Building mutual trust 2 (BMT2)
Start date
01 January 2011End date
01 January 2013Overview
Directive 2010/64/EU on the right to translation and interpretation in criminal proceedings calls on member states to "request those responsible for the training of judges, prosecutors and judicial staff involved in criminal proceedings to pay special attention to the particularities of communicating with the assistance of an interpreter so as to ensure efficient and effective communication" (Article 6).
Building mutual trust 2 (BMT2) was a European project led by Middlesex University to address this call by offering a video-based learning environment that demonstrates best practices when working with suspects, defendants and witnesses through a spoken language interpreter. The video materials are available freely through the BMT2 website. Surrey contributed to the training module on remote interpreting.
Principal investigator
Professor Sabine Braun
Professor of Translation Studies, Director of the Centre for Translation Studies
See profile