Payment (fees and expenses)
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the annual honorarium and expenses.
Please note this page concerns fees and expenses for external examiners of undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes only. For any queries concerning external examiner fees and expenses relating to postgraduate research please contact the Doctoral College.
If you have any additional queries that are not covered here, please feel free to email these to externalexaminers@surrey.ac.uk and the Academic Quality Services team will respond to you as soon as possible.
How are my annual fees calculated?
External examiners' fees:
- Flat fee of £200 per appointment
- £2 per credit examined (i.e. £30 per typical 15 credit module)
- Attendance at Boards of examiners etc is embedded within the flat fee
N.B. The fees for external examiners appointed prior to the 2022/23 academic year are calculated differently. Please contact externalexaminers@surrey.ac.uk for details.
Where can I find information about my annual honorarium/fees?
This information can be found in your appointment letter. If you have any further queries in relation to your fee, please contact externalexaminers@surrey.ac.uk.
How can I claim my fees and expenses costs?
Please read the full guidance about claiming fees and expenses in the notes of guidance for external examiners (PDF).
Where can I find the payment/expenses claim form?
Download the claim form (xlsx). A hard copy can be requested from externalexaminers@surrey.ac.uk.
When will I be paid?
The University's Payroll team accepts claims up to the 10th of each month, with the exception of earlier deadlines in December and April due to bank holidays. The payment is made on the last working day of the month.