Faith and spirituality support
We are a vibrant multi-faith and multi-cultural community, and people of all faiths and beliefs are respected for all they bring to university life. Life at Surrey gives an opportunity for the expansion of the horizons, new experiences, discovery and exploration.
Chaplains are representative practitioners who, true to their own faith or belief, engage openly and honestly with those of all faiths and those who do not have a specific faith. They offer one-to-one pastoral care during your time as a student.
- Buddhist
- Christian (Anglican, Methodist, United Reformed Church and Othodox [Greek])
- Roman Catholic
- Hindu
- Humanist
- Jewish
- Muslim
- Sikh.
With our chaplains, you can explore all aspects of personal development, including the religious and spiritual dimensions of your life.
Spaces for worship
We have several places you can go for prayer, devotions, meditation and anything else as part of your faith and beliefs.
Chaplaincy Centre
The Chaplaincy Centre is located on Stag Hill campus and supports worship and spiritual practices, and the promotion of dialogue and peaceful co-existence between people of all faiths and beliefs. It hosts a multi-faith lounge area, a Christian oratory (prayer room) and Jewish Common Room for personal prayer and devotions.
Islamic Prayer Room
We have an Islamic Prayer Room located on Stag Hill campus. This space has wudu facilities and separate entrances.
Multi-faith Prayer Room
This facility is located within our Manor Park accommodation and is available for residents to take part in prayer, meditation and devotions.
Quiet Centre
The Quiet Centre, based on Stag Hill campus, exists as a space for prayer, meditation, reflection and acts of religious worship and associated hospitality.