Securing Europe (SECEUR) UACES Research Network
About us

The European security environment has worsened considerably. National, EU and NATO security threat perceptions and planning processes have been fundamentally challenged by the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Hence, for all actors, their policies, strategies and funding priorities were conceived to function in conditions of peace, not against a backdrop of a major, industrialised war.
The upending of security assumptions provides the theme for the network, but alongside the renewed interest in territorial defence, we observe that pre-existing security challenges like regional security and terrorism have not disappeared.
Moreover, it has become apparent that the lack of interaction between the silos of IR theory, peace studies, strategic studies and the Eurasian and European studies communities is problematic. This network aims to bridge the gaps and provide a welcoming but also intellectually stimulating and pluralist (methodologically and theoretically) environment for all with an interest in European security, especially the growing number of ECRs and PGRs working on the topic and those from marginalised communities.
Network convenors

Dr Laura Chappell
Senior Lecturer in European Politics, University of Surrey, UK
Dr Laura Chappell is Senior Lecturer in European Politics. She holds a PhD from the University of Birmingham and an MA in European Studies also from the University of Birmingham. She is the author of Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy. Converging Security and Defence Perspectives in an Enlarged EU (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012) and has published widely on different aspects of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy, Polish and German defence policies as well as gender and European security. She is also co-editor of European Security.

Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Professor of European Politics, Newcastle University, UK
See profile
Dr Patrick Müller
Professor for European Studies, Centre for European Integration Research (EIF), University of Vienna, and Vienna School for International Studies
See profile
Professor Tomáš Weiss
Professor in Area Studies, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
See profileSocial media
You can follow us via the following:
- Twitter @SecuringEurope
- Blue Sky
To be added to the SECEUR mailing list please email Dr Laura Chappell
Upcoming events
We are organising a themed track titled European Security for the UACES annual conference in Trento 1-4 September 2024 (in person) and 9 September (online). To be considered, please ensure you submit your abstract under the European Security track. The deadline for applications through the UACES conference site is 21 January 2024.