aife Hopkins-Doyle

Lecturer in Social Psychology

Dr Aífe Hopkins-Doyle is a Lecturer in Social Psychology. Her research interest is in the social-cognitive and ideological factors influencing meta-perception and related attitudes, with a particular focus on gender relations, sexuality, political actions and social issues. She gained her BSc degree in Psychology (Hons) at the National University of Ireland at...