Doctoral College team

The Doctoral College has a wide range of specialist staff who are dedicated to supporting postgraduate and early career researchers.

If you have a general question and aren't sure who to ask, you can reach us on 

Meet the team

Dean of the Doctoral College

Dr Ruan Elliott

Dean of the Doctoral College, Senior Lecturer Nutrition

Faculty Associate Deans

Nicholas Hills profile image

Professor Nicholas Hills

Professor of Computational Engineering, Faculty Associate Dean of the Doctoral College

Kathrin Cohen Kadosh profile image

Dr Kathrin Cohen Kadosh

Associate Professor Psychology, Faculty Associate Dean of the Doctoral College

Allan Johnson profile image

Dr Allan Kilner-Johnson

Associate Professor in English Literature & Associate Dean (Doctoral College), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Researcher Development and Employability

Clare Wunderly

Head of Researcher Development and Employability

Nadya Yakovchuk profile image

Dr Nadya Yakovchuk

Lecturer in Academic Writing (PGRs)

Emma Francis

Researcher Careers & Employability Consultant

Rana Marrington

Researcher Careers & Employability Consultant

Research Degrees Programme Management

Julie Davies

Head of Doctoral College Operations

Jackie Gallagher

Senior Administrative Officer (FEPS)

Emma Proctor

Senior Administrative Officer (FHMS)

Karen Collins

Senior Administrative Officer (FASS)

Sarah Crawford

Administrative Officer (FEPS)

Renata Richardson

Administrative Officer (FHMS)

Lisa Sketchley

Administrative Officer (FASS)

Jo Sharp

Administrative Officer