Our research

The research that we do in SEER cuts across several areas of social and personality psychology.

Current research

Our current research revolves around three main themes:

Social emotions and judgements

  • Social (e.g., nostalgia, happiness) and moral (e.g., disgust, anger, shame, and guilt) emotions in relation to psychological wellbeing and tolerance.
  • Stereotyping and social judgements about the perceived competence, morality and warmth of other individuals and groups.

Gender and sexuality

  • Language, voice, and communication (e.g., parent-child talk, media-representations) in relation to homophobia, gender-stereotyping and sexual objectification.
  • Promotion of equality and social change (e.g., feminism, collective action) and the reduction of prejudice and discrimination (e.g., sexual harassment, benevolent sexism).

The self and interpersonal relationships

  • Individual differences in personality, the self and identity (e.g., narcissism, moral identity, self-stereotyping) and their impact on social behaviour and interpersonal relationships.
  • Interpersonal dynamics (e.g., talk between parents and children, peers, and romantic partners) and their consequences for equality and psychological wellbeing.


For publications, please see each SEER member's individual web page.

Find us


Lewis Carroll Building (AC)
University of Surrey
See map