If you have been contracted by the University to visit our main campus or other locations to undertake works please make yourself familiar with the following information to help your visit run smoothly.
Prior to arrival on site
Vehicle access
The roads running through the University are considered to be part of the public highway and as such are subject to enforcement under the Road Traffic Act. Please be aware of the driver signs (PDF).
Parking for contractor vehicles is restricted to minimal essential requirements. Parking requirements must be agreed in advance with the Project Manager/Contract Administrator.
Private cars must be parked in appropriate University pay and display (PDF) facilities. Motorbikes do not require a parking permit, but riders are requested to register their machines with the Security Office. Vehicles must only be parked in designated spaces. Parking on grassed areas is not permitted without the express permission of the Horticultural and Landscape Manager (via the Estates and Facilities Reception) and/or a security officer.
Upon arrival at the University contractors must report to the Estates and Facilities Management Reception (PDF). Whilst reporting to Reception contractors should temporarily park vehicles in the adjacent Reception parking bays.
Contractor vehicles associated with day-to-day operations and small projects
Reception staff will issue a contractor parking permit for use in the designated contractor parking area (PDF). The contractor parking area is used by a large number of university contractors and space is limited. The issuing of a permit does not guarantee parking at this location. If no spaces are available, on arrival at the parking area, contractors are advised to park in the on-site pay and display (PDF) car park. Please note that charges apply and contractor parking permits are not valid at this location. If parking adjacent to location of works is required contractors should take their contractor parking permit and contractor identity pass to the Security Office and seek the appropriate authorisation.
Contractors resident on site (i.e. working on large projects or projects with a long duration)
A request for ‘long term’ parking must be made in advance to your University contact, such parking arrangements will be considered on merit. Whilst any parking queries/requests are under consideration the contractor will be directed to park in the pay and display (PDF) car park.
Additional information is available from the Estates and Facilities Reception.
Health and safety requirements
If it is your first time working at the university you will be asked to read, sign and comply with the E&FM Health & Safety Instructions and Guidance for Contractors (referred to as The Green Book (PDF)), you will also be asked to attend a health and safety induction and regular contractors will have to have this refreshed annually.
In accordance with our Health & Safety Guidelines for the Management of Contractors we require copies from you of the following documents;
- Employers Liability Insurance certificate
- Public Liability Insurance Certificate
- Health & Safety Statement Document
- Copy of Risk Assessment relevant to University of Surrey
- Copy of Method Statement relevant to University of Surrey
- Memberships of trade related associations.
To ensure that all contractors are aware of the University of Surrey site regulations all contractors working on site are required to attend an initial contractor induction training session followed by an annual refresher.
Upon arrival
Immediately upon arrival at the University contractors must report to the Estates and Facilities Reception (PDF) (open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm). Contractors will be required to ‘sign-in’ and will be issued with a temporary identity card (Contractor Pass). Passes must be worn or clearly displayed at all times; failure to do so may result in access to some areas being denied. Lost passes can be replaced at Reception. If arrangements have been made for you to attend site outside of office hours contractors must report to the Security Office (PDF).
In order to be granted access to work on site the person requesting your visit (E&FM project managers, engineers etcetera) must log your visit with Reception on the contractor diary, if you have not been logged on the diary you will need to know why you have been requested to attend site and who from the university requested it, please ensure you have been advised of this before arrival. All visits to site should be prearranged and usually with three days' notice.
Keys and cards
At sign in you will be issued with any keys and/or door entry cards relevant to the areas you are working in.
Health and safety requirements
If the work you are undertaking is deemed to be high risk then a 'permit to work' will be waiting for contractors to sign, display on site and return following works. For more information refer to 'The Green Book' (PDF).
Sign out
At the end of each day (or visit) all passes, keys and door entry cards must be immediately returned to E&FM Reception or if out of hours, to the Security Office. Permit to work must also be returned to Reception or Security but are to be retained for the period assigned to the permit.